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  • Planetoids

    Everyone knows about cell phones and register lines- my first was on a very busy Saturday- she was turned utterly away from me, and in 2000 I was far too polite! But it was fun watching the rest of the line contemplate lynch mob behavior.

    The one that really annoys me is this weird lady at the dress shop. Of course, shrink is a reality for most retail, so one must keep an eye on customers. This lady came in yakking on her cell and the proceeded to yak on walking around the store. When I say around, I do mean the perimeter. She described the perfect orbit, occasionally looking at a garment. And of course then right by the door. As a relatively new and paranoid girl, this did make me a lot nervous.

    But apparently all we need do was provide a place for her to orbit the sun (of fashion, in this case) in climate controlled comfort for 30 minutes. I can't remember if she bought anything, just that she came in to orbit at us, yakking at her buddy.


  • #2
    Weird ... very weird.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      One Missed Call

      Being a relatively new member of our cellphone obssessed culture (I got my first cellphone after the New Year), I find it a love/hate thing.
      I can't imagine being without one now these few months later, but I hate myself for feeling that way.

      I refuse to allow myself to become one of those folks who walk around in public blabbing personal info to whoever may be within earshot all the while oblivious to my surroundings.

      "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


      • #4
        when I am inside a building that is not my house, then I go outside. I also go away from the people outside so that I can talk on the phone without other people hearing about it.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          Quoth Demonoid Phenomenon View Post
          Being a relatively new member of our cellphone obssessed culture (I got my first cellphone after the New Year), I find it a love/hate thing.
          I can't imagine being without one now these few months later, but I hate myself for feeling that way.
          I'm the complete opposite. My regular job is as a phone CSR, so the very last thing I want when I go home is talk to anyone else, especially on the phone. Even though I have a regular land-line and a cell-phone, I almost never answer them and I'm very slow in returning messages.

          My family and friends hate it, but I don't think any of them truly appreciate how dealing with idiots on the phone all day, everyday, can turn me off to that particular medium in my personal life.
          Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


          • #6
            Quoth powerboy View Post
            when I am inside a building that is not my house, then I go outside. I also go away from the people outside so that I can talk on the phone without other people hearing about it.
            I do the same thing, but more often than not it's not entirely by choice. I'm using my father's old Treo (brilliant machinery, those) and somehow, during the time of my ownership, the screw holding the antennae in place disappeared. Thanks to the magic of scotch tape I was still able to use it until my bloodhound of a sister (you would not believe the kinds of things she's been able to find) rediscovered the screw. That has not, however, improved my reception; since the screw initially fell out, I have CRAP reception wherever I go, which means that I vacate the building or crowd I'm in if my phone rings. And wind up being a bit more polite because of it
            Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


            • #7
              I find it also quite annoying when people are yapping at high volume on the busses and stuff where you can't get away from them, like at work. Even in your free time you can't escape them.

              We had a comercial here for the train where they have mobile-free cars and on the commercial was an annoying teenager yapping loudly on the phone about crap like her new hairstyle and the man sitting next to her was suffering. It was a funny commercial and I'm glad they have mobile-free cars. I'd pay extra for that.

              Also you're not allowed to have your mobile on at pharmacies or at the bank. I guess it annoyed the staff so much they had to make a new policy about it. Too bad most of the people on this site don't have a similar policy.

              I really don't want to hear other people's private conversations.
              It's been a long, long, long, long time...


              • #8
                Quoth Alpha Strike View Post
                I'm the complete opposite. My regular job is as a phone CSR, so the very last thing I want when I go home is talk to anyone else, especially on the phone. Even though I have a regular land-line and a cell-phone, I almost never answer them and I'm very slow in returning messages.

                My family and friends hate it, but I don't think any of them truly appreciate how dealing with idiots on the phone all day, everyday, can turn me off to that particular medium in my personal life.
                I know exactly how you feel. I'm a CSR myself, and because of it, ignore my phone completely once I'm off work. I text a lot, but for my friends who don't do that, they get upset that I don't talk to them, and they can't understand it at all.
                "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin

                Hurts, doesn't it?


                • #9
                  Quoth chinashirtgirl View Post
                  I find it also quite annoying when people are yapping at high volume on the busses and stuff where you can't get away from them...
                  Even worse is when they have their damn phone on SPEAKER (and most of the time the people who do this don't even realize it).

                  I really wish our store could ban phones at checkout... I've been screwed a couple of times because of it, plus the fact that it's incredibly rude.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Listerfiend View Post
                    Even worse is when they have their damn phone on SPEAKER (and most of the time the people who do this don't even realize it).
                    If it's on speaker phone, maybe they want everyone to participate in the conversation. Next time that happens, toss in a few comments. I think I might if it happens to me.
                    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                    • #11
                      Quoth aspira View Post
                      I know exactly how you feel. I'm a CSR myself, and because of it, ignore my phone completely once I'm off work. I text a lot, but for my friends who don't do that, they get upset that I don't talk to them, and they can't understand it at all.
                      I'll third that. I do phone sales in a kiosk. I've come to rely on texting to keep communication short after a day of dealing with customers and mall noise. I'll call you back if you leave a message, but if it's not an emergency, it'll be after I have dinner, a cup of tea, do some sewing, clean the kitty litter, whatever it takes to get that buzzing out of my head.

                      And even if you're a customer of our cell service, I'll take the next person in line if you're on the phone and don't end the call when it's your turn.

