So on Friday, SC bought a product. Now this product has an RRP of $1299, and on Friday that was the price displayed on it instore. When customer bought it though, she was obviously screwing for a deal, because the salesman sold it to her for $1099, plus a $100 extended warranty, and a few other discounted necessary accessories, and the grand total came to $1299.
In Saturday's paper we advertised the product at $1199, save $100.
SC comes in right on opening time, storms up to the salesman, "You ripped me off yesterday", and waves the ad and her receipt in his face. Salesman tries to explain to her that he sold the camera to her cheaper than the advertised price, but she has nothing of it, and demands the manager, so I get a page.
At this point I know nothing about the deal she got yesterday. SC tells me that she paid $1299 for the product yesterday and in today's paper it was advertised at $1199.
Me: Ok, we have a 30 day price policy, so we can do that, can I see your receipt?
One quick glance at the receipt and I can see she paid $1099 for the product.
Me: Ahh, you actually paid $1099 for the product yesterday, so you got it cheaper than the advertised price anyway.
SC: No, I paid $1299 yesterday.
Me: (going through the receipt line by line) $1299 was the total, you paid $1099 for product, $100 for warranty, $xx for this... So the total is $1299.
SC: But you have it advertised at $1199 today
ME: yeah, $1199 is JUST the product, no warranty and no accessories - so if I add those on, the total would be $1399.
SC: But I paid $1299 yesterday, and you've advertised it at $1199 so you ripped me off.
Me: (groan). No, you paid $1099 for the product yesterday, and today we advertised it at $1199, so you got it $100 cheaper yesterday than what is advertised today.
is she bleeping stupid) But I paid $1299 yesterday.
Me: And as I explained, $1299 was the price that you paid for the product, the warranty and all the accessories, you only paid $1099 for the product. If you really want to pay $1199 for the product I can do that, but you will owe me another $100.
SC: (Maybe there is a blockage between the ears and brain, maybe the brain is still in bed). But I can't owe you $100, you owe me $100 because I paid $1299 for it yesterday, and today you advertised it for $1199.
Me: (Starting to lose it). OK, what part of this don't you understand? You paid $1099 for the product, Today it is advertised for $1199, so you got it an extra $100 off. In addition to the product you paid for other goods bringing your total to $1299. Yes you paid $1299 but that was for the total, not just the product. You only paid $1099 for the product. I will give you $100 back if you return all the other goods, and then I will resell the product alone to you for $1199 if that is what you really want.
SC: (maybe this time it sunk in) Well your warranty is $100 but [competitor] only charges $69.
Me: Ok, well we have a price matching policy, and [competitor] has all their prices on the web, so we'll check their website, and I'll match the price on the warranty if necessary.
A quick look at the website, and yes [competitor] does sell an extended warranty scheme for $69, but it is for 2 years, the one she bought was for 5 years.
Me: Ok, well [competitor] charges $69 for a 2 year warranty, we normally charge $50 for a 2 year warranty. We have sold you a 5 year warranty for $100, [competitor] doesn't even offer 5 years. So do you want me to cut your warranty back to 2 years for $50, or do you want to stay with the 5 year warranty at $100?
SC: I want you to match their warranty at $69.
Me: Are you sure? because we normally sell a 2 year warranty for $50, I can sell it for $69 if you really want to.
SC: But I paid $100 yesterday, and [competitor] sells it for $69.
Me: (AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH) Yeah, the $100 is for FIVE years, their price of $69 is only for TWO years. Do you want TWO years or FIVE years?
SC: Five years.
Me: OK, so for 5 years, it is $100.
SC: But [competitor] charges $69.
Me: (at this point I just wanted to tell her she was too frigging stupid, but got to try to stay reasonably polite). OK, competitor charges $69 for 2 years. We only do price matches on identical products. 5 years is not identical to 2 years. If you can't understand that, then I'm sorry, but that it is how it is. Our 2 year warranty is cheaper than their 2 year warranty, so I'd be confident that IF they had a 5 year warranty, we'd be cheaper than that also. The $100 you paid for the warranty is good value compared to what [competitor] charges for 2 years. You got the camera cheaper yesterday than todays advertised price too. I don't know what you expect from me, but there is nothing I can do for you - you have already got the best deal available.
