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Tales from the Register

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  • Tales from the Register

    So I was hired in as a GM (General Merchandise) Clerk. It involved stocking shelves and being yelled at.

    What no one told me (and was actually against corporate policy) was that I would be trained on the register and forced up there pretty often.

    Let me tell you, I am not a people person. I don't like people. Helping customers is bad enough, but force me up on lane and make me do nothing but help jerks? Yay. I always took a break after to calm down. And, you know, didn't clock out for it. Here's my recurring fun and how I dealt with it. I always said that if they wanted someone to run it correctly, they could stop calling me. But they didn't stop, so they screwed themselves.

    Bad situation #1: Price Checkers

    These people stare at the screen while I'm ringing their crap up. If anything comes up at the wrong price, they'll be sure to stop me, berate me for ripping them off, and tell me how much the sign in the back said it was.
    Solution: Make any change that wasn't over, let's say, five bucks.

    Bad situation #2: Foreigners

    Do I have a problem with people who aren't from the good ole' US? Hell no. I hate Americans, if anything, more than other types of people. But these people would come in and buy a ton of produce. The problem? Produce doesn't have a scannable bar code. And I don't know bok choi from cilantro. But guess what? They don't know what it's called in English either. Great.
    Solution: Fine if a regular cashier is close to me. Otherwise, ring it up as something and hope for the best.

    Bad situation #3: Unfamiliar with Plastic

    Ok, so you're old and don't use a credit card much. Whatever. But you have to swipe it somewhat quickly. And the menus are pretty easy, really, if you'd just read them. But no, let me swipe your card for you and then navigate all the menus.
    Solution: Grin and bear it.

    Bad situation #4: I'm in a hurry

    So, you have a doctor's appointment in fifteen minutes, and that didn't stop you from coming in here to buy a heaping cart of chips and cookies. Maybe that doctor's appointment is for your sky-high cholesterol. I've got an idea, buy less crap.
    Solution: Go really slow without looking like you're trying to

    Bad situation #5: WIC

    WIC is fine. I really think it's a good program. However, it's very specific about what you can and can't buy. Deli cheese is fine, kraft singles are not. Most people on WIC have learned this (probably the hard way), but not all of them. Of course it was my fault they couldn't buy what they wanted.
    Solution: Learn what WIC will and won't take. Be resolute.

    Bad situation #6: Paying with three types of currency

    So you've got a gift card. And a credit card that's almost maxed out. And some cash. Maybe you don't really need these five DVD's.
    Solution: Think thoughts of violence.

    Bad situation #7: I have my light off, but you'll waltz in anyway

    Where I worked, the cashiers had lighted posts. If the light was on, you were open, if not, you weren't. I wanted to get the hell off lane as fast as possible. As soon as it slowed down, the light goes off (if it was ever on). But you, SC, don't look at things like that. Sure, bring your heaping cart through my lane just as I was about to escape. That will provide a lot of time for other people to do the same thing while I'm ringing your crap up.
    Solution: Murder

    Moral of the story: running a cash register is the most awful job I have ever done in my life. Be nice to those people. Their jobs are really really hard.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?

  • #2
    I like your post

    Especially the people who come up when your light is off!! What's with that? I was at a supermarket the other day and someone went to another till and people started scrambling to that till and then she said, "I'm not open, I just wanted to get a pack of cigarettes", I laughed so hard. All the people who had rushed over to that till had to get back in line and the rest of us just patiently waited our turn. Makes you happy
    It's been a long, long, long, long time...


    • #3
      Well, in our store, when we call for backup cashiers, they hop on without turning on the light and pull people over. I guess this confuses people because the light's off but the cashier is still saying, "I can help you over here" to certain people. The easy solution is to just stay away unless the light is on or they invite you over. But if I'm on my break and buying a couple things quick, I'll go over to a backup's lane even if the light's off. I wouldn't do it at another store.


      • #4
        Quoth Apathy View Post
        Bad situation #2: Foreigners

        Do I have a problem with people who aren't from the good ole' US? Hell no. I hate Americans, if anything, more than other types of people. But these people would come in and buy a ton of produce. The problem? Produce doesn't have a scannable bar code. And I don't know bok choi from cilantro. But guess what? They don't know what it's called in English either. Great.
        Solution: Fine if a regular cashier is close to me. Otherwise, ring it up as something and hope for the best.
        Sorry to say, but if I figured out you would charge my bok choi as cilantro I would probably head to your lane on purpose.


