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You're Going to Go to Jail.....for Stupidity!

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  • You're Going to Go to Jail.....for Stupidity!

    This is not one of MY stories....ASSMAN came home today and told me this whopper!

    ASSMAN (the boyfriend) is a manager at a phone shop. Mobile phones...O2, to be exact. He was upstairs, getting ready to leave. It was 5:30 and the shop was closed, door locked. He hears a bang, but thinks nothing of it, as it sounds far away. He went downstairs a few minutes later to find that the front door is smashed!

    So, he did the logical thing and went to look at the camera tape. The camera faces the front door. He watches it and sees a man walk up to the shop carrying an O2 bag. The man tries to open the door (as customers do) and finds that it is locked. So, he punches the door and then kicks it in frustration. Well, you see the door smash and the man looks around nervously and walks

    So, he has this guy on tape, has his face and knows that he was probably coming to the shop to return something (judging by the O2 bag that he was carrying). Also, he assumes that this man is a customer of O2 and, therefor has all his details. So, he calls the police. They say that they will send out a message to all patrol in the area to find this man. Also, ASSMAN sends the man's picture to all other O2 shops, incase he tries to return whatever he was trying to return to another shop because of the incident.

    The police call when he gets home and tell him that they will come in tomorrow and take the camera tape and any details.

    Thing is...this man is soooo stupid! If he is a customer with O2 and was trying to return sometihing, then he should know that they will have his details and that if he tries to come in to return it again, they will know who he is. Also, most shops have CCTV at the front door, are on camera!

    I hope that he is going to come in and try to return whatever he wanted to return again so they catch him. He should have at least left a note! DUMBASS!
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

  • #2
    I dont know what it is about me but whenever I glance at your avatar it looks like someone's got their hand around your neck. After I focus on it for a second I realize there's no hand that and only your neck. I guess the shadow plays a role in it.


    • #3
      that's why you kick the frame and not the glass, or, if you're really smart and mature, don't kick the door at all, it's not the doors fault the shop is closed
      "Ride the spiral to the end, it may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going..." -Lateralus


      • #4
        One the other hand there's no shortage of people that go to jail for stupidity.


        • #5
          Going to jail for accidentally breaking the glass on the door? Talk about extreme. The way you describe it, with him looking nervous and such after breaking the door (unlike some who would run in, grab shit, and run), it seems like an innocent accident he was too scared to deal with at that time, so he ran off. It might be smarter just to bill him for replacing the glass, instead of getting him sent to jail for accidentally breaking something. Like I can see if he broke it on purpose, to try to steal something, but I don't think any judge with his or her head screwed on straight would sentence that man to jail for what is obviously an accident and was not purposeful.
          Last edited by CanadaGirl; 09-09-2006, 02:02 AM.


          • #6
            it was purposeful but it may not have been meant to do that much damage
            kicking a door is no accident, causing harm doing it is going to happen especially if you kick hard or in a certain place


            • #7
              Quoth CanadaGirl View Post
              Like I can see if he broke it on purpose, to try to steal something, but I don't think any judge with his or her head screwed on straight would sentence that man to jail for what is obviously an accident and was not purposeful.
              Oh, I don't know. He punched and kicked the door - twice is not an accident. It was a deliberate act of violence against property just because a shop was closed when its closing hours said it was closed.

              Not only should he face the wrath of the law, but he should know he's been talked about on here. Now that would teach him a lesson...



              • #8
                Quoth CanadaGirl View Post
                Like I can see if he broke it on purpose, to try to steal something, but I don't think any judge with his or her head screwed on straight would sentence that man to jail for what is obviously an accident and was not purposeful.
                Breaking the glass door by kicking it would be not different than breaking the door by throwing a brick at it. Vandalism is still vandalism, and the man should be punishished for what he did-even if all he has to do is pay for a new (kick-proof, perhaps?) door.
                I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                • #9
                  Quite honestly, what else could he do other than walk away embarrassed ? Wait there all night for you to come into work the next day just to tell you?
                  It could be that he'll call head office or come in first thing with his tail between his legs and 'fess up. If it were me, my knee jerk reaction would be to get the Hell out of there, especially as it would serve no purpose to stand there looking at my handywork. I'd call in as soon as I could though..


                  • #10
                    Quoth ditchdj View Post
                    I dont know what it is about me but whenever I glance at your avatar it looks like someone's got their hand around your neck. After I focus on it for a second I realize there's no hand that and only your neck. I guess the shadow plays a role in it.
                    It IS a hand around my hand. I took that pic of myself!
                    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                    • #11
                      Quoth CanadaGirl View Post
                      Going to jail for accidentally breaking the glass on the door? Talk about extreme. The way you describe it, with him looking nervous and such after breaking the door (unlike some who would run in, grab shit, and run), it seems like an innocent accident he was too scared to deal with at that time, so he ran off. It might be smarter just to bill him for replacing the glass, instead of getting him sent to jail for accidentally breaking something. Like I can see if he broke it on purpose, to try to steal something, but I don't think any judge with his or her head screwed on straight would sentence that man to jail for what is obviously an accident and was not purposeful.
                      When I wrote the topic...I was joking. I know he is not going to go to jail for it.
                      "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                      • #12

                        First customer in the shop today was the stupid man! He needed his phone fixed (so that was what was in the bag). ASSMAN asked him if he was there last night and if he kicked the glass. He said "no". So, ASSMAN decided to not call the cops or mention anything, and went ahead and fixed the guys phone. So he got all the guys details and was going to call the police later. About a half hour later, the guy comes back, fesses up and says he will pay for it. LOL!
                        "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                        • #13
                          Quoth marcus View Post
                          Quite honestly, what else could he do other than walk away embarrassed ? Wait there all night for you to come into work the next day just to tell you?
                          It could be that he'll call head office or come in first thing with his tail between his legs and 'fess up. If it were me, my knee jerk reaction would be to get the Hell out of there, especially as it would serve no purpose to stand there looking at my handywork. I'd call in as soon as I could though..
                          Jesus....everyone seemed to miss the point of the entire story. This man kicked and punched the door, as Raps said..that IS vandalism. That was not the point though. The point was, since he was a customer, he should have left a note or something. I mean, seriously....if you went to your phone company, would you kick and punch the glass if they were closed? And if you would (I hope you wuldn't) what would you do? I would leave a note, because, as I said, most all shops have cameras at the front door and they had all his details. He just left and thought no one would be the wiser and he did not take responsibility for his stupid actions.

                          This post was not to do anything than to make fun of him because he is a stupid customer.

                          Everyone seems to be sticking up for him. If you were the manager and it was your store, what would you have done? Nothin?, Just said "oh well he didn't mean it" and not call the police. I am sorry, but he risked breaking something when he got mad because he got to the store too late to get his phone fixed.

                          To me it is the same as clipping a parked cars rearview mirror and driving away.You should not do that...leave a note.
                          "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                          • #14
                            Actually, if I had somehow accidentally broken the front door of a closed business, I probably would have called the police, especially if I didn't hear the alarm. Can you imagine the temptation to less than honest people if the damage was undiscovered until morning?

