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Hanging Up on a Homophobe!

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  • Hanging Up on a Homophobe!

    Today I hung up on a customer for the first time ever (and it was OK with one of our supervisors).

    I was placing a store referral order, got the item information from the store associate. She passed the phone over to the customer and even let the customer know "here you go, he is nice".

    Then it all went downhill.

    ME: Your vengeful hippie.
    DBG: Very likely Douche Bag's Girlfriend.
    DB: Douche bag, lets call him Brendan (not his real name, but close)

    ME: "This is Angry Hippie from may I have YOUR name please?"
    DBG: mumbled under LOUD store music VERY GIRLY voice "Breanna (or was it
    Hannah, or Rhiannon?) Douche Bag"
    ME: "I have that as Breanna Douche Bag, which way do you spell Breana?"
    DBG: "NO! that was BRENDAN Douche Bag"
    ME: "Thank you Brendan, May I have the address where your credit card billing statements arrive at?"

    So far not so bad, I'm mildly annoyed that yet again someone hadn't listened when I ask "May I have YOUR NAME" why do they always hear "May I have the CARDHOLDERS NAME?" If thats what I wanted I'd say it that way. I am required to say your name a certain number of times during the call, so however you answer I will call you that many times during the call. Don't like me pretending your a girl named Brendan (very possible) tough, listen and follow directions idiot.

    In the background I hear "Babe, what is the address where your credit card bill go to" I hear the phone being passed.

    ME: "Hi this is Angry Hippie from may I have YOUR name please?"
    DB: sounds like "one four"
    ME: "May I have YOUR NAME PLEASE?"
    DB: still sounds like "ONE FOUR"
    ME: giving up at this point "Alright Brendan, I have that billing address as ONE FOUR may I have the rest please?"
    DB: talking like I'm the idiot "WHAT FOR, why do you need to know where my credit card bills go? THIS IS STUPID, you don't need to know that to place my order"
    ME: "YES!, I do. In order to place an order we MUST have the address where your billing statements arrive at, in order to protect you from someone else using your card, we match the address given against what your bank has on file, IF the address does not match your order WILL NOT SHIP"

    At this point I guess common sense prevails because he is somewhat cooperative for most of the rest of the order. The occasional *sighs" and "this is stupid" but I ignore them because I've already established in my mind he is a self important idiot know nothing douche bag.

    We get to the end of the order, and I've been keeping my temper under control the whole time, being super extra nice, and only raising my voice for emphasis on important words and phrases to be heard over the din of the store.

    ME: "Would you like to use your blahblah credit card?"
    DB: "No I'll use a visa, oh no wait, I'll use my blahblah card because that means I don't have to go in my wallet"
    ME: "If you would like to use your blahblah card you can, but I WILL need the WHOLE card number, for your security we do not keep that information on file"
    DB: "Thats stupid, you sound like a FUCKING *something that rhymes with* MAGGOT!"
    ME: very gingerly taps the "GOODBYE" button causing phone to go <CLICK> dial tone.

    I tell my supervisor what happened I have the order canceled (no mop anyway) with a note as to why it was canceled and why hanging up was OK per my supervisor. I note that customer was extremely abusive and used hard profanity (the f word) and a racial slur. I didn't want to "out" myself on the order for all of the higher ups to see. But I wanted it noted it a way that said, YES this was a direct insult of a very strong nature, different from say a hanging up on a customer that said I was rude or mean or something silly like that. It just was reflex as soon as the words left his lips, no decision no thought, just HANG UP NOW!.

    I was surprised how calm I was. I felt kinda shaky but I was under control. I stepped outside had a cigarette (I don't smoke usually) and within 10 minutes I was back doing my job and I was OK. I never knew what this moment would be like, but it wasn't as dramatic as I thought it would be.

    I did talk to some co-workers after a few hours. Most say I did the wrong thing, that I gave him what he wanted by reacting, that the best thing to do would have been to be super nice and finish the order. I don't know if that would have made my point. I think kill him with kindness is too subtle for this jerk. I understand wanting a reaction thats why I didn't do the whole "please refrain from that sort of language" garbage we are trained to do (policy is warn three times and hang up).

    I think <click> makes the best point for him. It shows this IS not tolerated. It also means he has to call back and start at square one again (his girlfriend wasn't gonna not let him order her crap) with a new operator. I saw he did place the order 10 minutes later, no discounts no nothing (YAY!, I though he'd get something for being hung up on, I'm guessing the store heard and understood why he got hung up). I hope he embarrassed the hell out of his girlfriend, and I hope she gave him hell for it. I hope he loved having to redo all the info that was oh so hard the first time.

