Wow. Two that I honestly just don't. Well Get.
1: Man comes in. Throws his debit card on the counter. Demands a roll of quarters.
1: We don't do cash back, (not that he was buying anything of course)
2: We don't sell rolls of coins. There may be a rare exception, but rare.
I politely tell him. (Well... it might have been a little harsh then I met, but still kind!).
So he asks for a pack of smokes. Guess what he paid with?
A: His debit card.
B: $4.00 dollars in quarters. (Pack was 3.85).
If you guess the quarters, you win!
WTF Man? If you wanted a roll of quarters, why are you spending them?
2: More of anger moment, but the dude treated me like an idiot!
Man comes in. Goes to gateroade. Grabs one. Gets outta me view, but full on the camera/mirror, he is trying to STUFF it in his pants. Now the gatorades are 32 oz. So little big. Then he starts to run over to the door I burst over. More or less. um. Demanded it back. Not nicely. I'll admit that.
SC: Man, I only have two hands! I was going to pay for it! See man! I have money!! *tries to reach into his pocket, a few pennies drop out*
Again. Demanded it back. Not nicely. Also told him that its a very rare person that STUFF something in his pants, and not intennd to steal it. I have seen people absently mindly put in their coat pockets when they have their hands full, but it sticking out, and they've always remembered to pay for it. I even have people shout from across the store if they can just tempoary. No way in hell he was intended to pay for it.
Now it was hanging losely, but still under his raincoat. I slapped it. He threatened to go to safeway. I tell him they can more likely afford the theft. Foul look, but defeated, he leaves.
Also yes. I was wrong to do that, should have let it go, write it off. I fully admit that. About half the time I do. But jebus that pissed me off. If your caught, just give it back and get the hell outta my store
1: Man comes in. Throws his debit card on the counter. Demands a roll of quarters.
1: We don't do cash back, (not that he was buying anything of course)
2: We don't sell rolls of coins. There may be a rare exception, but rare.
I politely tell him. (Well... it might have been a little harsh then I met, but still kind!).
So he asks for a pack of smokes. Guess what he paid with?
A: His debit card.
B: $4.00 dollars in quarters. (Pack was 3.85).
If you guess the quarters, you win!
WTF Man? If you wanted a roll of quarters, why are you spending them?

2: More of anger moment, but the dude treated me like an idiot!
Man comes in. Goes to gateroade. Grabs one. Gets outta me view, but full on the camera/mirror, he is trying to STUFF it in his pants. Now the gatorades are 32 oz. So little big. Then he starts to run over to the door I burst over. More or less. um. Demanded it back. Not nicely. I'll admit that.
SC: Man, I only have two hands! I was going to pay for it! See man! I have money!! *tries to reach into his pocket, a few pennies drop out*
Again. Demanded it back. Not nicely. Also told him that its a very rare person that STUFF something in his pants, and not intennd to steal it. I have seen people absently mindly put in their coat pockets when they have their hands full, but it sticking out, and they've always remembered to pay for it. I even have people shout from across the store if they can just tempoary. No way in hell he was intended to pay for it.
Now it was hanging losely, but still under his raincoat. I slapped it. He threatened to go to safeway. I tell him they can more likely afford the theft. Foul look, but defeated, he leaves.
Also yes. I was wrong to do that, should have let it go, write it off. I fully admit that. About half the time I do. But jebus that pissed me off. If your caught, just give it back and get the hell outta my store
