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It's all fun and games until... (long, language)

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  • It's all fun and games until... (long, language)

    This turned out pretty long... I think I'm turning into Jester.

    As some of you may have read in my past posts, I "work" at a video game convention on the East coast of the US. This year will be my 6th year working registration desk. I've also handled advertising, guest relations, scheduling, security, food prep, pretty much everything but writing the code for the reg process. I adore this "job" because I get to hang out with some of the coolest people ever: gamers. I also get to meet people who churn out some awesome VG projects: music, movies, sculpture, clothing, and even food. But this does not mean that I don't have to deal with a wide assortment of asshats and EBs.

    Entitled Underaged Gamer and/or Parent-
    Yes, this is fricking awesome. Wanna play against the Tetris world champion? He's over there. Wanna see The One Ups play live? Concert starts at 7pm. Wanna get in? We need a signed parental consent form. It's on the website in bold. If your parent can't sign it in front of us, we even provide instructions on how to get it notarized. No, we're not waiving it. We've had plenty of trouble with kids getting in trouble, we do not want to be legally responsible for them. No signature, no enterance. Please don't try to force your way in... 1. We have a great security team. 2. Because you've been arguing with me for at least 20 minutes, I know exactly what you look like. 3. You just filled out a registration form with your legal name, address, phone number, email, etc. It's just too easy.

    Underaged Ho-
    Just because you CAN have sex, DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD. Please put on some clothes. ALL of it. A little more, please, I don't want to know what your inner thighs look like. I'm sure that you're OMG SO HAWT compared to the rest of us(), but please don't scream about how gross that guy was. I saw him politely compliment your cosplay. If you feel uncomfortable with grown men staring at your naughty bits, why are you displaying them???? The guys here hit on you because they feel like they are amongst their own and that you, clearly not the standard of beauty either, might feel as alienated and wanting for affection as they do. If they don't float your boat, be gracious and politely decline. When you are disrespectful to them, it demonstrates a whole lot more ugliness from you than from them. For the love of God, don't go into that hotel room with that strange man. I've already dealt with one alleged rape before. There's a difference between having a good time and having a dangerous time.

    Speshal Snowflake Guest-
    I love your work. Wow. That Castlevania remix? TASTY. I'm not too big a fan of your attitude, though. We paid for your plane tickets and your hotel. That's pretty big for us, since we're still kinda small. We're not getting you the Presidental Suite. We're not paying for your room service and porn. We're not joking when we say not to get underaged girls drunk in your room. We're not joking when we say you're not welcome back next year. Make your second-rate fame and shove it.

    Drunken Con-Goer-
    I dunno about your state, but here in Virginia, we have an open-bottle law. You can't be running about in a public place, swigging your beer. Yes, a hotel lobby is considered a public place. If I find one more beer can lying about, I'll cut someone. If you have the wiles to disguise your booze, fine, whatev, but please don't get wasted. The more times we have to call 911 because someone has alcohol poisoning, the more restrictions we have to place and the more hotels who won't let us back. Cons aren't much fun when we're desperately hoping so-and-so didn't die from that power hour.

    Underaged Drunk-
    You know that wristband we gave you when you signed in? They're colour-coded according to age. So don't tell me it's okay for you to be drinking. Unless your wrist has green on it, I don't want to hear it. Oh, you lost your wristband? You're coming with me to the reg desk to get you a new one. Oh darn, you ARE underaged. Now I have the joy of putting notes on your reg and putting your name on the list of possible banned people. I see it one more time and I'm taking your badge. No refund. Suck it.

    Unknown Prankster-
    What is wrong with you? How can you possibly think it's acceptable to carve stuff into the hotel elevator doors??!?!?!! Why are you stealing the lamps and hiding them in random parts of the hotel? I'm sure antiquing is hilarious at your frat parties, but it's not funny here. If you can pranked other con-goers, I'd be more lenient, but innocent bystanders were messed with. NOT COOL. If I ever find out who you are, you will be banned for life, and other conventions will be warned about you.

    Poor Nerd-
    Okay, I spent my last paycheck on video games and comics. I understand how hard it is to save up money with so much nifty stuff out there. But you NEED a place to crash. You can't sleep in the lobby, in the video room, behind a table in Artists' Ally, in the bathroom, etc. The hotel super doesn't like that. What about a friend's room? A friend's house? Your car? The hotel rates aren't that bad here, and we've been offering discounted rates for years. What? You were planning on getting a room until you saw that sweet Kirby plushie? Dude. No. PLAN AHEAD. At the very least have money for food! You spent it on booze? I have nothing for you.