    Neither option would change his opinion and I don't care what he thinks anyway. So might as well go with the option that inconveniences the jerk :-)

    Which do think is more appropriate hanging up OR killing the customer with kindness?
    Last edited by Angry_Hippie; 04-22-2008, 06:41 AM. Reason: minor spelling errors

  • #2
    Good for you! I'm glad you hung up on that a-hole. Maybe he'll think twice before pulling that kind of crap again. You did the right thing!


    • #3
      Depends on a couple of factors, I suppose: how secure your job is (for some folks, they HAVE little choice but to take whatever the SCs dish out, unfortunately), how good your relationship with the boss is (no, not THAT way!), your own level of (dis)comfort...

      And some SCs will respond favorably to particular treatments - death by kindness can sometimes get a SC to change their sour tune. Others, the only thing that'll put a dent in their bullshit is if you dish their crap straight back to them; those are the types that can't stomach their own bitter medicine.

      So, basically, YMMV.

      Edit: Ooh, 300th post! Go me.
      Last edited by Amethyst Hunter; 04-22-2008, 06:44 AM. Reason: minor gloatage
      ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


      • #4
        I think you did the right thing because although killing them with kindness can sometimes work well, having to make this douchbag redo everything that caused him to say it in the first place would have helped to put him in his place.
        Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


        • #5
          Hanging up was the right thing to do. This guy clearly hates all of the horrible hassles of having to have someone enter an order for him.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            Normally I am a fan of the "killing with kindness" approach, however I think you did the right thing in this situation, and kudos to you for keeping your cool! I know I wouldn't had someone insulted me like that! Good on ya!
            "You're perfect yes it's true, but without meeeee you're only you!"


            • #7
              I think these things are a case by case type of situation. Although I am normally of the "kill them with kindness" variety - there are certain situations where I'd just rather back out immediately before I have to listen to any more abuse.

              I once had a guy go absolutely freakin' nuts on me because I informed him I'd have to transfer him to the call center that could help him. (Sometimes cell phones in his area get picked up by the wrong tower and sent to the wrong call center. ) The guy went ballistic on me - I posted about it here before. He called me all sorts of names, insulted my intelligence, insulted my gender - all over needing to be transferred. At my job, we have a no hang-up policy. You're not supposed to hang-up no matter what. I didn't care. After asking him a few times to calm down and not speak to me like that (the last time I asked, his response was a resounding "FUCK YOU!!!") I very syrupy said "Thank you for calling ****. Have a nice day." *click*

              I'm sorry, but I don't care what my company says - I do not make enough money to put up with that. I told my sup and they excused. Oh, gee wiliker, thanks for forgiving me for hanging up on the douchenozzle.
              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


              • #8
                I'm glad your company is supporting you and that you didn't tolerate that crap. However, I doubt this jerk will learn anything from it. Someone randomly tossing out slurs isn't someone easily educated in the ways to conduct civil dialog. Also, if you hung up without warning, he probably thought the phone just got disconnected (hey, it happens) without realizing why. So it's too bad you didn't give a warning, just so he KNEW why he was disconnected (Like, "Sir, you are being abusive and I am discontinuing this call" *click*). But good on you all the same.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  friendof ... just go silent and make the transfer. You KNOW he'll hate it more than having to call back.
                  "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                  Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                  • #10
                    You did the right thing and on behalf of us F*****G FAGGOTS, I thank you.
                    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


                    • #11
                      Quoth marasbaras View Post
                      friendof ... just go silent and make the transfer. You KNOW he'll hate it more than having to call back.
                      Yeah, I could've done that - left him on hold while I prep the advocate at the other end about the abuse...letting him listen to classical music for what, to him, would probably seem like an eternity - making him hang up and losing his turn in line. But, hanging up was one of those snap decisions that just felt right.
                      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                      • #12
                        I say you totally did the right thing. I'm a big advocate of not taking people's crap. Good for you for making him go through the whole process again.

                        And no, he probably won't learn anything. People like that tend not to. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
                        Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



                        • #13
                          You completely and totally did the right thing. Had that been me, well, I'd have likely cried. (I DON'T like being called that)
                          Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                          Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                          • #14
                            Good for you! There's no reason anyone should take that kind of abuse. I congratulate you on not only informing the supervisor about it, but removing the order and leaving notes about it for the next rep.


                            • #15
                              I would hope your company would not expect you to endure, say, if someone said you sounded like a fing nr, so I think hanging up was right on.

                              I don't see much difference in the word he used and the one you implied he used. It's used in pretty much the same way and for the same purpose, and it's just as offensive.

                              I think you handled it quite well. I wouldn't even call what you did a fib.

