Oh how could I have forgotten this tale! It was related to me by my brother who was in the national guard at the time.
It seems a fellow private while on leave must have had a few drinks, as no one could be this dumb sober. Well he went out to a hotel and got the brilliant idea to spread his own feces all over things, the wall, the tv, dresser, nightstand, etc... Well he was easy enough to track down and the base was notified. A Sergent accompanied him back to the hotel where he scrubbed his mess. Then the brilliant idea hit the Sergent and he took away scrub brush and informed him "Forget this. You put it up with your hands, you can take it down with your hands." Mind you by this time it had a chance to dry throughly, so he spend most of the day spitting and scratching at the wall.
I'm sure they allowed for a much more sanitary clean after that, but oh to be an ARMY Sergent. *sigh*
It seems a fellow private while on leave must have had a few drinks, as no one could be this dumb sober. Well he went out to a hotel and got the brilliant idea to spread his own feces all over things, the wall, the tv, dresser, nightstand, etc... Well he was easy enough to track down and the base was notified. A Sergent accompanied him back to the hotel where he scrubbed his mess. Then the brilliant idea hit the Sergent and he took away scrub brush and informed him "Forget this. You put it up with your hands, you can take it down with your hands." Mind you by this time it had a chance to dry throughly, so he spend most of the day spitting and scratching at the wall.
