My F*cking gawd, I got a sc today that sent my blood pressure so high, I am writing this while in the hospital.
I don't even want to quote the conversation as that might set me off again, but I just needed to vent briefly with friends who completely understand my pain. I can take a lot of shit and abuse, but since my eldest son is half israeli, I become offended with antisemitic comments such as this SC was spouting. According to her:
Intel Macs are the product of Zionist criminals, and therefore she will never buy a new mac again. Since Intel Chips are manufactured exclusively in Israel.
All ISP's in the world are Zionist criminals who are out to get her.
I could go on, but that is just a sampling that I got today.
Please send me kind thoughts, as the urge to hunt this bitch down and strangle her is almost overpowering, and I know I am better than that.
I don't even want to quote the conversation as that might set me off again, but I just needed to vent briefly with friends who completely understand my pain. I can take a lot of shit and abuse, but since my eldest son is half israeli, I become offended with antisemitic comments such as this SC was spouting. According to her:
Intel Macs are the product of Zionist criminals, and therefore she will never buy a new mac again. Since Intel Chips are manufactured exclusively in Israel.
All ISP's in the world are Zionist criminals who are out to get her.
I could go on, but that is just a sampling that I got today.
Please send me kind thoughts, as the urge to hunt this bitch down and strangle her is almost overpowering, and I know I am better than that.
