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Insurance tales (long)

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  • Insurance tales (long)

    Hi everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster.

    I've been working in insurance for the last 7-8 years and I've got some real doozies for SC's. I've got just a few short ones to start with. I used to work as a licensed CSR (I could quote and write policies) for about 5 years, I'm currently working in claims right now.

    Because It's ILLEGAL.

    We used to get a lot of refferals. One afternoon a guy comes in looking for a new auto policy. So I get all of his information, he likes the coverages and the price so I write up the policy. Then I ask him, "Would you like this to start today?" Sometimes we get people in who wanted to start at the next renewal in a week or so. The guy says, "No, I need it for a different day." Alright, so I ask him which day he wants. He says, "*yesterday*" Uh. No. I tell him I cannot back date the policy.

    Then he proceeds to rant and rave for a good 15 minutes about how he got pulled over *yesterday* and he told the officer he didn't have his insurance with him at that moment, but had it. He had to take his paper into court to get the ticket for no insurance off his record. But since he didn't have insurance he was screwed. Of course it was all my fault.

    Finally he says, "Alright if you won't help me I'm going to X agency who will do it."

    It's still ILLEGAL.

    Had a guy come into the office looking to start an auto policy, he reeked of booze so bad I could still smell it in my office an hour after he left. He didn't get violent, but I told him that since I smelled booze on him, I was refusing to write the policy. He kept saying, "I haven't been drinking at all." I told him he could come back the next day if he wished. Never came back. My boss told me that I did a good judgement call on that one.... when his driving record came back, guess what he had on it? Quite a few DUI's.

    EDIT: I can't believe I forgot the BEST part of these two stories. Mr. Drunk was a former client of ours who was the one that referred Mr. I-lied-about-my-car-insurance-to-an-officer!

    FOR WHO?

    S1= Sister 1
    S2= Sister 2
    SM= Mother of the girls

    S1 calls in for a renters quote. She likes the price so she comes in a little later in the afternoon. I start gathering all her information and when I ask for her SSN she says, "Well it's not for me it's for S2. She's pregnant in the car and doesn't want to come in." I tell her I need to see her and get her information. She asks if we can fill out all the information and then run it out to the car so her sister can sign?

    No. So her sister comes in and I start the whole process over again. After about 15 minutes, I get to the SSN question again and she freaks out. Refuses to give it, I explain that it's for a property claim check. Nope. S2 goes back to the car. Then S1 says it's for their mother, then their boyfriend, then their cousin, etc. No. I kept telling her no. Finally I go in and talk with my boss and relay the situation to him. He confirms that since we 1. Can't get the right information from them 2. We don't know who the policy is for and 3. the person who is supposed to be on the policy isn't there we can't help them.

    So I start to explain this to S1 and she says, ok and leaves. Not 5 mintues later pregnant S2 comes in freaks out on me again. Tells me I'm being racist and starts calling me names that I've NEVER heard in my life. My boss yells, "Watch your mouth." She yells back STFU *racist remark*

    Ten minutes later SM calls me and appologizes for her daughters behavior and asks if they can come in and get the policy. (At least she was nice). I tell her no that since they chose to use racist remarks against me for no reason that they were no longer welcome at our office for any reason. The mother again appologized and said she understood.

    Next week's edition: Collison with no insurance and 20.02 and The Lawyer over late bills.

    Thanks for the great reading everyone!
    Last edited by Gothicsmurf; 04-25-2008, 02:13 PM. Reason: Forgot the best part.
    You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.

  • #2
    Wow, stupid girls give you the run-around and then pull the race card?

    I really wish buildings were built with old-fashioned man-traps so that you could trap them on your way out and pour boiling oil all over them.

    Since you can't (stupid laws), how about filming everything and having an "educational" video playing when you enter the lobby. "How To Get Banned From This Building" starring Racist Puke and her Sister.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      I like that one. There should be SC training videos, both for the customers & for the staff.

      'Okay, Tim, since you're new to the insurance biz, I got a couple training videos for you. This one, 'what to do when the potential client comes in drunk, stoned or reeking of booze,' 'how to react when the potential client won't give the correct information,' and the most important one, 'how to boot someone out of the office.'

