My coworkers wonder why I hate cleaning the bathrooms at our store...
Oh, if only they knew...
Just to clarify first off, we have two single person bathrooms, one for men, one for women. Nothing fancy about them, no urinal in the men's (thank god).
Here are two lovely things I found upon entering the men's bathroom to clean it. And these incidents happened in the same week.
I always clean the women's first, since it's easy. (sorry guys, but it's almost a law of nature that men's bathrooms are always MUCH more nasty). Once I finished it on this particular night, I entered the men's and began cleaning. No big deal. Upon turning to the toilet, I lifted up the lid and found the bowl's rim covered in yellow drips, and smack dab in the middle was a big, fat, black pubic hair.
That nearly made me vomit. And to think I thought that was bad, until two nights later...
Same scenario, I finished cleaning the women's and entered the men's. I barely got the door open when the smell literally punched me in the face. Then I saw it.
The toilet seat was COVERED in shit, and the bowl was full of it.
Whatever asshole had left this treasure didn't even bother to flush.
Nothing upsets my stomach, except the sight of human waste. I ran out and called for my coworker, begging him to take care of the mess. Unfortunately, his stomach was as weak as mine.
After covering his nose with his shirt, he inched his way into the bathroom and hit the flusher with his shoe.
I guess 10 minutes later he worked up the willpower to run back in and wipe off the seat really quick.
We saw the guy who did it too--he ran in the store, went right to the bathroom, and 15 min later came out and just hurried outside and left.
So yeah, I've been scarred for life when it comes to working up the courage to clean a public bathroom, especially a men's bathroom.
Damn, I just remembered another one, lol. This happened before the above mentioned incidents. I walked in the men's room to clean it, and there was a trail of brown water down the front of the toilet and puddling on the floor. I wasn't sure what that situation was, if the toilet was plugged, etc., cuz I ran the hell out of there and asked a coworker (with a strong stomach) to clean it for me.
I know I know, I'm a wuss, but it's DISGUSTING!!!
Oh, if only they knew...
Just to clarify first off, we have two single person bathrooms, one for men, one for women. Nothing fancy about them, no urinal in the men's (thank god).
Here are two lovely things I found upon entering the men's bathroom to clean it. And these incidents happened in the same week.
I always clean the women's first, since it's easy. (sorry guys, but it's almost a law of nature that men's bathrooms are always MUCH more nasty). Once I finished it on this particular night, I entered the men's and began cleaning. No big deal. Upon turning to the toilet, I lifted up the lid and found the bowl's rim covered in yellow drips, and smack dab in the middle was a big, fat, black pubic hair.
That nearly made me vomit. And to think I thought that was bad, until two nights later...
Same scenario, I finished cleaning the women's and entered the men's. I barely got the door open when the smell literally punched me in the face. Then I saw it.
The toilet seat was COVERED in shit, and the bowl was full of it.

Nothing upsets my stomach, except the sight of human waste. I ran out and called for my coworker, begging him to take care of the mess. Unfortunately, his stomach was as weak as mine.
After covering his nose with his shirt, he inched his way into the bathroom and hit the flusher with his shoe.
I guess 10 minutes later he worked up the willpower to run back in and wipe off the seat really quick.
We saw the guy who did it too--he ran in the store, went right to the bathroom, and 15 min later came out and just hurried outside and left.
So yeah, I've been scarred for life when it comes to working up the courage to clean a public bathroom, especially a men's bathroom.
Damn, I just remembered another one, lol. This happened before the above mentioned incidents. I walked in the men's room to clean it, and there was a trail of brown water down the front of the toilet and puddling on the floor. I wasn't sure what that situation was, if the toilet was plugged, etc., cuz I ran the hell out of there and asked a coworker (with a strong stomach) to clean it for me.
I know I know, I'm a wuss, but it's DISGUSTING!!!