In work the other day when one of the cashiers catches my eye. She does this because she has to twist round 180 degrees to even face me, so I tend to notice this kind of thing, plus she's mouthing frantically at me (although it takes me a little while to work out what she's mouthing) which is "Page G" (one of our supervisors).
So I page him over, and while I'm on the tannoy I look around to see if I can work out what's going on. Spot me a couple kids (bout 14 summers, ah reckon) sniffing round the Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and taking a frightful long time to actually choose any. Hmm. Suspicion abounds, but from where I'm standing I can't see too much, so I motion G in the direction of the checkouts and deal with the customer who's turned up since.
When I come back down from my foray into the warehouse (bout 5 mins later) the kids are still at the cards... so I walk around through the staff only area and come out a different set of doors, to where, lo and behold, 2 other staff members are watching these kids stuffing packs of cards into their pockets and trying (and failing so very well) at being discreet about it. But the supervisor and manager know about it, so I leave them to it.
They pay for like, 2 packs of cards (yeah, that'll throw us right off) and walk out of the store.
Or they try.
It should be mentioned that about 1 in 5 packs of cards are security tagged
So they get busted (they would have anyway) police get called, and they get taken away. And the stupidest thing?
They'd been caught doing the same damn thing less than a week before.
I despair...
So I page him over, and while I'm on the tannoy I look around to see if I can work out what's going on. Spot me a couple kids (bout 14 summers, ah reckon) sniffing round the Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and taking a frightful long time to actually choose any. Hmm. Suspicion abounds, but from where I'm standing I can't see too much, so I motion G in the direction of the checkouts and deal with the customer who's turned up since.
When I come back down from my foray into the warehouse (bout 5 mins later) the kids are still at the cards... so I walk around through the staff only area and come out a different set of doors, to where, lo and behold, 2 other staff members are watching these kids stuffing packs of cards into their pockets and trying (and failing so very well) at being discreet about it. But the supervisor and manager know about it, so I leave them to it.
They pay for like, 2 packs of cards (yeah, that'll throw us right off) and walk out of the store.
Or they try.
It should be mentioned that about 1 in 5 packs of cards are security tagged

So they get busted (they would have anyway) police get called, and they get taken away. And the stupidest thing?
They'd been caught doing the same damn thing less than a week before.
I despair...