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Jester's Guide to Inappropriate Tips

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  • Jester's Guide to Inappropriate Tips

    No, this is not going to be a discussion about appropriate percentages and all that....that rarely goes well, after all, and varies from culture to culture.

    But I submit here for your approval a list of "tips" that SCs have been known to give in lieu of actual money or what most people would consider a decent tip. Things that these SCs apparently feel ARE appropriate.

    Well, kids, they're not.

    Religious tracts and literature.

    Okay, Mr. Zealot, I am thrilled that you have found a religion that works for you. Have at it. But preaching to me is rude. Preaching to me where I work and am a captive audience and have to be nice to you is ruder. But "tipping" me with this pamphlet over actual money? That is just messed up. Not to mention cheap. Personally, I would rather you not tip me at all than leave with this condescending nonsense, which basically is saying that your beliefs are better than mine, and if I want to improve myself, I'll follow your lead.

    Something tells me if I showed up at your job and preached my hedonistic pagan views to you, espousing the greatness of beer, partying, clothing optional bars and parties, and nude sun worship, you might be offended.

    Well, I DON'T do that, because I am not rude, and don't try to force my views on others. So please, stop doing it to me.

    Coupons to other businesses.

    Are you serious Jack? You want me to come spend my money at your business or your friend's establishment, yet you leave, in place of a viable cash tip, this coupon? Why would I spend money at a place owned by a cheap sonofabiatch who doesn't have the courtesy to leave me a decent tip? You can take that coupon and you can shove it where your happy hour don't shine, pal.

    Verbal tips.

    "We just have to tell you, you did a great job! We never get service this good! We really appreciate it! You made our meal/night/experience very enjoyable!"

    Etc., etc.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I LIKE getting compliments. I do. I especially like it when those compliments are passed along from the customer to my management. Hell, it makes me look good! And most people who give out such compliments, I appreciate immensely. Except.

    Except when it's the Dreaded Verbal Tip. For those in the service industry, you know what I'm talking about. For those NOT in the service industry, the verbal tip is when a customer is very effusive in their praise of you, but leaves a miserly lame-ass--or no-- cash tip.

    I am not sure, not being one of these people, but I suspect that their thought process is that if they just say nice things to you, they are excused from actually tipping a normal or appropriate tip.

    I wonder what these people would think if their boss, on pay day, gave them a lot of verbal praise in place of half their paycheck. Think they might be upset, despite the high praise?

    You bet your lollipop, Kojak.

    Foreign money.

    When given with an appropriate cash tip of the money of the realm, this can be a nice little novel souvenir. I have some Bahamian and Mexican money in my wallet from such times. But I have also had people tip me in money from their country IN LIEU of American money. Seriously, what the hell am I gonna do with a seven meshuggenah note from Idiotnia?

    Alcohol and Drugs.

    Yes, I have been offered drinks and drugs as tips. Few bartenders mind when a guest buys them a drink--especially in this town--but a three dollar beer on a hundred dollar tab is not, my friend, a decent tip. And offering to let me toke up with you or snort your powder? Not my scene, not interested, and really don't want to be fired or arrested, thanks.


    Yes, food. I have had people who are eating at my restaurant leave me food as my tip. Don't ask, I don't know.

    I don't mind when, say, the Fishermen Brothers give me four pounds of freshly caught mackerel that they don't have room for in their hotel fridge. (Yes, that happened. Delicious!) But leaving me a half dozen donuts with the check instead of a cash tip? Not just cheap, but presumptive. (Unless, of course, they're maple-glazed. That's a whole different ball of sugar.)

    Phone Numbers

    Why is it that the only phone numbers that are ever left for me are from men (I'm not gay), ugly women (I'm not that desperate) or egocentric women who think they're deigning to socialize with me is adequate compensation for my services, and therefore an actual monetary tip is unnecessary. Honey, you're not that hot, and while I am easy, I am not that easy.

    So, what do y'all think? Any inappropriate tips you've received over the years?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    In my year as a server at Dennys, I got the religious crap and the verbal tips which annoyed me to know end. What I hated more were doing large parties cause in a place like Dennys is where people with very little money go and give you nothing for all the trouble. One kind of thing I hate is when a customer would actually ask me how much of a tip I deserved. I am a very polite person, I always answered that with whatever they wanted to give. I also hated when I was the person actually running the register for the very customers I served only to find they put 0 on the credit tip field despite high praise. Wtf?
    Never Underestimate the Element of Surprise - Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

    Captain John Rourke(Clear Skies) - Ah, yes. another Black Bird. Are they free with cereal now or something?


    • #3
      Foreign money.

      Always use the internet to check out the value of a foreign piece of money first. I heard from a friend that on one of their trips to the states that their $20 tip was turned down because it was Canadian bill, that is over $19 at the recent exchange rates. They had just run out of US bills and needed to get to a bank.