      "Hi, there, welcome to our office. We certainly hope that we'll be able to help you today. As part of our efforts, please watch these videos, to help us relate better. This one is 'that's illegal and we aren't going to do it,' this one is 'if you want our insurance, don't arrive drunk,' and finally, 'how to get banned from our office.' Thank you for choosing us for your insurance needs."
      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


      • #4
        I wonder what the father of her kid's like? Her life is guaranteed to be one living nightmare
        Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


        • #5
          Quoth trench2k View Post
          I wonder what the father of her kid's like? Her life is guaranteed to be one living nightmare
          What's he like? Gone after punching a hole in the wall / cabinets / mirrors for which they are now trying to get (retro) renter's insurance for.


          • #6
            Ah yes, retroactive of the little illegal things we're made to do all the time here at Evil Insurance Co. I'm just happy I'm neither licensed nor a fiduciary here, because when the hits the fan I'll be noshing on popcorn and enjoying the show.

            From a reluctant insurance guru to a real one...welcome!!
            Not all who wander are lost.


            • #7
              Thanks for all the replies!

              I currently work in claims and sit next to the auto claim department. I swear their conversations are the funniest things I've ever heard. (Talk about entitlement jerks!)

              Best one ever, "Sir?"
              "I have to ask you to stop swearing/yelling at me or I have to disconnect the call."
              "Sir, do you speak to your son the way you are speaking to me?"
              "Well I'm sorry that your son is a meth addict who's living on the streets. I'm sorry to hear you call him those words, but I am not your son."



              "Thank you Goodbye. *note in file* Insured would not stop using "

              Some days it takes everything in me not to laugh...

              When I got SC calls and they wanted to talk to my "super" I'd had the phone off to him and he's day, "Yeah, a woman's voice must be too high pitched for them to understand. I guess they have to hear it in a man's voice." He ruled.
              You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.


              • #8

                I don't often post my stories here (although I've seriously thought about creating an Uninsured Motorist Subrogation drinking game), but I look forward to reading yours!

                My favorite is when the other party tries to tell you YOUR job. "No, just because your sister's neighbor said that we had to get 3 quotes doesn't mean it's true. I know my job. You didn't have insurance. Pay up." gaaaah


                • #9
                  Quoth PuckishOne View Post
                  Ah yes, retroactive of the little illegal things we're made to do all the time here at Evil Insurance Co.

                  Dang, the companies I normally think of as evil are the ones that try and trick people into creating a situation where the carrier doesn't have to give them coverage. Not companies that are doing things that are blatantly illegal. I'm guessing this is done for tickets but not losses?


                  • #10
                    Quoth Reyneth View Post

                    I don't often post my stories here (although I've seriously thought about creating an Uninsured Motorist Subrogation drinking game), but I look forward to reading yours!
                    That's a brilliant idea!

                    Quoth Reyneth View Post
                    My favorite is when the other party tries to tell you YOUR job. "No, just because your sister's neighbor said that we had to get 3 quotes doesn't mean it's true. I know my job. You didn't have insurance. Pay up." gaaaah
                    Yeah I worked in a "no fault" state. That was great. Well I had an accident, but since it's a no fault state you can't charge me. Oh, is that how it works. Alright then. No tickets for you! Uh. No.

                    Or "Well my brothers, cousins' friends uncle said..." I always asked, "Really? How long has he/she had his/her insurance license or legal degree?"

                    Quoth Reyneth View Post

                    Dang, the companies I normally think of as evil are the ones that try and trick people into creating a situation where the carrier doesn't have to give them coverage. Not companies that are doing things that are blatantly illegal. I'm guessing this is done for tickets but not losses?
                    Well there is a way to have legal back dating done... The ONLY way it can be done is this:

                    If we have an insured who buys a new car, their current auto policy extends to their new car for up to X days depending on state.

                    Sometimes the insured will call a week after buying the new car and ask to have it back dated to the date of purchase. In that case it's alright because the insured had extended coverage at that time.

                    For existing clients for the correct situations sure. New clients to skirt the law? NO.
                    You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Reyneth View Post
                      I'm guessing this is done for tickets but not losses?
                      You're going to love this one: we're medical insurance. Bossman doesn't seem to lose much sleep over sniggling details such as ERISA (the federal law that covers us), so it's pretty much anything goes, especially if you're the owner of one of our client businesses. One of the many reasons I am seeking work elsewhere.

                      I love the idea of a UM Subro Drinking Game!! Where can I sign up?
                      Not all who wander are lost.


                      • #12
                        Quoth marasbaras View Post
                        I really wish buildings were built with old-fashioned man-traps so that you could trap them on your way out and pour boiling oil all over them.
                        Wow, that's the kind of vengefulness I only ever hear coming out of my own mouth.
                        Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


