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it is not called choose your own price photos

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  • it is not called choose your own price photos

    Today was not too bad just weird.
    SC = strange customer not sucky. well a few could be considered sucky but I think they were just more crazy than sucky

    SC: *tosses her camera's memory card at me*
    me: How can I help you. (no it is not a question it is a statement, I promise because we don't ask questions in my store, this is why folks never answer when we ask them for information that might help them locate their film like for their name or claim ticket. These are statements like, "I am here to pick up my film." with no further information like when they dropped it off, which service they used or THEIR NAME.) (sorry lost my mind there for a second, back again, sorry sorry)
    SC: I want those printed I'll be back to get them later *turns to leave with out giving me any information*
    me: Excuse me Ma'am, please wait, we don't print from cards you have to order your pictures from the machines, here I'll show you how. (stopping the "I Don't Know How" rant that was sure to follow.)

    I walk over to the machine that does 2 of the 3 type of prints we offer and start explaining the costs $0.28, $0.22 or $0.19 (depending if you go over 50), and the CHEAPEST WE OFFER $0.15 a print.

    To this she replies "I want to pay $0.08 a print."

    *hand to face*

    this is not lets make a deal, bargain hunters, or a street corner in a under funded country here, this is a chain store and I NOT negotiating the posted prices with a crazy lady when I have many other customers. 2nd there are no adds for any of our competitors offering $0.08 a print. I call weekly and ask their prices and specials they are all about the same as us in the area.

    Then she tops herself
    SC: well what if I have a coupon?
    Me: I would have to read the coupon to see if we honor it but if it is from <our processing service not the other big name> I will happy honor it (subtext here is if i can get money from the big wigs for it yes I will honor the damn thing)
    SC: Do you have a coupon you can give me? So I can get the prints at $0.08 each?
    ME: Um.. No.

    at this point she just gives up and puts her card in the machine and starts loading the pictures, I warn her it will take 4-5 minutes to load and please not to touch the screen while it loads her pictures as our machines are older and her card has something like 1000 small files to load.
    so as I walk back around the counter she calls me back over.

    the screen is doing the dance of death because unlike the instructions I gave her not to touch it she has poked the screen about 20 times for every step I took to get around the counter. it is now twitching it's death throws and it will take 30 minutes to come back from the dead and figure out how to access the system.

    I explain this to her (nicely).
    SC: be back tomorrow, you'll help me then right?
    *nods slowly and smiles*

    I'm off tomorrow thank all that is good.

    the other were just funny

    guy doing the "i have to potty dance" asks me where the c.d.'s are and continues to dance while looking at c.d.'s doubling over while looking at c.d.'s he has to go so very badly.

    Guy comes up asks which machine takes a usb memory stick, and is told the only the highest priced service with the line that has been holding at an hour wait time all day.
    This because only one of the 2 systems is running and the tech support for that system is monday - friday 7-4 east coast time and we are open 9-9 west coast time and slammed most of the working day. I don't tell him all this , just this machine does the job at this cost and here is the line.

    The guy screams on the top of his lungs "F*CK YOU I"M GOING TO WAL GREENS!"

    I would like to warn him they are $0.03 higher a print and are having worse tech issues than us today though the people there are very nice, but decide not to because the ladies who just walked over from that store are laughing so hard. Well that and he swore at me and hurt my feeling...(I'm only allowed one it is called Grumpy)

  • #2
    SC: *tosses her camera's memory card at me*
    this is sucky, period; we're not targets, hand the item to us, or place it down, but DO NOT TOSS IT AT US.

    To this she replies "I want to pay $0.08 a print."
    um, no; this isn't a bargain bazaar. you have some choices, make one, or leave; doesn't matter which you choose.

    SC: well what if I have a coupon?
    i have an answer for this question, but it's not one you'll like madam, you can trust that.

    fails to follow instructions from you and the machine? double stupid factor there.

    my final thought: she was an endless cascade of suck; maybe not major suck, but suck is suck, all the same.

    glad you won't have to deal with her a second time in two days, lol.

    as for the other asshat, good luck with that idea, bud.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      when the toss a card at me i have a few thoughts

      one, that will stay there till it gets stolen

      two, ooo are you giving me a present? If that fits my camera i can take lots of pictures after i delete this stupid ass and their family photos.

      three, slide off the counter onto the floor baby so I can pretend not to see you and step on you and be like "what crunched?"

      four, leave that here and I bet i can lose it before you can say boo

      five, i get to tell this f*cker where to go, specifically to the computer and then depending on what comes out of his mouth I can (a) help him or her or (b) tell them to read the instructions on the screen and leave them to fail. (our instructions on the screen require at least a 6th grade reading level and that is well... not common among the ones who do the chip toss.)


      • #4
        Quoth Aislin View Post
        SC: *tosses her camera's memory card at me*
        Wow. If a customer tossed that at me, they'd be out a card, because I'd let it hit the counter and fall on the ground, hoping it'd break on the way.
        Pit bull-

        There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


        • #5
          Quoth Aislin View Post
          Well that and he swore at me and hurt my feeling...(I'm only allowed one it is called Grumpy)
          Mine is called Snarky Bitch we should have our feelings go on a playdate or something.
          How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


          • #6
            I'd never toss the memory card from my camera at someone. It's 5mm x 8mm and less than a mm thick. And, somehow, the genii at the company that made it managed to cram 1GB of memory onto it.

            I'm a long-time computer guy. Very jaded. Yes, I _have_ seen it all. This still makes me giggle it's so cool.

            You could tell the SC that it's 0.08 per print for the paper and 0.07 per print for machine rental.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              More reasons that I'm loving corporates ignorance of the whole digital photo printing business. We'd make a lot of money if we had a Kiosk sitting in our store for photos, but I know we'd always get held up like this, or it would be horrifying to maintain.

              Very rude, both SCs to do with those kiosks. Can imagine they'd just generate them in the fact that people use them, themselves.. anything that customers can stuff around with in the store is always going to be a nightmare waiting to happen.
              - Boochan


              • #8
                Quoth Aislin View Post
                hurt my feeling...(I'm only allowed one it is called Grumpy)
                May I steal permanently borrow that?
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  my feelings do get hurt, but then, snarky bitch/hellacious cynic mode kicks in and i'm all better.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Aislin View Post
                    To this she replies "I want to pay $0.08 a print."
                    That's nice. Get out.
                    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                    • #11
                      Quoth Aislin View Post

                      To this she replies "I want to pay $0.08 a print."
                      Oooh, good flashback.

                      "And I wanted a pony for Christmas. Looks like we're both out of luck.'
                      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