    Fountain of Con Stink-
    SOAP. WATER. IT'S NOT HARD. Hell, you can scrub up in the public bathroom. You're the reason I always carry one bottle of hand-sanitizer and one bottle of Frebreeze. I'm debating if I should hand some out with every badge.

    Clueless Dealer-
    As I've said, our security is hella tight. If you need to step away from your table, just let the nearest staff member know, and we'll assign someone to your swag. But if you don't take advantage of this offer, you're SOL. So don't come crying to me when your shit gets stolen. How stupid can you be? I hope you have insurance or something.

    Worst Cosplayer EVER-
    You're showing more flesh than fabric. I'm in no position to snark about someone's appearance, but I don't let my flab hang out like that. There are plenty of cosplays you can do without making me gag. This is not one. What convinced you to walk out in that? (I'm not talking about someone who is overweight or out of shape or whatever. I'm talking about morbidly obese people walking about wearing less than most at the beach do.) Also, PLEASE SHAVE IF YOU ARE WEARING A SKIMPY BOTTOM/UNDERWEAR/BIKINI. I really don't want to know what your pubes look like, plzkthxbaidiaf. There are children present. And remember, folks, double-sided tape is your friend!

    Glomp Addict-
    I can has personal space? I don't know you, I've never even seen you before, so don't fucking touch me. Ever seen a ferret freak out on someone? How about a rabid wolverine? That's about to happen to your face if you don't stop attacking me, my staff, my guests, anyone who doesn't have the wisdom to run far far away from you. No more Pocky for you, you scary sugar-tweaker.

    Chauvinistic Gamer-
    So you have a Y chromosome. I'm sure your mommy is very proud. I'm sure you've noticed I'm rocking the XX, and yet I also game. A lack of a Y does not equal a lack of skill, brains, or self-respect. The next person to assume I'm just here because of my boyfriend gets strangled with their badge cord.

    Non-Gamers Who Happen Upon Us-
    Welcome to our delightful sub-culture. We are a proud folk, usually intelligent and skilled and very accepting. We're more than willing to explain our con and the nuances of gamer society. Aren't we just precious? However, we don't like it when you come to our gatherings and declare us all freaks. A fair amount of us practice martial arts... how about we step outside?

    Despite all these loverly peoples, my con is still the highlight of my life. There's nothing like taking a huge pile of Chaos and whipping it into shape. I'm sure there are more stories, but I've run out of creative threats of bodily harm, so I'll save them for later.
    "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
    "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
    X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!

  • #2
    You know, all the cons I go to have to have a note "no costume is NO costume"in the program. There're reasons for that. *shudder* And this from someone who could not be described as svelte, except perhaps by Rubens.
    I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


    • #3
      Chauvinistic Gamer-
      So you have a Y chromosome. I'm sure your mommy is very proud. I'm sure you've noticed I'm rocking the XX, and yet I also game. A lack of a Y does not equal a lack of skill, brains, or self-respect. The next person to assume I'm just here because of my boyfriend gets strangled with their badge cord.
      I'm a guy and even I don't get why other guys assume things like that, hel, I prefer playing against female opponents, why? because generally they're less competetive to play with and so much more fun, since for me, playing games isn't about winning or losing, it's about having fun before one of those things happen
      I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


      • #4
        Ah, the joys of a gaming convention.

        My friendly local gaming con was bought out from the short-sighted bean-counter not quite 2 years ago and is now run by a pair of guys who want a rockin' gaming con, and if it makes money, that's icing. Unfortunately, it still suffers a big from the way it was run before, but the Erics (as we affectionately call them, seeing as how they're both named Eric) are really working to make major improvements.

        We don't have a lot of the problems you've mentioned currently. We've gotten too small for such hijinks, really. But I'm sure we'll get all sorts of lovely asshattery back once we've expanded again.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Did you see? We're getting invited back to Alexandria. Weird.

          Sigh. Figure I'll be stuck on concert door again, where I get to be bitched at because people can't read the big sign right next to me that says: No food, no drink, no backpacks in concert hall. NO BADGE NO ENTRY.

          I control your entry to the music fun, mwahaha!
          Would you like a Stummies?