SC: (defeated, but obviously still doesn't get it). You lot are a f***ing ripoff, and you advertise your price match policy but don't abide by it. I'm going to consumer affairs.
She turns off and says to every other customer she walks past, "they are f***ing ripoffs".
In Saturday's paper we advertised the product at $1199, save $100.
SC comes in right on opening time, storms up to the salesman, "You ripped me off yesterday", and waves the ad and her receipt in his face. Salesman tries to explain to her that he sold the camera to her cheaper than the advertised price, but she has nothing of it, and demands the manager, so I get a page.
At this point I know nothing about the deal she got yesterday. SC tells me that she paid $1299 for the product yesterday and in today's paper it was advertised at $1199.
Me: Ok, we have a 30 day price policy, so we can do that, can I see your receipt?
One quick glance at the receipt and I can see she paid $1099 for the product.
Me: Ahh, you actually paid $1099 for the product yesterday, so you got it cheaper than the advertised price anyway.
SC: No, I paid $1299 yesterday.
Me: (going through the receipt line by line) $1299 was the total, you paid $1099 for product, $100 for warranty, $xx for this... So the total is $1299.
SC: But you have it advertised at $1199 today
ME: yeah, $1199 is JUST the product, no warranty and no accessories - so if I add those on, the total would be $1399.
SC: But I paid $1299 yesterday, and you've advertised it at $1199 so you ripped me off.
Me: (groan). No, you paid $1099 for the product yesterday, and today we advertised it at $1199, so you got it $100 cheaper yesterday than what is advertised today.

Me: And as I explained, $1299 was the price that you paid for the product, the warranty and all the accessories, you only paid $1099 for the product. If you really want to pay $1199 for the product I can do that, but you will owe me another $100.
SC: (Maybe there is a blockage between the ears and brain, maybe the brain is still in bed). But I can't owe you $100, you owe me $100 because I paid $1299 for it yesterday, and today you advertised it for $1199.
Me: (Starting to lose it). OK, what part of this don't you understand? You paid $1099 for the product, Today it is advertised for $1199, so you got it an extra $100 off. In addition to the product you paid for other goods bringing your total to $1299. Yes you paid $1299 but that was for the total, not just the product. You only paid $1099 for the product. I will give you $100 back if you return all the other goods, and then I will resell the product alone to you for $1199 if that is what you really want.
SC: (maybe this time it sunk in) Well your warranty is $100 but [competitor] only charges $69.
Me: Ok, well we have a price matching policy, and [competitor] has all their prices on the web, so we'll check their website, and I'll match the price on the warranty if necessary.
A quick look at the website, and yes [competitor] does sell an extended warranty scheme for $69, but it is for 2 years, the one she bought was for 5 years.
Me: Ok, well [competitor] charges $69 for a 2 year warranty, we normally charge $50 for a 2 year warranty. We have sold you a 5 year warranty for $100, [competitor] doesn't even offer 5 years. So do you want me to cut your warranty back to 2 years for $50, or do you want to stay with the 5 year warranty at $100?
SC: I want you to match their warranty at $69.
Me: Are you sure? because we normally sell a 2 year warranty for $50, I can sell it for $69 if you really want to.
SC: But I paid $100 yesterday, and [competitor] sells it for $69.
Me: (AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH) Yeah, the $100 is for FIVE years, their price of $69 is only for TWO years. Do you want TWO years or FIVE years?
SC: Five years.
Me: OK, so for 5 years, it is $100.
SC: But [competitor] charges $69.
Me: (at this point I just wanted to tell her she was too frigging stupid, but got to try to stay reasonably polite). OK, competitor charges $69 for 2 years. We only do price matches on identical products. 5 years is not identical to 2 years. If you can't understand that, then I'm sorry, but that it is how it is. Our 2 year warranty is cheaper than their 2 year warranty, so I'd be confident that IF they had a 5 year warranty, we'd be cheaper than that also. The $100 you paid for the warranty is good value compared to what [competitor] charges for 2 years. You got the camera cheaper yesterday than todays advertised price too. I don't know what you expect from me, but there is nothing I can do for you - you have already got the best deal available.
SC: (defeated, but obviously still doesn't get it). You lot are a f***ing ripoff, and you advertise your price match policy but don't abide by it. I'm going to consumer affairs.
She turns off and says to every other customer she walks past, "they are f***ing ripoffs".