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I can see why the wine is needed

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  • I can see why the wine is needed

    Last night I decided to check out a Mom and Pop Italian Resturant that several said has good food.
    Being the single that I am I took a small two seater table in the middle of the place.
    Both sides are lined with booths.
    On my left was a family of a different ethnicity (which ethnicity doesn't matter)
    On my right was a four top table and the other wall of booths. The first of which had 4 boys I would say somewhere in the 5-7th grade range. In the table just behind them were two ladies enjoying a bottle of wine with their salads.
    As one does when dining alone I put my book down when the food arrived. At that point I also started paying attention to all that was going on.
    The boys were making comments and changing facial features using their hands in a demeaning manner toward the family on my left.
    I put my silverwear down and just stared at the table of boys.
    One of the Mom's in a voice dripping with evil said "What is your problem they aren't being that loud"
    My reply "Well, their conversation, and faces they are making are extremly offensive"
    The Mom with her back to the boys turned around and asked them what they were doing . . .3 of course said nothing . . .the youngest and 4th made demonstration of one of the faces.
    The Mom's got on to the boys to a point. At least they made the behavior stop. They didn't appear to take any other action. (no comments about grounding or seperate or even move to join them to keep a closer eye etc)
    The Mother of the other ethnicity table mouthed "Thank You" to me when she caught my eye.
    I understand giving children freedom in doses. However, I would think the behavior displayed should have nipped it in the bud for that evening. Guess chatting amongst themselves and enjoying their beverage of choice was more important than paying attention to their offspring.

  • #2
    One time at the grocery store, a Menonite (sp?) family came through my line. They had about 3 or 4 children with them. One of the little boys would not stop staring at me. Then he tugged on his mother's sleeve and started making expressions around his eyes, indicating racoon eyes (I assume he was staring at my makeup, most likely because he's probably never seen a woman wearing any before and thought it was weird). His mother just nodded, smiled at him, whispered something into his ear and then gave me a dirty look.

    I know I didn't really have any right to be upset about it....but it really had me hot and bothered for quite a while.

    I don't judge you by the clothes you wear because of your religious beliefs, so don't make fun of what I wear on my face in return.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      I'm surprised the lady disciplined her kids at all, rather than shouting at you for being a giant asshole for suggesting that her kids were something besides perfect angels.

      I'll tell you what, when I have kids, I'm going to straighten them out real fast if they misbehave in public. If someone told me my kids were being annoying/offensive, I'd be embarrassed, not mad.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        Wait, the moms were sitting seperate from the kids? So the moms can't watch the kids? WTF?
        Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

        Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

        I wish porn had subtitles.


        • #5
          Quoth depechemodefan View Post
          Wait, the moms were sitting seperate from the kids? So the moms can't watch the kids? WTF?
          The mom's do it so they are still nearby but they get to chat while the kids get to eat by themselves. It's a pretty common thing for parents to do as a treat to them and the kid.

          I don't think kids need parental supervision 24-7, as long as they are nearby. How's the kid supposed to learn if Mom or Dad doesn't cut the cord every so often?

          Shoot, I was walking home from school and to the library, etc. by myself at 11.


          • #6
            booth setting . . .back of one side of boys shared with back of one of the Mom's . . .it wasn't like they were actually seperated in the room.

            As I stated easing into freedom is fine with me - I understand the why of it.
            And, honestly being a little loud (not annoying jus distracting) is understandable.
            Just felt that priviledge was lost when they proved they could not discuss appropriate topics in public.
            I am glad the Mom's said something when I pointed out they needed to get involved. Just sadened that they didn't parent anyfuther than they did.

            Yes, it was nice that once they realized what was going on they didn't jump on me any further . . .and they did inform the boys they were doing wrong . . . then they went back to drinking and talking.

            Sorry but first off I wouldn't have thought to do something like that . . . and if I was in a group that did the parents would have ended the evening then and there. The check would have been gotten . . . any food packed up to go . . .and home in silence we would go.


            • #7
              Quoth blas87 View Post
              I know I didn't really have any right to be upset about it....but it really had me hot and bothered for quite a while.
              Blas, you had every right to be upset about it. That woman had no right to give you a dirty look. And she should have talked to her children about their behavior before taking them outside the community.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                5th to 7th grade is more than old enough to behave in public. I will admit, however, on my son's most recent birthday, I let he and his buddies (only 3) sit at a table by themselves when we went for pizza. They were a little loud and a little giggly (didn't know boys did that), however I made sure they were in a corner in the restraunt where I could keep an eye out, and there were very few customers close by.


                • #9
                  um, yeah, my Mom would have exploded if I had made a comment like that. (Now, when I was very young, like 3, I thought all African-Americans were called 'Harriet', because the only person I knew of that ethnicity was a nice lady who worked with my aunt named Harriet. She used to give me Tootsie rolls!) But that's an innocent youth mistake.

                  When I go home I drive through an area with a lot of Mennonites. I see them all the time on the road, I feel so sorry for the kids. They always look unhappy.
                  "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                  Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                  Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                  • #10
                    To me, the moms weren't keeping an eye out. One thing to be seperated enough where moms aren't in the kids conversation. Another is when the moms totally ignore the kids. And the moms/kids didn't apologize.
                    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                    I wish porn had subtitles.

