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  • *sigh*

    Me-*insert store name here*, How can I help you?
    SC- I bought an I-pod from you before Christmas, and it stopped working, can I still return it?
    Me- No, sir, I'm sorry, we have a 90 day return policy on major electronics. But we have a free technical support line you can call. Maybe they can help you fix it.
    SC- But it's broken. I want to return it.
    Me-...yes, and it's past the 90 day return policy by a month and a half. I cannot return the item. I have the number for the tech support line if you'd like to call them.
    SC- But it stopped working.
    Me- (Did you not mother gently caressing hear me?) Unfortunately, sir, your only option at this point is to call the number.
    SC- But I bought a solar light set from you, and you returned it over a year later.
    Me- Yes, but that's on a lifetime return policy as it is not a MAJOR electronic. The major electronics return policy changed March 2007. It includes iPods, TV's, computers, cameras...
    SC- *interrupts* I didn't know that! No one told me that!
    Me- (being evil and acting like I'm going to give in....) *sigh* Do you have your receipt, sir?
    SC- YES I DO, I'll bring it when I return the I-Pod!
    Me- (but I don't give in. ) Then sir, if you look at the bottom of your receipt, the return policy for your iPod is CLEARLY stated. I cannot do the return.
    SC- *long pause*...but I WANT to RETURN THIS! (what are you, 4?)

    Wash, rinse, repeat. I finally handed him off onto a supervisor who told him the exact same thing, and gave him corporate's number if he had a problem with it. She hung up the phone, and I heard her sigh ever so quietly, "What a baby..."
    "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey

  • #2
    It's probably another case of "I'm too stupid to find the RESET hole."


    • #3
      I wonder how many problems we could avoid by putting reset holes on things like toasters.

      Me: Having problems with your toaster ma'am?
      SC: Yes, you jerk! What're you going to do to make me happy? I'm out minutes of my day because of this! My time is valuable! I could've been watching Oprah!
      Me: Just put a fork in the toaster's reset hole, hold on tight, and turn the toaster on.

      OK, so maybe that's a little on the mean side.

      Still, having dealt with tech for years, the reset hole is usually a bit obscure and rarely documented well.

      Of course, if you DO document it well .. how many people will come screaming for a free paper clip to reset their iPod?
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth marasbaras View Post
        I wonder how many problems we could avoid by putting reset holes on things like toasters.

        Me: Having problems with your toaster ma'am?
        SC: Yes, you jerk! What're you going to do to make me happy? I'm out minutes of my day because of this! My time is valuable! I could've been watching Oprah!
        Me: Just put a fork in the toaster's reset hole, hold on tight, and turn the toaster on.

        OK, so maybe that's a little on the mean side.
        I don't think it's mean! I think that's a GREAT idea!!!


        • #5
          Quoth Darkwish View Post
          I don't think it's mean! I think that's a GREAT idea!!!
          Once I explain people how terrible our service department is (Budget appears to have been heavily cut, as freight comes in by ROAD rather than AIR, as it used to, and repairs tend to take 6wks and we send it across the country), that generally convinces them that they should take it to a local repairer.

          Otherwise, we don't get that many Repair SCs recently, as we've adopted a No BS policy to them. We are entirely honest in how long it takes, and how it all works. We check the whole thing if its something we can fix before we send it off as well. Surprisingly, not sugar coating things and been up-front has meant that we've actually reduced the amount of Repair SCs by quite a considerable amount, and it means we get less asshats attempting to get refunds or exchanges on equipment they ruined..
          - Boochan


          • #6
            Quoth Boochan View Post
            Otherwise, we don't get that many Repair SCs recently, as we've adopted a No BS policy to them. We are entirely honest in how long it takes, and how it all works.
            I think many people become temporary SCs because they believe they're getting jerked around. A lot of stores have policies that do appear to be ... er ... less-than-desirable.

            Also, people tend to respond to "this is how it works". At least, they have in my experience.

            So, by doing what you're doing (whoever decided to be truthful and honest with customers should be rewarded, BTW), you're killing off two potential avenues of SC assault.

            In many ways, it reminds me of how I deal with my four year old son. "Here are your two choices ..."
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              Yeah but I wish I could use on customers the two choices I would sometimes offer to my sons when they were 4 years old.

              "Here are your two choices: You either do what I tell you, or I will give you a smack. Now, you choose."

              Would be great to apply to SCs.


              • #8
                Quoth marasbaras View Post
                What're you going to do to make me happy? I'm out minutes of my day because of this! My time is valuable! I could've been watching Oprah!
                I think the stupid commercials corporate pumps in has brainwashed these people into believing their time is actually valuable. That and they're EW's, but you know.

                I know for a fact that my time isn't valuable. Frankly, if you spend one hour a day doing crap like watching TV or posting on forums, your time isn't valuable.
                Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


