I had a couple food stamp entitlement whores this past week. The first was a combination entitlement whore/scam artist. A bit of background information - my store's policy is not to accept computer copied coupons. This lady paying for the vast majority of her order with EBT had three bags of cat treats that were not covered. She produces three coupons which were obvious photocopies, but I wanted to get a manager's approval before telling her that I could not accept them. Of course, the MOD is idiot toad bitch who is technologically illiterate who accepts them. I talk to another supervisor about what will happen once the head office gets them and if they can be traced back to me. She says I'm safe, but should have had bitch sup initial them to show that she took them.
The second was yesterday. An EBT customer lied to my manager about how I was unwilling to help him. This 50/60 something man comes through my lane with massive amounts of frozen food and other items in the 10 for 10 promotion this week. He groups his order together how he wants it bagged, which was appreciated at first but got irritating how he slowed down my ringing up his order. He purchased some orange juice which was leaking and I offered to page someone to get him a replacement one, which he turned down. That orange juice had dripped down on a package of mac and cheese. I offered to wipe it off for him, but he did it himself damaging the package and expecting me to go and get him a new one, which I did because it was no problem to do it, even though he had damaged it in the first place. His companion is a woman of a similar age who is less picky about her order and pays for the rest that isn't covered under EBT food with her credit card.
I think everything's good, but after my break my manger calls me into his office to tell me of the customer's complaint. I tell the manager that the customer is lying and was a pain in the ass in more tactful terms to me and the baggers. The manager gives the spiel about how we need to try and be polite to every customer regardless of how they treat us, something I don't entirely agree with, but understand his perspective. He says that it's apparent after I tell my side that the customer was lying and I did the right thing and that you can't satisfy everyone.
I'm tired of working retail and being abused by customers who assume they are god. I sure hope this new job works out - no more SCs!
The second was yesterday. An EBT customer lied to my manager about how I was unwilling to help him. This 50/60 something man comes through my lane with massive amounts of frozen food and other items in the 10 for 10 promotion this week. He groups his order together how he wants it bagged, which was appreciated at first but got irritating how he slowed down my ringing up his order. He purchased some orange juice which was leaking and I offered to page someone to get him a replacement one, which he turned down. That orange juice had dripped down on a package of mac and cheese. I offered to wipe it off for him, but he did it himself damaging the package and expecting me to go and get him a new one, which I did because it was no problem to do it, even though he had damaged it in the first place. His companion is a woman of a similar age who is less picky about her order and pays for the rest that isn't covered under EBT food with her credit card.
I think everything's good, but after my break my manger calls me into his office to tell me of the customer's complaint. I tell the manager that the customer is lying and was a pain in the ass in more tactful terms to me and the baggers. The manager gives the spiel about how we need to try and be polite to every customer regardless of how they treat us, something I don't entirely agree with, but understand his perspective. He says that it's apparent after I tell my side that the customer was lying and I did the right thing and that you can't satisfy everyone.
I'm tired of working retail and being abused by customers who assume they are god. I sure hope this new job works out - no more SCs!