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My tolerance for stupidity was at a record low today...

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  • My tolerance for stupidity was at a record low today... of course, that's when all the EW's of the world decide to descend on my position.

    It's called a line, people
    A pair of women wanted to make an exchange on some pants, so I told them to grab the size they want so I can do it all in one transaction. When they came back, I had three people in line. So...they walked up to the empty register next to me (which I had been on when they first came, but I had moved over one) and proceeded to stare at me. I mentally shrugged and marked their 'place' in line, finished what I was doing, and nodded the next guy in line foward.

    They didn't take that well. They both started started yelling at me that THEY were next.

    Me: I have a line. I'm sorry, but I have to take people in order.
    Them: But we were already here! YOU sent us to go get the items.
    Me: Yes, I did. I still have to take the line in order.
    Them: *in the you're-not-worth-our-notice tone* Shut up.
    Me: *finishes the second transaction, takes #3*
    Them: That's it! We're leaving the old ones here and taking the ones we want. You can do whatever you want with them! *strongly implied 'stuff it you-know-where'*
    Me: *snaps* It doesn't work that way. They have different bar codes. *apologizes to current guest as I finish her payment, and moves over to finally help the women, because it was now their turn*

    Had to pause after that one to take a deep breath and calm down, because I HATE being talked to in that tone of voice. The guest after them told me "Some people just have no idea how to behave in public, do they?", which helped, but I had to flag my manager and ask for a break after that one.

    Listen to me! I know what I'm talking about!
    Woman wants to return a pair of pants, but the receipt isn't in the bag like she thought. I was mentally wincing because the price tag was over our no receipt limit of $20, but it had been on sale at some point for $19.99 so it was possible to give store credit.

    SW: Sucky woman
    SD: Sucky Daughter
    Me: *is it over yet?*

    Me: So, I can only give you the last sale price for it, which was $19.99.
    SW: *sighs* Well, what can I do. Okay.
    Me: And it will be store credit.
    SW: What? No way! I paid cash!
    Me: (*sigh* Here we go again...) Ma'am, returns without receipts are for store credit only.
    SW: I want to talk to a manager!
    J: I'm right here, what can I do? *listens* She's right, ma'am, we only give store credit for no receipt returns.
    SW: I want to talk to the STORE manager!
    J: *gets D*
    D: *repeats what J said*
    SW: I want to talk to YOUR manager!
    D: There's no one else. I'm in charge.
    (I missed this bit because I was helping another customer, but D pointed at the big sign behind us that says 'A receipt dated within 90 days is required for all returns and exchanges' and read it aloud. I love it when the managers do that, it makes the SC look like an idiot.)
    SW: *complains more*
    D: *gives her the Guest Relations number, and the courtesy phone, but gets paged away*
    SD: It's okay, Ma. I'll use store credit.
    Me: *relieved* Okay, so you'll get $19.99 back.
    SD: What? No way! I paid $24.99!
    Me: Well, we have two choices. One is store credit for $19.99, which is the maximum the computer allows. The other is for you to take the pants and come back with the receipt.
    SD: I want to speak to the store manager!
    Me: *pages D again...*

    They eventually took the $19.99 on a gift card. I, on the other hand, asked for (and got) another break.

    Other fun of the night included another manager dropping a grill off the top shelf of the back room. (SMASH!) Of course it was the last one, resulting in much frustration for the poor guest, who had called ahead to make sure we had it. We told him it was damaged when we took it off the shelf...we just didn't tell him it was damaged while being taken off the shelf.
    Last edited by LadyAndreca; 04-24-2008, 02:50 PM.
    It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.

  • #2
    Quoth LadyAndreca View Post
    We told him it was damaged when we took it off the shelf...we just didn't tell him it was damaged while being taken off the shelf.
    Technically not a lie XD
    I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
    In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


    • #3
      Wow, your customers really suck.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

