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Bathroom Horror Stories...

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  • Bathroom Horror Stories...

    My coworkers wonder why I hate cleaning the bathrooms at our store...
    Oh, if only they knew...

    Just to clarify first off, we have two single person bathrooms, one for men, one for women. Nothing fancy about them, no urinal in the men's (thank god).

    Here are two lovely things I found upon entering the men's bathroom to clean it. And these incidents happened in the same week.

    I always clean the women's first, since it's easy. (sorry guys, but it's almost a law of nature that men's bathrooms are always MUCH more nasty). Once I finished it on this particular night, I entered the men's and began cleaning. No big deal. Upon turning to the toilet, I lifted up the lid and found the bowl's rim covered in yellow drips, and smack dab in the middle was a big, fat, black pubic hair.
    That nearly made me vomit. And to think I thought that was bad, until two nights later...

    Same scenario, I finished cleaning the women's and entered the men's. I barely got the door open when the smell literally punched me in the face. Then I saw it.
    The toilet seat was COVERED in shit, and the bowl was full of it. Whatever asshole had left this treasure didn't even bother to flush.
    Nothing upsets my stomach, except the sight of human waste. I ran out and called for my coworker, begging him to take care of the mess. Unfortunately, his stomach was as weak as mine.
    After covering his nose with his shirt, he inched his way into the bathroom and hit the flusher with his shoe.
    I guess 10 minutes later he worked up the willpower to run back in and wipe off the seat really quick.
    We saw the guy who did it too--he ran in the store, went right to the bathroom, and 15 min later came out and just hurried outside and left.

    So yeah, I've been scarred for life when it comes to working up the courage to clean a public bathroom, especially a men's bathroom.

    Damn, I just remembered another one, lol. This happened before the above mentioned incidents. I walked in the men's room to clean it, and there was a trail of brown water down the front of the toilet and puddling on the floor. I wasn't sure what that situation was, if the toilet was plugged, etc., cuz I ran the hell out of there and asked a coworker (with a strong stomach) to clean it for me.

    I know I know, I'm a wuss, but it's DISGUSTING!!!
    Here's your sign...

  • #2
    That's gross. You and anybody else who has to clean up crap should get a bonus. I couldn't do that. My stomach is weak too. I can't believe how disgusting people are. Sorry you got stuck having to clean up those messes. Yucky...


    • #3
      Woo, my first reply in... Forever.

      At my store, the women's is always worse. Much worse. Worst we get in the guys is some asshat flushing the roll of toilet paper.

      Worst I've seen in the women's is... Well, my veteran uncle would stay silent and excuse himself for a stiff drink after this.

      Bowl, full. Backside of bowl, splattered. The seat was 3/4-covered, and from the back wall and two feet forward on the stall walls had a blast radius of splatters up to waist height.


      I demanded a raise on that one. Didn't get it. If I have to clean that up again and don't get a raise or bonus or something, I'm walking out.


      • #4
        my story beats all of yours, but i don't want to be the one responsible for you vomiting. but lets just say, it was inhuman, scarring, and you will not be able to guess what it was unless you're a seriously sick human being. if you HAVE to know, you can message me about it.
        "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

        ...Beware the voice without a face...


        • #5
          The worst I got in the men's room when I worked at BK was the tp roll in the bowl and of course the results of poor aim.

          The women's room, on the other hand, somehow got yellow and brown stains on the ceiling! One particularly large one confused me with not only how it got there, but how it managed to stay there long enough to dry without falling. The about 3 inches of tp sticking out of it were another unanswered question, but do you really WANT to know these things?

          I won't even go into the messes I found on the floor in there, since I can't supply vomit bags for everyone who might read this.


          • #6
            We once had a bus full of a womens church group maybe 20 women. They were a little rude but not obnoxious. When they were done eating they began going to the bathroom. After they were all gone the woman who takes care of the lobby checked the bathrooms and they had pissed in the floor!!! She said it was an inch deep.


            • #7
              I am was a big box store maintenance worker (pc for janitor) and like machina said its the ladies restroom thats usually worse but believe me the problems you mention are normal. We had some recent chinese immigrants move into town where I worked at and they were so scared of catching something that they refused to sit on the toilet seat. Fine and dandy thats why they supply those paper toilet seat covers except those were just as likely to carry disease or so they thought. So there is always putting toilet paper on the seat but still nope to much risk. About once a week sometimes more we had to shovel a fresh pile out of the corner of the handicapped stall. I only lasted about a month and a half after they moved in.


              • #8
                This reminds of a similar situation, only it wasn't at my work. My school by far has the most disgusting bathrooms I have ever seen. During passing period every stall was in use except for the 3rd stall and there was no line so I thought hey maybe it's just not being used, Wrong,wrong,wrong.Lets just say that it looked like there was someone who was a victim of a stabbing in there with the amount of toilet paper and blood that was present in the toilet as well as all over the floor.


                • #9
                  i've taken to refusing to clean them; quite frankly, when people do that and you know who was responsible, they should be arrested for vandalism.

                  that's just inexusable, period.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth olstar18 View Post
                    About once a week sometimes more we had to shovel a fresh pile out of the corner of the handicapped stall. I only lasted about a month and a half after they moved in.
                    On a fairly regular basis, when I'm out and about on my travels, I will use a public bathroom and there will be non-feminine hygiene deposits in the little container in the stall. It's usually been deposited by someone who's recently moved here from Mexico, and I don't blame them for why they do this. See, most of the sewage systems down there are so bad, that one simply cannot flush TP down. Found that out on our little spring break excursion to Cancun several years ago. (Let me tell ya, the train was, well, interesting.)

                    You get some of the craziest variations in culture the minute you waltz into the bathroom!
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #11
                      at my previous store, we often had excrement art on the bathroom walls. mens and womens. the manager that took over for me after i transferred simply locked the doors and public became private restrooms. corporate and the dm didn't like it but he never came down for a showing of excrement art and never had to clean it up


                      • #12
                        We had some asshole leave "presents" on the ceiling tiles and light fixtures. This same person SMEARED the wall, floor, mirror and sink with "presents" also. We locked that restroom and called maint. who had a special haz-mat type company come in to replace the ceiling and clean the walls.


                        • #13
                          Whatever asshole had left this
                          No pun intended...?

                          Yeah, in my experience, it's usually the women's room that has the worst messes. Though in Store1 the "artists" were men, and they stopped putting paper towels in the men's room because they would get flushed in the urinals and flood the floor.
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

