BG: I'm working seasonal at a large hardware store- lets call it 'Blue Hardware'- across the street is another gargantuan hardware store 'Orange Hardware'. I used to work at the L&G (outside register) but sience they fired one of the returns clerks, I've been covering returns for the last 2 weeks.
Yesterday a woman comes in with a Blue Hardware bag. Inside the bag are about 10 little bags that are the packaging for drawer pulls/knobs. The bags are empty.(ETA She didn't have a recipt, though these knobs are not sold by Orange Hardware.) She wants to return the empty bags because (paraphrasing) she'd lost all the knobs and didn't want to pay for them if she couldn't use them.
note: this is parapharsed heavily, because I don't remember it all, it only lasted about 5 mins.
Me: Ma'am, we can't refund an empty package. We have no way of knowing if you're just using them and want your money back.
SC: What?? But I don't have them!! I told you I don't have them!! You're just saying that because I'm Black!
(side note: I didn't recognize her as black, she was as light as I am and I have the palest Irish ass you've ever seen.)
Me: Ma'am I'm sorry I can't return empty packages.
SC: I want to talk to your manager and tell him you are a racist!
Manager comes over, he was at customer service (right next to the returns desk) and saw the whole thing.
Mgr: Ma'am we do not return empty packages... etc. etc. ad nauseam.
SC: This is a racist store! Blahblahblahblah.
As she's in this diatribe about the racist store who walks in but my cousin and her three kids who are all biracial. My little second cousins love me because I used to babysit them all the time so they come over to get hugs. This leaves SC confused.
SC: (sputtering) Well fine then! I'll just go to Orange Hardware and get a refund! What do you say about that!?
Mgr: I get paid the same either way.
Yesterday a woman comes in with a Blue Hardware bag. Inside the bag are about 10 little bags that are the packaging for drawer pulls/knobs. The bags are empty.(ETA She didn't have a recipt, though these knobs are not sold by Orange Hardware.) She wants to return the empty bags because (paraphrasing) she'd lost all the knobs and didn't want to pay for them if she couldn't use them.



note: this is parapharsed heavily, because I don't remember it all, it only lasted about 5 mins.
Me: Ma'am, we can't refund an empty package. We have no way of knowing if you're just using them and want your money back.
SC: What?? But I don't have them!! I told you I don't have them!! You're just saying that because I'm Black!
(side note: I didn't recognize her as black, she was as light as I am and I have the palest Irish ass you've ever seen.)
Me: Ma'am I'm sorry I can't return empty packages.
SC: I want to talk to your manager and tell him you are a racist!
Manager comes over, he was at customer service (right next to the returns desk) and saw the whole thing.
Mgr: Ma'am we do not return empty packages... etc. etc. ad nauseam.
SC: This is a racist store! Blahblahblahblah.
As she's in this diatribe about the racist store who walks in but my cousin and her three kids who are all biracial. My little second cousins love me because I used to babysit them all the time so they come over to get hugs. This leaves SC confused.
SC: (sputtering) Well fine then! I'll just go to Orange Hardware and get a refund! What do you say about that!?
Mgr: I get paid the same either way.