        • #5
          I used to see people approach my register with a WIC check in hand & I'd get nervous. Why? Because a good chunk of time they'd try to get something that wasn't allowed & then tear you a new one when you tried to tell them that the item(s) that they wanted weren't allowed. They ought to know what's allowed & what isn't if they've been on the WIC program long enough. Arguing with a cashier isn't going to make said cashier break the law to please your stupid self.


          • #6
            In all fairness to the people going into the lanes without the light on... i did work at a store that was small enough that even though we had the lights we never bothered turning them on, so in some cases customers aren't sure if you're just a place that just doesn't turn on the light... but I'm getting the gist from the OP that their store isn't one of those, so yeah the people suck.
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              Home Depot has the right idea, self-checkout.


              • #8
                Why is it that when you're open, and the light's on, everybody asks if you're open, but the minute you turn the light off, everybody just starts banging their crap on the belt?
                The High Priest is an Illusion!


                • #9
                  Quoth Apathy View Post

                  Bad situation #5: WIC

                  WIC is fine. I really think it's a good program. However, it's very specific about what you can and can't buy. Deli cheese is fine, kraft singles are not. Most people on WIC have learned this (probably the hard way), but not all of them. Of course it was my fault they couldn't buy what they wanted.
                  Solution: Learn what WIC will and won't take. Be resolute.
                  Actually, it is possible for something to be put incorrectly into the system regarding WIC. At least, at my store it is. A customer came up with a WIC coupon the machine refused her cereal. Her cereal was Cheerios, name brand, and within the correct size limit. Plain old Cheerios. No fruit, no honey, no wacky grains, just plain old yellow box oat Cheerios. The same Cheerios that were pictured in the booklet that states what WIC will and will not accept. I did get a manager to override the rejection, but that stuff does happen.

                  But, yeah, about 99.99% of the time it is because the customer had the wrong item.


                  • #10
                    Hey when I'm in doubt about will WIC accept brand X or Y peanut butter (or whatever) I make a point to ASK BEFORE I CHECK OUT! It's very easy, find a cashier who is not busy (or go to CS desk) ask "Excuse me, to the best of your knowledge is this acceptable for WIC?" and they either say yes or no. Then I continue to shop as usual and I always apologize to the cashier for having to do more than one transaction for me because of WIC. I know they are a pain in the butt, and I always make sure to thank the cashier and the bagger before I go.

                    Am I really that rare?
                    "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me


                    • #11
                      Quoth TTAZ View Post

                      Am I really that rare?
                      Unfortunately, yes.

                      Good on you for being courteous. WIC is a great program, and it's just like everything else: A few SC's always have to screw it up and give it a negative reputation. It doesn't deserve it.

                      I try to take the same attitude when I shop, because I use alot of coupons. I go at off-peak times, and I am always courteous and appreciative of the cashiers.
                      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                      • #12
                        Quoth TTAZ View Post
                        Am I really that rare?
                        Yep. You certainly are.

                        At our store, we can ring pretty much anything on the check. But when the state gets it and sees something doesn't qualify, they reject the check and the store is stuck footing the bill. Heck, they'll reject it if I cross my number 7, which I usually do and I have to make a conscious effort not to. Suffice to say, every cashier meeting the WIC checks are mentioned and we're told what not to do. Store is losing out every time any exception or mistake is made. Recently checks were changed that people had to buy 1% or non-fat milk instead of having a whole milk option. Most people didn't notice this change and ding ding, store lost out again.

                        I think WIC is a program to help those in need and I find that wonderful. But I wish it was more user-friendly like foodstamps. I feel for people who not only are in dire straits, but also have to put up with the difficulty of using these checks when they come to the store.
                        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                        • #13
                          If I see a cashier on a lane without a light ... I will ask _politely_ "Excuse me, are you open?" If they say no, I move along. I don't even think about unloading groceries until I hear "Yes, I am."

                          I had a cashier get annoyed with me once for asking like that (she wasn't open). If I hadn't been in a hurry, I would've stuck around and made her day even better.
                          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                          • #14
                            SC checkout rune: If the light is on and a cashier is standing their, ask if they are ope if the light is off and an employee walks by, even to just throw something in the trash intimidate start to throw your crap on the belt.


                            • #15
                              I really think you worked where I work. Seriously.

                              I don't know what it is about the lights that people don't understand. I was about to shut down for my break tonight, and some guy just comes right on up with bottle slips. I told him that I was closed, and he's like "but I just have these!" If only looks could kill...

                              And yeah, WIC can be a pain sometimes. I don't mind it as long as the customers, you know, pay attention to what they're allowed to buy.

