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  • Tippers

    How many of you have been offered tips just so SCs can get what they want? I've had tip offers of $200 at one time . It baffles me why people are willing to throw away that much money. The weirdest tip that happend was a coworker who was tipped a Bible. This was a full size Bible so the poor guy set it down and went back to work. We're not allowed to take tips, but our MOD said that it isn't exactly money so he was allowed to keep it.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    I hate not getting tipped. lol Some people win like 10000 but won't even spare a dollar. I tip everybody where I go (at least the ones that can accept them) because I know how they feel. Even a dollar gets me excited. lol My entire cage just puts them in these toke boxes and every two weeks we all share them. It's a good hundred bucks every two weeks.
    I once asked this guy for his ID and he barked: "I'm getting. And for rushing me there goes your tip."
    LOL I just looked at him because I asked really politely. Anyway, I guess I got a bit off topic from your entry. Hehe. It's 9am and I've had no sleep so.. yeah.


    • #3
      I had a guy try to give me $50 to sell him a Harry Potter book before the street date. I just laughed at him and went about my business. He kept on trying and finally I told him getting fired from my job was not worth his lousy $50!


      • #4
        Well, in my line of business, tips are how I earn my living. That being said, I have STILL had people offer me extra money for doing something I couldn't do. Like, say, serving their young-looking friend who did not have their ID with them. I think the most amusing (though not the most obnoxious) of these was the bunch of teenage kids that offered me "five dollars" to slip them some booze. Junior, I make more than that on a typical round of legally bought drinks.

        As I often say, everyone has their price, and I have mine. But so far, no one has offered me enough zeroes, and until that check clears, I think I am going to keep doing and not doing what the law and my job require me to do and not do.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          At my work we occasionally get someone who wants to pay us extra to make an in-dash mobile video system work while they're driving. In-dash screens always have a lockout that prevents the owner from watching movies while the vehicle is in motion, but in most cases there is a way to bypass the lockout. Approximately 100% of people who buy them want to be able to use them while they're driving. Our policy (which I agree with completely) is that we don't bypass safety lockouts, we don't tell customers how to bypass lockouts, and if we install it and they bypass the lockout themselves, we'll void their installation warranty.

          Other than the ones who want to slip us an extra $50 so they can watch the movie instead of the road, we get plenty of "it's my car so who are you to tell me how to use it", some who offer to sign a statement that releases us from liability (which doesn't do anything to keep us from being sued by whoever they run into), and quite a few "fine, I'll get my buddy to install it".
          Lack of freedom can be measured directly by lack of stupid. --Penn Jillette


          • #6
            I am so glad that tipping isn't an Australian custom... Service staff get it included in their wage, as it is included as a percentage on the bill. You cannot avoid paying it.
            I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.


            • #7
              I'm a video game nut and I know a lot about consoles, including how to install "mod chips" on them to play copied software (I said I KNOW HOW, I'm not implying that it's something I do regularly).

              I have customers come in from time to time asking if I can "chip a system" for them. When I tell them the store doesn't do that, they usually offer me some cash if I'll do it myself. Umm, no I won't break the law AND get fired all so you can rip off the game companies. The offer is usually $5-10, which is a total joke in and of itself.

              And of course I also have people asking where the best places are to download (read: STEAL) games and ROMs from.

              My morals and intergrity are worth more to me than any amount of money that could be in your wallet.


              • #8
                Where I work, we're not allowed to accept tips. There are serious consequences for doing so.
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                • #9
                  Had a guy ask for our demo 360 to buy. We told him it's not ours to sell. (It's microsoft's demo unit not ours) The guy says everyone has a price. We told him $10,000 for each entertainment person there ($30,000 total). Of course the guy refused and went off, though all of us were laughing (even him) so it wasn't so bad.

                  Later that week the rep showed up and we told him about it. His response?

                  "Did he take you up on the offer?"
                  I AM the evil bastard!
                  A+ Certified IT Technician

