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some of my favorites

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  • some of my favorites

    These come from my weeks as a temp, taking calls to the concierge desk at a semi-fancy RV resort.

    Me: Hello, RVPlace, how can I help you?
    SC: Yes, what's the elevation there?

    Um...we are beachside. Like everything else in this area of Southern California. Access to the ocean is one of the main attractions of the resort. Elevation is maybe all of 3 feet.

    Me: Hello, RVPlace, how can I help you?
    SC: What's the water temperature in February?

    This call took place in August. How the heck would I know? And again, OCEAN. So, NOT WARM.

    Absolute favorite was this one, though--I was fortunately in another spot, and only overheard it, didn't have to be directly involved.

    SC: *comes storming in at 7-something, before supervisor arrives* I need to get a card for the laundry machines! I can't believe you would let the card machine in the laundry room run out!

    CoWorker: I'm sorry, sometimes the machine does run out on peak weekends (this was Labor Day or something like that). I'm afraid our cards are in the safe, so you'll have to wait for a manager.

    SC: WHAT???!? I need a card now! I have 8 loads of laundry to do, my kids will be without clean clothes!!!

    By this point, I'm snickering behind my desk (no, the customer couldn't see or hear me), because why the HELL did she wait until she had 8 loads of laundry???? Two or three, sure, but eight??

    CW: I'm sorry, but I literally do not have the key to get a card for you. A manager will be here in about 30 minutes.

    SC: That's not soon enough!!! I won't have time to do eight loads of laundry then, they won't dry in time, and it's all your fault!

    Things continue in this vein for a while.

    SC: Ok, I have to leave in an hour, so as soon as those loads are done washing, I want you to move them to the dryer, since this is all your fault!

    CW: I'm sorry ma'am, but we cannot move your laundry. We can't move any of your personal property.

    SC: But it's your fault!! I don't have anything clean to wear anyway! I want you to move my laundry to the dryers, and I'll leave my trailer open, so when it's done, you just move it right into the trailer. It's the least you can do!!

    CW: No ma'am, we cannot enter your trailer or move your personal property, it is against all our regulations.

    SC goes off yelling and swearing.

    Seriously, if we're such scoundrels and thieves, why would she WANT us to go to her trailer??? That one was hilarious, I laughed about it for days! I hope all her stuff got mildew.
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:

  • #2
    that last it's alll you all's fault she has THAT much laundry? lame
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


    • #3
      I'm surprised that she didn't have a maid with her the way she want on.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Eight loads of laundry?? How much friggen clothes did she pack? Did she leave anything at home? Jeez, when I camp or travel I just bring what I need. Holy crap, how was there even room in her trailer for her family with all those clothes?

        Oh and, total entitlement whore. Her lack of planning is supposed to be your co-workers problem. Here
        It's been a long, long, long, long time...


        • #5
          "We tried to move your astronomical amount of dirty laundry, but it all ended up in the dumpster out back. We don't know how. Sorry."
          Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


          • #6
            Quoth Apathy View Post
            "We tried to move your astronomical amount of dirty laundry, but it all ended up in the dumpster out back. We don't know how. Sorry."
            HAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, that would've been GREAT!
            "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

            My pony dolls:


            • #7
              cough i currently have 10 loads i must must do, and that just an extra weeks worth, me who has a ton of clothes (im a shop aholic for shirts, not so much pants)my moms. my sisters and my brothers. me i am about 3 loads, my sster 4 (she seperates by whites, color black, towel?work clothes and pays to do it that way her slef) my mom has 2 and my brother 1


              • #8
                So this was an RV Resort....this tells me it is a highend kind of camp ground. So really it is just camping right? Who on earth takes 8 loads of clothes camping? Who would want to pack that much, keep track of it, and wash it?

                When we go camping we take 3 changes of clothes period....One change that needs to be washed, one for emergencies, and the one on your back. Wash Rinse Repeat, laundry done nightly--unless there is an emeregency.

                Of course we tend to do quite a bit of hiking, my kids figured out early they do not want their backpacks loaded down with un-necessary items. cause Mom does not carry double.


                • #9
                  Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                  cough i currently have 10 loads i must must do, and that just an extra weeks worth, me who has a ton of clothes (im a shop aholic for shirts, not so much pants)my moms. my sisters and my brothers. me i am about 3 loads, my sster 4 (she seperates by whites, color black, towel?work clothes and pays to do it that way her slef) my mom has 2 and my brother 1
                  Understandable, but you aren't on vacation---you wouldn't take your whold wardrobe camping would you then wait until you had absolutely nothing clean to wash up?

