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I only did it to get attention (very long)

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  • I only did it to get attention (very long)

    An SC admits he only did it for attention. This little gem of an e-mail came through to and was signed to every general email extension at our company, IE sales, customer service, porting, employment, tickets etc @

    This has been edited for language

    "<company> Cellular service interrupts my conversations and then disconnects me and it is pissing me off; I have to listen to your bull**** message while you disconnect my call.

    I don’t pay you <another word for chicken> suckers to disconnect me especially when I am paying the bill ahead of time.

    It cost me money to reconnect after listening to your crap… you <anus> holes, I am looking for another service.

    This is the way you <a colorful word for screw> your customers out of money; you do it to everyone and it’s another scheme to scam people.

    The worthless FCC will get a copy of this; they won’t do anything about it because they are just another <that same colorful word mentioned above> worthless piece of government <feces>… <lather rinse repeat on the colorful word> you and the FCC

    <a really nasty customer>"

    Below is the reply we sent

    "Hello Mr Customer,

    I am truly sorry about the problems that you are experiencing with the service.

    We would like a chance to correct the problem.

    If you could reply to this email, or contact me directly at the number below, I’m sure we could come to a satisfactory solution.

    It would help us immensely to know what <company> number you are having troubles with, what city and state you are in when your calls are disconnecting, and which message you are hearing.


    <nice customer service guy> (not me)

    And below is when the SC admits he did it just to get attention :frown:

    "My # (xxx)xxx-xxxx

    The last disconnect happened when your voice messenger notified me that I had 3 hours and I believe it said 92 days? Believe this, I was talking to another <company> Cellular customer and it happened to be my friend that recommended your service to me…two different models of phones!

    Don’t be personally offended, the aim other than to resolve my issue is to get those big-buck guys at the top to understand that there are issues that need to be addressed. I know how it works, you can’t complain to them but I can and did.

    Thanks for your immediate response, I am always greeted kindly and professionally by you all, but personally I don’t like corporate management at highest level, they are isolated from the flack and draw handsome salaries for being educated fools while shorting others.


    PS: Your Customer service is disconnecting text messaging; their suggestion of a possible simple cure and I agreed. Otherwise it’s a new phone or flash the memory."

    The beautiful part about this is those "bug-buck guys at the top" won't actually ever see his e-mail because they don't get involved unless its a hand written letter sent to corporate, which I admit he may have done.

    Whats worse is, the recording he is describing is not disconnecting, but is coming on because the caller he was speaking to either hung up or their line dropped IE the fault is on the end of the person or persons he is speaking to.

    Just to clarify, a normal call will play a recording at the end of the call once the other party has hung up to let them know how many minutes of airtime they have remaining and how long they have before they need to add additional airtime.

    Since the recording is playing "prematurely" then the other parties line dropped the call. How do we know this, because if his line dropped the call he would not be able to hear this recording.
    Last edited by Chanlin; 04-18-2008, 11:05 PM.

  • #2
    Oh goodness. Not another I will yell at you, until corporate gets off their butt and does something, people.

