This didn't happen to me, but to a coworker.
Now I didn't get the full story or any delicious details but I did get the fuck-tardedly stupid gist.
So the cashier rings through this couple's large order that came to just over $7,000.
Cashier tries card, it declines, customer loses it.
Cashier and customers play Musical Credit Cards, only to find that they're all either declining or expired.
SC accuses cashier of making her credit cards expire.
Somehow the SC got it in her head that the cashier, B, was able to shift time and space and make her credit cards magically expire. The SC was also convinced that B was doing something on the register that was forcing the SC's non-expired cards to decline.
I don't know if B suggested splitting the payments between different cards, but even if she did everything was declining anyway.
According to B the customer was hollering at her the whole time, accusing her of making her cards decline and claiming B was "disrespecting" her.
This went on for 40 minutes. FORTY minutes, people!
Managers were called and the SC demanded that she get an apology from B for all of this, to which my manager (who told me this bit) responded, "She did nothing wrong and she's not apologising for anything," and refused to make B apologise and even refused to offer one herself, since the store was at not fault in the situation.
Apparently the SC wanted records of ALL of her receipts from purchases she's made at the store since, I can only gather, the beginning of time, as this would somehow prove that her cards should be going through, and further solidifying her stance that B was using her magic cashier voodoo to force her cards to either decline or expire.
Please note that this is the same magic cashier voodoo that makes the store busy on weekends and forces us to be short-handed on these days. It also locks the cryogenic chamber in the magical land of The Back where we keep our reserve cashiers.
I believe my manager refused to look up all of these receipts, and I can only gather (since I didn't really get all the details, that the SC and her husband were forced to leave empty-handed and frustrated.
Poor B had another SC that day too that I got to witness.
The customer B was currently serving informed the customers behind her that she had a large order and it will take a few minutes. No one left the line.
Well it took several minutes, as promised, because the customer had a couple of carts full of stuff, needed delivery (not a problem) and assembly (have to add up all the items they want assembled then get 15% of that amount) as well she wanted a few things mounted to the wall (add $15 for every wall mounted item to the assembly cost).
Well of course this takes a little while, especially when the customer is quibbling over the fact that the assembly and installation cost would have been roughly $500 after taxes.
The SC next in line lost it on B, telling her she shouldn't have to wait for this and she only has one item.
B and the customer she was serving both tell the SC that she was told it was going to take a while, and B pointed out that there were three other lanes open with only about one or two people in line.
Of course the SC decided it would be better to stand there and bitch out B instead of moving to another line.
B got to go home early that day.
Now I didn't get the full story or any delicious details but I did get the fuck-tardedly stupid gist.
So the cashier rings through this couple's large order that came to just over $7,000.
Cashier tries card, it declines, customer loses it.
Cashier and customers play Musical Credit Cards, only to find that they're all either declining or expired.
SC accuses cashier of making her credit cards expire.

Somehow the SC got it in her head that the cashier, B, was able to shift time and space and make her credit cards magically expire. The SC was also convinced that B was doing something on the register that was forcing the SC's non-expired cards to decline.
I don't know if B suggested splitting the payments between different cards, but even if she did everything was declining anyway.
According to B the customer was hollering at her the whole time, accusing her of making her cards decline and claiming B was "disrespecting" her.
This went on for 40 minutes. FORTY minutes, people!
Managers were called and the SC demanded that she get an apology from B for all of this, to which my manager (who told me this bit) responded, "She did nothing wrong and she's not apologising for anything," and refused to make B apologise and even refused to offer one herself, since the store was at not fault in the situation.
Apparently the SC wanted records of ALL of her receipts from purchases she's made at the store since, I can only gather, the beginning of time, as this would somehow prove that her cards should be going through, and further solidifying her stance that B was using her magic cashier voodoo to force her cards to either decline or expire.
Please note that this is the same magic cashier voodoo that makes the store busy on weekends and forces us to be short-handed on these days. It also locks the cryogenic chamber in the magical land of The Back where we keep our reserve cashiers.
I believe my manager refused to look up all of these receipts, and I can only gather (since I didn't really get all the details, that the SC and her husband were forced to leave empty-handed and frustrated.
Poor B had another SC that day too that I got to witness.
The customer B was currently serving informed the customers behind her that she had a large order and it will take a few minutes. No one left the line.
Well it took several minutes, as promised, because the customer had a couple of carts full of stuff, needed delivery (not a problem) and assembly (have to add up all the items they want assembled then get 15% of that amount) as well she wanted a few things mounted to the wall (add $15 for every wall mounted item to the assembly cost).
Well of course this takes a little while, especially when the customer is quibbling over the fact that the assembly and installation cost would have been roughly $500 after taxes.
The SC next in line lost it on B, telling her she shouldn't have to wait for this and she only has one item.
B and the customer she was serving both tell the SC that she was told it was going to take a while, and B pointed out that there were three other lanes open with only about one or two people in line.
Of course the SC decided it would be better to stand there and bitch out B instead of moving to another line.
B got to go home early that day.