      And don't get me started on my Jamaican cousins who threw away a three dollar bill because they thought it was fake! It was real! And worth maybe as much as $500 CDN.


      • #4
        most inappropiate tip i ever got is debateable either - get a better job, or the time an old lady who hugged me after i loaded her grocerys... who are you and why are you touching me?


        • #5
          I don't do a job where we get tips - but we do sometimes get Thank You presents. The rule is that we're allowed to take things if we can share them, or keep them in the office - we can't take anything as individuals.

          Boxes of chocolates and biscuits are the most common, and greatly appreciated. Some very thoughtful people have given nice tea/coffee for the office. Bottles of drink occasionally - less good as about half the office don't drink and they pretty much have to be saved for Christmas or if someone leaves because it has to be drunk at work.

          My favourite was a little hand painted plaque someone brought me from Sri Lanka. A women with family there who told me I had to go one day to see a certain festival. Least favourite is a pair of little figurines that are just very poor quality and very dirty. They sit looking out of place over my desk.

          A couple of colleagues have been given second hand clothes, which I'd rather not get.

          But a colleague of mine got the worst. A male client gave her *drum roll* a pubic hair trimmer.

          "I saw this and thought of you" ? There's just no way that could be good.

          My personal worst was actually an attempt to give me a large amount of cash. An old lady had been underpaid pension (a really sad mistake - a friend had left her £10 in her will just as a little "have a drink on me" gesture, and she'd ended up losing £10 a week for 2 years from her pension !) told me if I got her money she'd give me half. I told her I couldn't take money - but when I got her £1000+ she came in with a roll of notes. When I said I couldn't take it and would lose my job she just winked. I eventually managed to get her to go away, and now she settles for an occasional box of chocolates but she terrified me.

          Victoria J


          • #6
            Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post

            And don't get me started on my Jamaican cousins who threw away a three dollar bill because they thought it was fake! It was real! And worth maybe as much as $500 CDN.
            What kind of currency has a three dollar bill?
            How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


            • #7
              If I see a tip jar, I will put in a tip. I also tip at about 20%.

              On a semi-related note, my pastor once said from the pulpit "Do not leave a tract behind unless you leav a good tip."


              • #8
                I had one person leave me 3 dollars that was left on their gift card.
                My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                • #9
                  a former coworker told me about a time someone told him he was a devil worshipper because he's a Jehovah's Witness


                  • #10
                    I try to tip generously (once in while I run low on cash, but I really do try), because I've had enough friends who depend on tips to know how crappy it is to get stiffed.

                    Since I work in a corporate office, we don't get tips, but our customers/members send us things a LOT. Actually, today I visited a group of them and got a lovely little picture holder from them, with the group name and date of the event on it (they're going to mail me a pic of the event, when they get them developed). Sometimes membership payment come in cute handmade cards which display around the office. Last week, a thank-you card came in addressed to "all you great folks who do the paperwork." This Friday was my org's 10 year anniversary, and we had several groups call us up to sing Happy Birthday over the speakerphone. I love stuff like that.
                    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                    My pony dolls:


                    • #11
                      holy crap, I don't even work in the food service industry (unless you're counting grocery stores, but we don't get tipped :P ) and I absolutely HATE IT when I get people coming in, while I'm working and they hand me these little relegious pamphlets. It's like, seriously, I HATE IT! I have to sit there, and accept it, and nod and smile and I can't say a damn word to them, regardless of how much I want to tell them to just shove it! There was even one lady who came in with her kids and forced them to hand out the pamphlets. Oh, how I hate it when people try forcing their beliefs on me because I have to stand there and smile at them.

                      *shakes angry fist*
                      We Pick Up the Pieces


                      • #12
                        Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                        What kind of currency has a three dollar bill?

                        This, perhaps?


                        • #13
                          Hell, I'd take one of those, just to say I have Antarctica money.
                          "Jester, I have an opportunity for you." Uh oh. What does he want me to clean? "It 's a chance for you to make some extra money." Crap, it must be really gross!



                          • #14
                            Quoth Format C View Post
                            On a semi-related note, my pastor once said from the pulpit "Do not leave a tract behind unless you leav a good tip."
                            I totally want to high-five your pastor. He wins.

                            In related news, I heard a new story from a friend who used to work at a relatively common chain restaurant in our area (sidenote: where I will no longer eat, thanks to some of his stories ) that he once was left as a "tip" a note that said something along the lines of "You'd be a better engineer, or a musician." I cannot even begin to imagine what went through someone's brain doing that, especially since he's such an uber-nice guy.

                            ETA: My friend Evan and I used to leave stuff with the tip that we found stashed in our wallets - little notes, fortunes from cookies, random coupons and cartoons, etc, but we always did this in addition to the 20%+ we used to leave.
                            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                            • #15
                              Quoth Soulstealer View Post
                              What kind of currency has a three dollar bill?
                              Last time I was in Cuba they had a 3 peso bill.

