If you have an unusually spelled last name, like Schartzenburgmon, please don't get offended when I ask you to spell it. For those you you with the last name of Smith, please don't bother to spell it. I can get that one on my own. I may not be the best speller in the world, but even I can manage that one.
While I understand your not the most computer literate person in the world, Please learn how to distinguish between a printer and a computer terminal? Really, they are completely different pieces of equipment.
Please stop calling me the moment I take a bit of my freshly heated lunch. I know you have problems, but since you're watching me anyway (only until I find those hidden cameras) give me time to eat before my dinner gets cold.
Please, please, please stop calling me on Friday nights to tell me you cannot get into the manufacturing system. You know damn good and well that we take the system down for roughly 15 minutes EACH AND EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT and have done so for years? You still insist that you don't know this fact? I have a hard time believing that you really are that stupid. . .
Then again. . .
When you call in at 1:00am, please don't be surprised that the One World team, or the the PC Technicians aren't available to fix your problem immediately. If it's important I will, reluctantly, call someone at home and wake them up to help solve your problem. However, if your PC won't start, there are others in the plant that do work, and I'm not going to insist that someone get out of bed and drive into the plant to get the thing running, especially when it sounds to me as though the hard drive is dead and will take several days to get fixed at any rate.
Oh, and one more thing. If I ask you what your login is, I don't mean your password, and speaking of passwords, if you give them out to other people at the plant, they can and will log in with them. Don't be surprised when they do something wrong in your name, and don't call me freaking out about it. Once they're logged in to most of the systems, I cannot knock them out again.
Edit: Yet one more thing. . .
We do a monthly backup on a pretty regular basis. You know what days they are, because we put up messages on the system that pop up when you log in to warn you about this. Pleas stop calling me right in the middle of said backups asking when they will be done. I know you have to get reports done, and I know you need it done by a certain time. Perhaps you should have finished them yesterday, before going home, rather than trying to finish them 2 hours before they have to be done...
Eric the Grey
While I understand your not the most computer literate person in the world, Please learn how to distinguish between a printer and a computer terminal? Really, they are completely different pieces of equipment.
Please stop calling me the moment I take a bit of my freshly heated lunch. I know you have problems, but since you're watching me anyway (only until I find those hidden cameras) give me time to eat before my dinner gets cold.
Please, please, please stop calling me on Friday nights to tell me you cannot get into the manufacturing system. You know damn good and well that we take the system down for roughly 15 minutes EACH AND EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT and have done so for years? You still insist that you don't know this fact? I have a hard time believing that you really are that stupid. . .
Then again. . .
When you call in at 1:00am, please don't be surprised that the One World team, or the the PC Technicians aren't available to fix your problem immediately. If it's important I will, reluctantly, call someone at home and wake them up to help solve your problem. However, if your PC won't start, there are others in the plant that do work, and I'm not going to insist that someone get out of bed and drive into the plant to get the thing running, especially when it sounds to me as though the hard drive is dead and will take several days to get fixed at any rate.
Oh, and one more thing. If I ask you what your login is, I don't mean your password, and speaking of passwords, if you give them out to other people at the plant, they can and will log in with them. Don't be surprised when they do something wrong in your name, and don't call me freaking out about it. Once they're logged in to most of the systems, I cannot knock them out again.
Edit: Yet one more thing. . .
We do a monthly backup on a pretty regular basis. You know what days they are, because we put up messages on the system that pop up when you log in to warn you about this. Pleas stop calling me right in the middle of said backups asking when they will be done. I know you have to get reports done, and I know you need it done by a certain time. Perhaps you should have finished them yesterday, before going home, rather than trying to finish them 2 hours before they have to be done...
