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The power of the coupon button...

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  • The power of the coupon button...

    I swear I think some customers thinks it's easy for us to take off items from the register when it's really not. On Sundays, my manager isn't here so if we have to take an item out, we have to use the coupon button. Well here's what happened.

    There were two customers, they ordered a medium combo 6, one donut, two hash browns and one medium coffee. One of the orders of hash browns is 99 cents because it goes with the combo and the other order is $1.40 because there is no other combo it goes with so the customer says, "Oh let me add another donut so that the other hash browns will be 99 cents..." So I had to use the coupon button to take off the medium coffee, the donut and the hash browns so I can charge him a combo 1 and the 99 cent hash browns so I charge him and he's was like, "Why is it more expensive?" I said, "because you're adding a combo and it's going to be a bit more expensive than having a coffee and a donut...I don't make the prices." (I hate when customers think the workers make the prices.) So then he was like, "forget it, just charge it the way it was before." I had to use the coupon button again and charge him the way it was before and I got confused and I know the register charged him less, but what was I supposed to do? Ugh at least he apologized, but I was still rather annoyed!

  • #2
    Luckily where I work, I actually have the ability to cancel transactions and edit items at will.

    The only thing I can't do is completely remove something, so I have to cancel the entire transaction and then start over. Slight pain... but it usually only takes 5 seconds to get everything back how it was.

    Hell, I even have the ability to manually adjust prices and make things cheaper if I wanted. (which we will do if someone walks up JUST as the evening rates kick in. It's not fair they should have to pay $15 - $20 an hour rather than $12, just because they took an extra minute to figure out what size shoes their kids wear.)

    When I worked at the movie theater though, we had the ability to cancel stuff, but if we did it too many times we got written up... which makes no sense to me.
    <Insert clever signature here>


    • #3
      Write-ups just go into files to be used later to deny raises.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        I remember a customer I had at the movie theatre while working behind the concession stand one day. I was working a long 10 hour shift and still had 2 hours to go. This teenage girl walks past the line and comes right up to me. I was exhausted and very tired.

        TG: Excuse me, do you feel bad about charging these high prices?
        ME: No, I don't.
        TG: You mean you don't feel bad about ripping people off?
        ME: No, I don't. Back of the line is over there. Good-bye.

        When are these morons gonna realize that we don't control the prices?


        • #5
          *cheers bowser*

          perfect answer for a stupid question!

          i've done that too; if you're going to make things difficult, i'll return the favor. it's a few stinking cents, for god's sake-you won't starve or lose the ranch because of it, i promise you.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            Quoth Lingering Grin View Post
            When I worked at the movie theater though, we had the ability to cancel stuff, but if we did it too many times we got written up... which makes no sense to me.
            They do it as a measure against theft. Which isn't fair to those making an honest living of course, but that's the way it goes. Also, if you're voiding a lot, they might question if you're able to do your job properly. I've worked with a couple people that NEVER should have been placed on a till. Not because they weren't honest, they were just that stupid.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              Quoth BowserKoopa1 View Post
              I remember a customer I had at the movie theatre while working behind the concession stand one day. I was working a long 10 hour shift and still had 2 hours to go. This teenage girl walks past the line and comes right up to me. I was exhausted and very tired.

              TG: Excuse me, do you feel bad about charging these high prices?
              ME: No, I don't.
              TG: You mean you don't feel bad about ripping people off?
              ME: No, I don't. Back of the line is over there. Good-bye.

              When are these morons gonna realize that we don't control the prices?
              She should do what I do; if you don't like the gouging of the confession stand prices and the fact the theaters won't let you bring your own food (I wonder why... :P), it's just a simple as voting no with your wallet. If teen girl doesn't like the prices, simply wait for the DVD and eat your own popcorn/soda at home.


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                They do it as a measure against theft. Which isn't fair to those making an honest living of course, but that's the way it goes. Also, if you're voiding a lot, they might question if you're able to do your job properly. I've worked with a couple people that NEVER should have been placed on a till. Not because they weren't honest, they were just that stupid.
                We had one cashier who scanned ever item twice. One can a of corn, scan twice, void one. repeat fro EVERY item. Customers were understandably pissed. A manager would have to come over at teh end of each transaction because they had too many voids. They only lasted two days.

