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saying what i want say to SCs

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  • saying what i want say to SCs

    Just a few things for your entertainment

    Lowly life
    you are offically banned from ordering pizza if you meet one of these many areas of freaking stupidness

    Dark house-Woohoo i Ordered pizza!!! now lets make sure none of our outsides lights are on so the pizza girl cant find out number, especally if its weird like 49 surrounded by 55 and 33, even though all my neighbors even the house empty cause my new neighbors aren't done movine in, have some kind of outside light on.Seriously, wtf? we have tiny historical streets, little side getto streets, way out of no where and tailor home communitys with little to no outside lighting. WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT US TO FIND YOU AND GIVE CHEESE GOODNESS!!!!

    on that note
    No street lights and barely anyoutside lights now i appricate you like your smple outside lighting, but if the only lght you have outside is the light from your picture windo, a tiny dim lamp by your door or a tiny little light on top of your mail box, and theire are little no no street lights on your street and defiently none on yourside? dont order at nght or send that 15 yearold i saw setting staring into space outside to wait for me so i thnk to stop and try and double check your number

    and on that note
    Wait people want to see that at night?
    people i love how you want your house number to be artestc or blend in but here are some hints. That lovely metel plake by the front door, that can only be read up close, after walking through a jungle and spells out your street number in spanish? NOT GOOD!!!! The faded sea green numbers on mutt skintone blah? NOT GOOD!!! the funky wooden little signing thing with the letters carved in it? NOT GOOD!!!! The little stone tooked in the corner with little black spray panted numbers this high? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    wait there is more
    OK you can go right now to the ace hardwear store, buy some nice house numbers with a slight metelic glit to them so it reflects the light from my head lights. but no.
    You either-
    A) live in extremely getto neighbor hood and live next door to some who has a nice large wooden sign (though painted white and black and the numbers are readable in english even though the rest of the sign is spanish) and on the other sde a crazy gnome lady who has gnomes holding up her house number in numbers This high! and dont even have the spray panted numbers on the side walk
    B) have a nice ruralish large almost 400k house with fancy windows and and a glass door.... and CANT FREAKING BE BOTHERED!!!!
    c) Appartment or condo where you either didnt like the style, knocked it off or someone stole your number
    D) live in a nice little pocket off the road with tinnie tiny little numbers that look like this ........ from the road
    e) Dont exactly meet the other four but dont have numbers up, well painted or at all painted side walk numbers

    Count your money
    When you order a pizza, please know your budget and how you will be paying. We will not wat whle you kick you sex toy trying to wake him because you just had to order 5 pizzas and some wings but sure as hell arent gong to be the one payng for it. And if you are going to cancle, call us.
    I understand if you hang up the phone and double check your money and go opps i only have 23 not 25. Dont not call us. and when we have called you for the 60th time trying to figure out why youhavent shown for you 25 dollar pizza ndont act surprised like we should have known you want to cancel.
    also when you dont like the total when you hear dont say ok and hang up the phone. and not call us when deside "Shit i aint payng that much for pizza" Just say really no thanks never mind.

    oh and one more
    if you live in a gated community- GIVE ME THE GATE CODE OR PICK UP THE FREAKING CALL OR PAGE!!!!
    when you live in a large housing associations- GIVE US THE HOUSE NUMBER!!! but i forgive these one cause they had these puppies who wher sweet and cute, and one barked when came in the yard, which was apparently weird cause thats the first time they heard him bark, and ran away because was strange and the other was a sweety who wante me to hold her and was named zoe and the other was named isabell and she hid int he corner... and i like dogs....... where was i.. or right
    if you live in a trailer park, i really dont care some are pretty nice hell some aresafer than those gated communitys who leave the gates open all day but- KNOW WHICH ONE!!! if i go to the one you think you live and it aint right im less likely want to finsh the delivery, im more than happy to have your number black listed. bonus suck because when i finally got to you (in the second trailerpart over 1/2 mile away from the one you told us) and you are like 15 years old, have 3 kds calling you mommy, and on the phone you mom yelled at me for no reason before i could tell her who i was, why i was calling, and only she kjnew where you lived
    if you live in an appartment complex- if you building does no number the apparenments on the ousde (seeable from the parking lots) eith TELL ME THE BUILDING NUMBER, or INDCATED WHICH BUILDING IT WILL BE!!! and as always PICK UP THE PHONE!!!

