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  • Arsehole!

    Yep!! That's all I can say about this guy...

    I got him after the 4th call... he was hung up (call terminated)on the first 3 times, so that gives you some idea. Including by one of our 'supervisors' (in ' ' marks because he isn't anymore.. he chose to go back to being an agent).

    And all because he reckons that the law says we have to give him what he wants (sorry - YELLS and demands!!).

    When I get him and he makes his demand, I ask him if he was just speaking to our sup, and he says 'no'... yeah right! we're all within 5 metres of each other, so I can hear everyone's calls!

    Anyways... after a bit of his crap about what he's legally entitled to (quoting the section relevant), and me saying 'nope - here's the terms and conditions - you ain't getting it' (which, really is - you're an asshole who abuses and bullies people - so no), he gets nothing out of me other than leaving a note on our system.

    Unfortunately, after the call, we see on our database he's on there numerous times - including a call for exactly the same thing from about 2 weeks ago. The notes indicate that it would get escalated to our legal department. They sent a letter to him about 10 days ago, saying that what he was demanding is not unlawful... that is - he lied through his teeth.

    Also looking on our database - he's already put through about 20 other complaints, been abusive and bullying, and for the most part completely speaking crap. Especially good was the complaint that he couldn't do what he wanted - and after a sup pushing, discovers that once again he lied!!

    It is actually worse than I made it sound.

    Apparently - this guy is a lawyer.....



    I typed this up last night after it happened, but it wouldn't allow me to post it. Since then, I've sent off an email to my manager to see if our legal-eagles can sic a harassment charge on him, and also to listen to the call recording to see if I can get him on making threats
    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

  • #2
    Ooooh... here's hoping your legal department gives him the boot, with some charges, for good measure.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Yeah, good luck on charging him with anything and letting him know how to deal with things in big-boy land.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        Hey Slyt, I wonder if that's the same guy I got calling my store a couple months back.

        He kept demanding to speak with [company's] CEO...informed me that he is a lawyer, and that the lawsuit was in the mail.

        When I told him to call customer service, he started bitching that he had just gotten off the phone with them and they had given him our number.

        I replied, "Be that as it may, I am only a sales rep. I'm not even employed by [company]. I suggest you try [company] customer service again, as they are the closest you're gonna get."

        Hehe...I was trying so hard not to laugh.

        I would have loved to fuck with him, but I had a customer in the store at the time...

        At least I got to tell my customer why I was trying so hard not to bust at the seams.
        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


        • #5
          Quoth Slytovhand View Post
          Since then, I've sent off an email to my manager to see if our legal-eagles can sic a harassment charge on him, and also to listen to the call recording to see if I can get him on making threats
          Hate to tell you this so late in the game pal, but if the threats you're talking about are in any way physical or violent threats, you don't need to wait for the lawyers of your company to make their move.

          If they were anything but legal threats, you can have him arrested as a citizen of this country. The laws are there to protect you as a citizen, not as an employee (those are separate laws.) If your company does not let you do so, then they are abetting a criminal action, in which case a civil rights or union lawyer can sue them on your behalf for their transgression.

          If the threat is physical, you're in a win-win position, company be damned. The question is whether you have the will, determination, and possibly financial backing to pursue it. (ie. you get fired and have to sie them over wrongful dismissal.)
          Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


          • #6
            Back when I was working Loan Servicing, the worst customers were lawyers. Most would see something odd, call up and ask what was going on. We'd explain it to them, and most times that would be enough. Sometimes we had to send them letters explaining it further.

            But almost every lawyer who called us was difficult, requiring us to send them copies of their notes, with their signatures (and the notary acknowledgements) attached, to show that, yes, they really did sign that agreement, and apparently without reading it, despite their claims.

            It always amazed me that lawyers (and doctors and others who should know better) were among the worst offenders in signing their notes without reading them.

            (Disclaimer: I'm well aware that the great majority of lawyers are much more intelligent than the ones we dealt with. The nature of the game is that we only ever see the bad ones.)
            The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


            • #7
              Quoth allniter View Post
              Hate to tell you this so late in the game pal, but if the threats you're talking about are in any way physical or violent threats, you don't need to wait for the lawyers of your company to make their move.

              If they were anything but legal threats, you can have him arrested as a citizen of this country. The laws are there to protect you as a citizen, not as an employee (those are separate laws.) If your company does not let you do so, then they are abetting a criminal action, in which case a civil rights or union lawyer can sue them on your behalf for their transgression.

              If the threat is physical, you're in a win-win position, company be damned. The question is whether you have the will, determination, and possibly financial backing to pursue it. (ie. you get fired and have to sie them over wrongful dismissal.)
              AN - I sort of tuned out from his little rant, so I don't recall exactly what he said. If the call has recorded nicely, I'll have a listen to see if I can get him on something. I don't think I can If I can, then you're quiter right - I'll do it myself. Would be nice to have the company go hand in hand with me though. I dont' think there was a 'specific' physical threat , but more a generic 'I've got it in for you" sort of thing.

              I got an email back from manager - she'll send it off to others in back office, and they'll make a decision from there, depending on the history. At the very least, they should be flagging his account, so that any dealings with us must go through our legal-eagles, and we can basically dump the call.
              When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