          • #6
            Quoth RayvenQ View Post
            I'm a guy and even I don't get why other guys assume things like that, hel, I prefer playing against female opponents, why? because generally they're less competetive to play with and so much more fun, since for me, playing games isn't about winning or losing, it's about having fun before one of those things happen
            This I have to agree to. I play Team Fortress 2 with a usual group of people, and there's a young girl, maybe 15-16? that logs on to play every now and then, and whips out the sniper. Every time she gets a headshot, there's this explosion of 'SQUEE! gigglegigglegiggle' cause she's just happy she got someone. Im not sure she even cares much if we win or lose, she's just having fun playing, and I like that.

            Hell, those moments end up being more fun than an actual CP capture.

            "SQEEEE!!" "She got another one..."


            • #7
              Idiot with the 2 girls-
              Thanks for showing up with 2 girls all dressed up hanging off your arms. Im sure all us nerds are very enviouse. Wait, those chicks look an awful lot like the ones outside on the curb when we shwoed up. Hmmm did i forget to mention most of us come WITH our girlfriends? Who's the freak here bud.

              Convention is srs bsns guy-
              I know you didnt come to this convention to "Make second place in this bullshit tournement" But I came for fun. Go qq in the bathroom some more and play some Tickle me Emo. Btw DOTA sucks :/

              Hellow fellow nerdcon goer. I hail from Fragapalooza to the northwest. I feel your pain
              Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


              • #8
                Quoth UncleImpy View Post
                "SQEEEE!!" "She got another one..."
                I do about the same thing when my boyfriend plays with his friends. They will let the Yank come on and play with the big down under guys. When I start giggling over the mic it's time for the guys to wonder where exactly I am. Of course when one starts swearing they figured out where I was.

                Not even the boyfriend is safe.


                • #9
                  I've been going to Anime North in toronto for years now. I have four words for you. Thos who have been to an anime con will know my pain. Those who haven't... you are fortunate.

                  Those words are: Testosterone Scout Panty Flash.

                  That is all.
                  Check out my webcomic!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Polenicus
                    Testosterone Scout Panty Flash
                    I do believe there is a very interesting story behind this. I think my sanity can handle it. Please tell us.
                    "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

                    Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


                    • #11
                      probably along the lines of man-faye...


                      And no, do not google that unless you want to haul out your eyes with a spork later today for a good bleaching.

                      It's something you see a lot at cons- hirsute men- often flabby, hirsute men- dressing up like teenage or pre-teen girls, or, in the case of man-faye, dressing as women who run around in very, very skimpy clothing.

                      Awesome story, though. I do wonder what would happen if you started handing out soap with the badges- do you think the Erics might spring for a few crates of those little hotel soaps?
                      "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey


                      • #12
                        Well, the Erics don't have much to worry about regarding lack of hygiene right now. Our attendees are mostly the core group who've been going to this convention for the last decade and their friends/relatives/children. There are a lot of second gen gamers running around.

                        I'm not sure how unclejampuff's con bigwigs feel about it.

                        Although I do know that at least one of the Erics has the funds for little hotel soaps. He did buy half a convention, after all. He's also a programmer for Apple in the iPod division, so he's not going hungry...

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          When I once jokingly brought up the "handing out hygiene products" idea, my con's chairman tried very hard to squeeze it out of the budget. Sadly, we are small, and we did/do not have the money. We have, however, passed out free ramen so poor dipshits wouldn't starve. It's fun to make ramen in a hotel coffeemaker.

                          The Erics thing was funny to me, because we had a pair of Erics(I know at least one of them works in development for rhythm games and remixes VG music on the side) involved in our con. I don't think these are the same people, though.

                          The serious gamer guy is probably my least favourite; I can't believe I didn't put that in here. If you want to game OMG SO SERIOUS, go to a real competition. We don't even give out decent prizes. I could name a large number of people who deserve to be publicly called out for that nonsense, but I'm so much better than that.

                          Does anyone else know of any cons that colour-code their attendees by age? We do it because we've had massive problems with underaged drinkers. It's really weird to see the wristbands' effect on flirting. It's nice to not have to walk over and tell someone to stop courting statutory rape charges..... mostly.

                          Girl gamers, in my experience, usually do bring more fun to the table. I do know some scary competitive chicks though. It's awesome that I keep seeing more and more female gamers each year... and not just stereotypical girl geeks, either. I know one girl in a gamer clan who pays her bills by stripping. How often do you see that?
                          "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
                          "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
                          X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!


                          • #14
                            I've never been to any sort of anime or gamer convention. I always thought it'd be amusing to go just once. Though I'm not sure how long I'd last before I starting spitting venom at some of the people you mentioned. I'd probably come out with a write up 10 pages long of the horrors I'd witnessed. -.-


                            • #15
                              Yay! Convention goodness!
                              Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                              Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                              Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart

