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So I have a new job

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  • So I have a new job

    Yes i do.Its a delivery job. Pizza. I dont have much but i have this.

    Evil Vile .... lady....

    So Today i make a delivery. First one of the day. Small order.
    1 large pizza. I believe... two toppings. 2 liter of Coke.
    this kind of order is usually Some one who works nights, someone who might be sharing a lunch, or a babysitter.
    I deliver the pizza. At the door im greeted but two little ones, daddy, a reflection of grandma in the cornor and one pissed off momma.
    Now the order with tax and delivery comes to exactly 18.51.
    First thing first.
    W- Where the bread sticks?
    Me- Um *examines arm*Im sorry my record show you have been charged for I large pizza and the soda only.
    W- and its 18.51?
    Me- Yep, Large pizza with one topping (to self which you dont have here) will be over 12$ and the 2 liter is about 2$ add tax and delivery and you get 18.51.
    W- well origanally the lady on the phone said over 21 dollars with the bread sticks.
    Me- yeah that right.
    W- Well i want to make sure im being charged right.
    Me- *SIGH* ok *whips out my cell phone fish out my wallet cause the number for the store dial and put back my remember that. I put my wallet away. In my pocket*
    G- Thank you for calling 'Us" this is G how can i help you.
    Me- Hey G. Its Slice. The Customer (May have said this lady dont exactly remember) wants to verify their order. so im going to hand you over to her to double check the order.
    W- *talks with my manager* Fine ok. *hands back my phone* Here. *shoves a 20 at me*
    Me- *big ass smil*Thank you. *Reaches for my pcket with my wallet* I'm sorry about the confusion. Did you-
    W- It wasn't 20 dollars.
    Me- I'm Sorry. *Looks at the 20 she gave me to make sure it was a 20*
    W- the total wasnt 20 dollars. Wheres my change.
    Me- Oh i know ma'am as i was saying did you want your change. But since you do do youjust want your dollar or would you like the 49 cents as well because ill have to run back to my car for that.
    W- i want my change.
    Me- Ok so did you want the 49 cents because ill run to my car and get it real quick (thinking to self shit- do i even have any change in the car)
    W- I want my 2 dollars.
    Me- Um ma'am you total was 18.51 that means your change is 1 dollar and 49 cents
    W- I gave you 20 dollars that means my change is -to her self: 18-19-20- Just give me the fucking dollar.
    Me-*SMILES again this time thinking about she would taste with BBQ sause* Here you go.
    W- *as she closes the door* Fucking bitch. 18 dollars for one pizza.
    Me- *as i head to my car* yep no a return customer. And you also had soda jerk, without it would be 15 dollars. Also it twofer tuesday. If you had ordered a second large you would have gotten it free if it was of equal or lessar value

    now that story remind me of this
    Shouldn't you just be doing homework?
    Delivery on my first weekend. Go to a condo apartment complex that i all but grew up in. After find the place (at 1050-2050 the split you got 1100-2100 one the left the rest of them on the right and there are alot of turns) I go up to deliver the pizzas. Just so you know its three mediums. one or two two topping. Total?either 21.77 or 26.77 i cant remember esactly
    I knock on the door and some kid maybe 14 answers. I hand him the pizzas read him the total and he hands me about 4 dollars more than the total.
    Me- Thank you. Did you need any change *note i ask this when ever people hand me more than 3 dollars because 3 dollars is enough to more than cover gas.*
    K- Yeah uh Yeah 4 dollars.
    Me- *With my wallet out to start counting out the change. Stops. Looks up. Looks the kid straight in the eye* your total was xx.77 you gave me y0.00. your total is 3.23. Would you like the 3 dollars or would you like all of it.
    K- *looks shocked and sheepish* just... the 3 dollars.
    Me- *counts it out* You ahve nice day (sickly sweet voice and smile)

    yeah going to fall for that one.

    Where injury meets candy
    My first large order.
    they ordered 4 pizza. 2 sides. 2 2liters.
    So i dont drop the soda (and cause the soda eruption of doom aka have to drive back and get a new one because the original is over all sidewalk) i grap the hot food and start walking towards the door knowing i can run back to my car no problem.
    When i got out of my car i felt my shoe lace come on done (fuck) I also see the home owner or the home owners mother (dont know dont care all i know is two adult women and two adult men are there one couple is about a generation older than the other) unloading some stuff form their soccer mom mobile. So at least i know they know im there and will be abnle to open and grab fast.
    So i walk up the drive wqay then walkway carefully trying to avoid my shoelace. Suddenly, the ground is coming towards me.
    No actually i didnt not step on my shoe lace. See the home owner obviously put the walkway at a different time than the drive way. Its lighter and slightly higher. also the edges aren't especially even to put it simply i came to a part where it suddenly looked like this
    yep my right foot landed right in that little dip.
    I turned my ankel. I know im falling. Now here comes aikido training. I drop the pizzas straight to the ground (and nothing gets ruined haha) androll my body towards the hurt leg so i land in on the grass not the concrete. I also to the proper fall protecting my head and allowing the force to spread through out my body. No injury. score.
    Now im only on the ground for about 1 minute.
    Here are my thoughts-God i hope the pizzas are ok. Thank god i took aikido. Ow my ankel hurts. OMG!!! I wonder if they saw me.
    Now little lady comes running out just as begining to get back up.
    She is freaking out. She carrys in half the order while i limp after her. I give her the recipet for her card. I smile through the pain (omg my ankle hurt) and tell her ill go get the soda.
    I run out and curse up a strom under my breath while doing so.
    As i grap the soda younger guy pulls up and looks surprised because little lady is running after me because she doesnt want me to walk back. I see her explain what happen to younger guy. i go back to the store inform my manager of the injury, struggle out of my shoe, my socks, and put on an ice pack and replace them (this took about 30 minutes because there is no fucking place in the store to sit down) I take two more runs that night and he lets me go home early.
    now oder guy? Mowing the yard the whole time this incident happened. WTF? Younger lady? tipped me 13 dollars on 40 dollar order (there where coupons involved). I bought some snickers bars. I like chocolate.

  • #2
    Aha! Welcome to the world of Pizza Delivery. Sorry to hear about the scammers, what jerks. A few years back, when debit/credit wasn't as common, the job I worked started charging 10 cents to process checks. And how many checks do you think I received for the exact amount BEFORE the 10 cents. Truthfully, it usually wasn't worth the argument to wrestle another 10cents out of the customer, which means I lost money on each of those deliveries.

    By the way, the first woman was a jerk, but I can understand her frustration regarding cost. My sore point? The "delivery charge" most places charge now. I find it frustrating because a few places don't clearly explain what I'm being charged for and I know for a fact the driver doesn't receive a cent of this (I've asked, and this bothers me to no end).

    I won't order Papa John's delivery because I figured out they charged me an extra 2 dollars PER ITEM on my order. When I phoned in the order and received the total, it seemed rather high. I requested he explain how the charges were broken down and no mention was made of the delivery charge. I couldn't figure it out until talking to the driver. I didn't stiff on the tip-not the driver's fault and it's my fault for approving the charges without pushing for a better explanation. But it still pissed me off. In other words, that $3.00 bottle of pop really cost me 5 dollars and the pizza cost an extra two bucks also. I prefer pizza hut. At least they're up front with their charges and don't give the runaround. Too bad the driver doesn't receive any part of their delivery charge either. I gotta think people assume this replaces the tip and therefore stiff the driver.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      i get about 45% of the delivery actually, the rest go to cover the insurance (life) for the drivers and the cost for the delivery stuff.


      • #4
        Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
        W- I want my 2 dollars.
        Now I want to see that movie!
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          $2 an ITEM ... including soda? What a rip off!

          Yes, Better Off Dead is a great, great movie! And, Monique is smoking ... she can give me language lessons anytime she wants.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            I've ordered Papa Johns somewhat recently, and there is no way I would have accepted $2 per item for delivery.

            I'm wondering if that location was running something hinky.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              I order Papa John's all the time and it's a 1.50 charge for the enitre order. If they're charging that much, i think they're scamming people.
              Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time


              • #8
                Some Stuff i forgot

                Rock Star boys and soccermoms
                this is just a random observation-
                The guys who if i brought home would kill my dad (though if i brought home a girl he would die too) and the late 20s early 30 moms tip the best. 17-20% at the least most of the time almost $7 (which for a 22 dollar order is alot) it fascinates me that these guys with blue cat eye contacts lenses (i had to resist asking him where he got them), kind of talk like a druggy, or are wearing either leather or what was possibly just dark denium tight girl pants and purple silk boxers (yeah ... and his pants wherent around his ankels) or moms tip me better than anyone else.

                damn lights
                so i was finishing up and.... a light comes on. Its a battery light. damn.
                two days latter i have it checked out, im alternator is bad and two belts need replaced. so yeah 538.07 i need to come up with aswell as...... 435 or more

