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Selective Hearing, Irritating Subtle Suggestions..

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  • Selective Hearing, Irritating Subtle Suggestions..

    A few bugs today, didn't help that I'd felt sick, didn't sleep very much and just didn't feel too well most of the day (Even though I cleared 2/3 of all Sales today, with good stats, so maybe I was imagining things).

    Selective Hearing Much?

    Phone call just as we were opening this Saturday Morning. I was reasonably incoherent (as well as my co-workers) for various reasons, and this case had me a bit confused cause he was talking very fast and made things out his way.

    Me: [Usual Greeting]
    SC: Have a broken TV here of [Brand], can you exchange it today for me?
    Me: Probably not, [Brand] Require the store to send the Television away for repair, this takes weeks. It would be much easier for you to go to [Repairer] in [Suburb], they do this brand either on-site or same day repair. Your instruction manual explains to not return the TV to the store.
    SC: Its not my responsibility. Can I come today to get it exchanged?
    Me: No, you've had the TV for over 6 Months, you were told with purchase that it would be a repair warranty, as it also explains on the instructions. I'd strongly recommend to go to [Repairer] Yourself as its much easier, no wait and regardless we would have trouble shipping the TV to our repairer (20" CRT TV, About 70lb, nice shipping cost we'd have to incur, let alone ship it safely), Even if I could exchange it for you I would be unable to as we do not sell this model anymore.
    SC: Okay, I'll bring it in later today and I hope you can exchange it or refund my money, Goodbye [click].

    After this bout of madness, and extreme selective hearing I was confused for at least 10 minutes trying to work out if I'd actually said everything I thought I did. And even if we could get authority to exchange it (more then likely when we mention the fact we are unable to ship it, as we dont sell CRT TVs that big at the moment therefore dont have a box that will fit it) , its a SATURDAY. Those parts are closed.

    You really need to call your suppliers..

    Woman comes in today, instantly with a fairly Superior attitude, and seems to have something up her butt over something else. She had to wait a few minutes (We only had 2 Staff (Myself and SM) on this afternoon, this due to many reasons I won't bother explaining here) and already had a crappy tone.

    SC: I NEED a 15 Metre TV Cable, you must have one.
    Me: Maximum we have is 10 Metres, but its easy to join up two 7 1/2 Metre ones to form a 15 Metre.
    SC: I Must have a 15 Metre cable, why don't you have them? You must get asked this a lot so why don't you have them?
    Me: Because cable runs longer then 10 Metres are uncommon, and can cause signal loss. If you really need it as I said join two cables together. We have 20 Metre spools, but you have to put the plugs on the end yourself.
    SC: NO, I don't want that. YOUR POSITIVE YOU DONT HAVE A 15 METRE CABLE? Thats not good.

    At this point she also asked for something else, and I showed it to her.. she refused to purchase it because I didn't have the cable (), I didn't bother to go any further because I had no care.

    Well, 20mins later she comes back. She found a 15 Metre cable at some other store and bought the other thing she needed at the other store (instantly an irritant on my half, because I saw her receipt, it cost more and it was cheap and nasty looking).
    SC: You said they didn't exist (no I didn't) but I found one, but I just noticed then it doesnt have the ends (Facepalm, I already told her she could buy 20m but she'd need the ends). What do I have to do?
    I give her the ends, and she refuses to understand my lengthy (5 Minutes at least, I was irritated cause it was a $4 and she was very rude, never said thanks) explanation of how they go on. She pays for them, continously sighing and just showing how dissatisfied she was, and of course at the end, one last rant.
    SC: You need to call your supplier and ask for 15 Metre TV Cables, A lot of people need these and its a disgrace you don't stock them and that I need to go to this effort (After I'd spent probably 10mins all up with her) to do something like this.

    No Thanks, no nothing. I didn't bother responding to her mini rant as their were other people ranting. Just another classic example of the "If you don't have this I expect you to pull it out of your ass immediately" SC.
    - Boochan

  • #2
    When you NEED something special, hit the net like regular folks.

    What a stupid puke she was.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      I want to know what happened when the guy came in with his TV.


      • #4
        Quoth lightmylamb View Post
        I want to know what happened when the guy came in with his TV.
        Well he came in, and I went off for a moment. Luckily we are more then likely able to get permission to credit it over the phone since the freight charges for servicing are more then the cost price of the TV (let alone the fact we don't have a box big enough), so its sitting in our back room right now, we are in no rush to complete it though.
        - Boochan

