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We will NOT refund you for YOUR MISTAKES!

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  • We will NOT refund you for YOUR MISTAKES!

    I have spoken to this girl twice. Once about a month ago and then just last night. She sounds like a super young teenage girl and has the EW voice and EW "I'm better than you" attitude.

    I knew this was going to be interesting when she answered "How may I help you?" with "YOU WILL REFUND MY SHIPPING!". Wow that gives me zero information I just know her really common name and she wants her shipping refunded. NO I don't magically have all her information in front of me.

    I jump though hoops to try and pull up an order this concerns. She doesn't have an order number for either of the two exchange orders or the original orders. She doesn't know what email address she used cause she says she has so many (like I'm supposed to be impressed or something).

    I eventually find her order history with last name and zip-code and immediately put her on hold to "look into this further"

    OK, the two exchange orders, just as they should be free shipping. ALL our exchanges ALWAYS have free shipping. I quickly notate them with "customer demands we refund shipping, please see order totals shipping was free".

    I should have came back on the line and went over that with her because she eventually hung up on me after being on hold for less than two minutes.

    ON TO THE FUN!, I take a look at the two original orders. I remember her (I see my paragraphs of notes on one order from a month ago). Both orders had been placed on our website (phone, web, and in-store orders all are stamped with the order type when placed). Four hours apart from each other with two different names, two different gift cards and a credit card (so a giftcard and a credit card for each order for one item each). We can only have one gift card per order.

    When I spoke to her last time I thought she was CRAZY and made no sense. She had wanted shipping refunded on one of the two web orders because. She claims that she placed the order over the phone for two items and we "messed up" and split the order in two without her permission. That is IMPOSSIBLE, but I put in a request to corporate "please refund shipping if possible, customer says we "messed up" and split her order in two without her permission, did not promise refund". Corporate replied to the request about 3 weeks ago. "request denied, customer placed these two orders on website with two different names and gift cards hours apart".

    IT GETS BETTER, she also had ordered the items in the wrong size so she had mailed them back for the next size down. Normally with exchanges we DO NOT pay for the item to come back to us, but we do reship the new items for free. If the customer wants to avoid return shipping cost they can return or exchange at our stores. We will reimburse the customer for return shipping ONLY if the item was defective.

    On the first call where I talked with this customer to generate the paragraphs of notes and the request. She also let me know she expected to be refunded for her return shipping once we received and processed the exchange. I let her know policy states that we will reimburse return shipping on defective items and the customer needs to include a receipt for the amount of shipping so we know how much to refund. I ask her what she put as the exchange reason, she said wrong size. I let her know usually the reason has to be defective for us to refund shipping. She changes her story then. One was defective and both were the wrong size. She can't remember which one was which though and if she marked defective or included a receipt.

    SO, while looking over what has happened since the last time I talked to her. I see notes from the warehouse answering my notes. Saying "customer exchanged due to wrong sizes ordered, we DID have to process one item as defective, but this was because customer had damaged item, item appeared to have been worn and left dirty, no refund for shipping due"

    I so wish I could have come off of hold (I honestly had her on hold less then two minutes to see all of this, before she hung up on me). To tell her "NO! we will not be refunding you for shipping on the exchange orders because none was charged, as you've already been told by other operators corporate denied your request for shipping refunded on the two orders you placed yourself on the website, and NO! we will not be refunding you for return shipping because the item was damaged by you not us, you were returning it because you ordered the wrong size, and you didn't include a receipt"

    So no matter which situation she was saying we "needed" to refund her shipping for she was wrong. I so wish it was before 9pm her local time when she called because I so would have called her back (legally can't call after 9) and be all "I'm so sorry it looks like the phones had a bad connection, I'll be glad to let you know why no refunds are due to you"

  • #2
    Quoth Angry_Hippie View Post
    "I'm so sorry it looks like the phones had a bad connection, I'll be glad to let you know why no refunds are due to you"
    That would have been pretty awesome.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3
      I love calling people back who hang up on me if I can do it under the guise of "gosh I think we have a bad connection" its priceless. Some of my coworker peers think that is "harassment" and the customers could sue, but I call bullshit, its OK with the higher ups.

      Having a background in outbound calls in the past (most of my coworkers have only done inbound). I know do not call and that type of stuff, calling for a legitimate business need can never be harassment so I relish in calling hang-ups back and blaming in on the connection. If they really didn't want a callback they should act human and finish the call or say "please do not call me back".

      When I was in college I experienced the overuse of the concept of harassment. A "friend" borrowed money and decide me calling letting him know I needed to be paid back eventually. He decided this was "harassment" and came up with some exaggerated claims and went to the dean of students with "witnesses" he paid. It almost appeared I'd get kicked out of school, by the time the claim went for review two months later, all the witnesses dropped out because they became aware that making false accusations is grounds for punishment.


      • #4
        Do we work for the same company? Because she sounds like the customers I deal with.


        • #5
          She's evil! We must sacrifice her to the gods so we can live in peace and harmony.

          lol. Thats the first thing that popped into my head when I read this.
          I really really don't understand people.
          I could see her calling the company because she didn't read the guidelines for shipping. When she's already told she will not be refunded by more then one Rep. I feel her stupidity levels have reached an all time low. It saddens me
          Be like the flower that perfumes the very hand that crushes it.


          • #6
            I think its mostly just be young and entitled that is her problem. Everyone keeps notating how upset she is and how she feels she needs a refund due to our "messing up". I guess she believes the customer is always right garbage. I wish I could have spoke to her in more detail, but I'm REALLY THOROUGH and I tend to start from the very beginning and break things down in simple ways anyone can understand. The rep who got her after she hung up on me just left a note that says "refund status". So its almost certain the rep didn't decipher the situation, maybe the customer was asked to call back in a few days (but there were no requests sent anywhere and all previous ones were closed so nothing will change).
            Last edited by Angry_Hippie; 04-29-2008, 02:44 AM.