    one last one and im done- while yhou are one of my favorite orders cause your nice and tipped me exxtra when i ran to my store, took time out of my next run to break 100 you during lunch rush. please please god, change the name on your orders to the actual name on the out side of your store. I know its your store so now its technically s Mr Joes Mufflers but when the outside of the store ways Pacapaca mufflers... its confusing.

    thank you
    Last edited by Sliceanddice; 04-30-2008, 07:55 AM.

  • #2
    i got inara the car back!!!
    now besides one little hickup (apparently when putting my new alternator and replacingt he belts the accidently severed one of my battery cables.... so it had ot be broguht back) i now am happy wth my inara!


    • #3
      Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
      OK you can go right now to the ace hardwear store, buy some nice house numbers with a slight metelic glit to them so it reflects the light from my head lights. but no.

      My daughter just started a paper route, because of her age she must have a parent in attendance, so I am not really sure who started the router her or me?? Anyway, I never realized how many houses do not have numbers on them. I also live in an historical community, lots of old neighborhoods, lots of newer ones. It isn't like your can count on 2222 being next to 2224, because the lots are not numbered consistently in the older parts of the city.



      • #4
        The title of your thread reminded me of a funny story I heard from a girl who works at the call center I used to work at.

        Apparently, the company moved to a new distribution center, and the move did not go smoothly. People's packages and order were getting screwed up ROYALLY. People were getting missing items, half orders, extra items, and many got empty boxes with only invoices in them.

        So customers (mainly evil women) were calling in SCREAMING at the top of their lungs. Which, I can understand the frustration of getting an empty box with an invoice that says everything's in there, but it was bad. So, EVERY permament salesperson was cross-trained to service and ONLY took service calls to deal with all the problems. The only people taking new orders were seasonal people.

        And most of the seasonal people didn't really give a damn about their jobs. And the girl that told me the story said many of them got fired for going off on customers. One day, my friend heard a sales girl yell "Well I don't give a F*UCK!!!"

        The sales floor goes completely silent and all the supervisor's heads pop out of their cubicles. "Uh....who said that?" They found the girl and escorted her out, and she was apparently thankful to leave. I'm glad I'm not working there anymore!
        "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
        "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"


        • #5
          I live in a confusing apartment complex... it's huge. There is only one pizza place that has a complex map (which you kinda need since there are 90+ buildings in the complex) and they ask for my building number and can find me. Everyone else... well, I try to give them directions but the people answering the phones never want to take them.

          So pretty much every time I order pizza, the driver calls me and I happily walk him through getting to my building over the phone, including going outside and flagging him down.

          And my place is easy to find in the complex.... you just go down the main road until you pass the activity/workout center (on the right) and then there is a pond also on the right... my street is on the left directly across from the pond. And I'm standing on the hill waving at you.

          "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show


          • #6
            when we moved here we told thiem the fisrt door in building two but since we deliver from the same place each time and our pizza place has a directory for our complex so not necessart but at least we have nice large numbers and are super well lite and other stuff no need any more when ever we lived some place odd we always told them as pest as possibele how to get there and either i or my father would be waiting oyut front.


            • #7
              you'd hate my complex... each building has two street addresses... one for each side and then each side has 6 units, 1 through 6 so it's not uncommon for me to order a pizza have the delivery driver see the building number, pull into the visitor spot on the other side of the building see the unit number they are looking for and try to deliver to my neighbor behind me... or the other way, they see the neighbor behind me's address parking on the street and coming to my side first sense it's closer, see the unit number they are looking for and trying to deliver my neighbor's pizza... which is why I tell them west side when giving directions just in case.
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

