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Wispering Clown Woman(long)

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  • Wispering Clown Woman(long)

    I work at a small costume shop in a collage town. Most of the time it is a lot of fun but then there are days when we are over run by SC's and just plain creepy people. Here is one of many

    Whispering clown woman
    It was a average slow summer morning at the shop I was working on a pile of repairs. A woman comes in and asks in a tiny whisper about our clown costumes. Now we do get people in who act like picking out a costume is something dirty or to be ashamed of I don't understand why but I help them cheerfully just the same.

    So I show her what we have in stock and she picks a few things and all the wile she is asking me all most in audible questions. "Is this good for a clown? Is this clown-like? Are you sure this is for a clown? will this make a good clown?"

    She repeats these questions for every clown related thing on the rack. Finally after trying everything in the section on she narrows it down to two outfits. She spends the next hour trying them on over and over again wile waffling between them. Every time I try to answer the phone or get back to patching things she comes and stands near me stareing until I am done and then starts her litany of questions over again.

    Unable to decided between them she comes over to the wigs and repeats these questions "Is this good for a clown? Is this clown-like? Are you sure this is for a clown? will this make a good clown?" for almost every female wig we have in stock last time I counted there were about 30 to 35 of them. Then she wanders off to obsessively try on the same two outfits again and I put all the wigs back in their places. She comes back and tries them all on again wile switching outfits between wigs.

    By the time she is done she has spent almost three hours of my four hour shift repeating the same questions over and over in a tiny voice I have to straining my ears to understand and clinging to me like a leach. I don't think I have ever been so happy to see some one leave.

    I have two that are even better than this one but I don't know if I can post them because they are NSFW.
    I think my freak magnet has upgraded it self to a freak black hole.

  • #2
    Hey, I'd love to hear! Maybe you could just put a 'NSFW' warning in the title.

    That woman was no help to those who are afraid of clowns! I would not want her entertaining any of my children (if i had any) !!


    • #3
      Um - just on the cusp of hearing her continuous litany of whining about a simple procedure that is now the centre of the universe's existence? If she was relatively young and busty with it, I would have said that you are where Tartislagbag wandered off to for the year when she did us the favour of not shopping with us.

      Yes, we named a customer Tartislagbag. We didn't like her.



      • #4
        I personally have NSFW fantasies about female clowns, and to a lesser extent, other costumes. Only reason I mention that, is that I wouldn't be surprised if most people get costumes for some sort of foreplay. I really haven't thought about it till now, but I guess costume shops could be a haven for pervs.

        I wouldn't feel comfortable going in and getting a costume for a legitimate purpose. I would be too worried that people are thinking I am a perv. So I can see how people might be ashamed/embarrassed. I know I certainly wouldn't want to be caught trying on costumes.


        • #5
          I have a friend who does parties as a clown. He enjoys getting different clown outfits, and he does not care at all what people think of him. Just about everyone has a NSFW fantasy it's just a big taboo among society.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #6
            Just another addition to the 'Clowns are evil, or at least annoying' file.
            "Because that's how magical meteoric size-altering space goo works." IMDB Message boards.


            • #7
              Quoth Mean Bunny View Post
              um what would that be?
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #8
                Not Safe For Work.



                • #9
                  Perhaps she was meeting up with these gentlemen?
                  NSFW link!


                  • #10
                    Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                    Perhaps she was meeting up with these gentlemen?
                    NSFW link!
                    I don't think I've every seen anything quite like that in my life... and to think these "men" are from my hometown.


                    • #11
                      Oh good greef why on earth did I click that link. I don't think my poor brain will ever forgive me. I don't think I can ever think of a clown the same way.
                      I think my freak magnet has upgraded it self to a freak black hole.

