One of my favourite jobs was working for Tim Hortons. I'm not going to be hush hush and not tell people the name of the company. They're a large coffee shop chain throughout Canada, and it is slowly creeping into the US as well. There's also one Tim Hortons over in Afghanistan for the soldiers. I've been told the American soldiers love Tim Hortons, and prefer it to their Dunkin' Donuts.
It really was one of my best jobs. I worked the drivethru window for the most part, as our Timmies was solely that. We had no place to sit down. There was enough space inside for maybe six people to stand in a jumbled line to order their coffee and donuts and then leave. That's it. I loved working the drivethru window. Especially during the summer. I love old cars. Mmmm... some of the nicest Corvettes and Porches go through that drivethru I tell you.
I have a few SC stories... but not many. Overall, people were happy and polite. Except the people who paid for three coffees in pennies.
Me: *waves*
SC: Not necessarily sucky, but stupid at least
B: coworker who never really liked me very much
T: Coworker who downright hated me
One day I was working the front counter (extremely tiny, and we have to share coffee machines with one window)
SC: I'll have an extra large four by four
Me: Great, anything else?
SC: Yah, do you have a place to sit down?
Me: *looks around and thinks, yeah, let me just pull this chair out of my butt that I keep for customers like you* Uhm, no sir. This is a drivethru Tim Hortons. What you see if what you get.
SC: Oh. Why don't you have chairs?
Me: ...because this Tim Hortons is not a sit-down Tim Hortons.
SC: Why not?
Me: Because the powers that be decided that there was only room enough on this corner lot for a double drivethru, sir.
Another time working the counter
SC: Do you have a washroom?
Me: *looks around* Nope. All that is available for you is on your side of the counter, ma'am.
SC: Well, don't you have one for the employees?
Me: Yeeessss....
SC: I need to use it.
Me: I can't let you do that ma'am.
SC: Why not?!
Me: Safety regulations.
SC: Safety regulations? I need to use the washroom!
Me: Yes, and the washroom is through the kitchen and we can not let a member of the public into the kitchen for safety reasons. You might get burned.
Me: There's a Subway across the road, ma'am. I'm sure they have better accomodations.
SC continued to argue with me, and then finally left in a big huff. Not only is it a danger to HER but it would also be breaking regulations about not letting the public near baking and uncooked food. Unhealthy. >_<
I think this is one of the best SUCKY customers. The town where I worked was is right on the border to the US. So we get a lot of American customers, and a lot of American change. And we accept it. As well, we do have an exchange rate - but at one point the American dollar was maybe two cents off from the Canadian dollar so Tim Hortons CHANGED the exchange rate (unlike over in the US where they kept it the same so we would get screwed). They changed it so that the exchange was equal. Your total is 1.22 and you give me two dollars American, and I'll give you back 78 cents, just like the Canadians.
SC: What's this?
Me: Your change
Me: Yes sir, I'm quite aware of that. However, the exchange rate at Tim Hortons COUNTRYWIDE is now equal to the Canadian dollar.
Me: It's only off by two cents sir, and forecasts show that our dollar might even be par to yours in a few days.
SC: You're ripping me off!
Me *tries not to spew forth a rant on how the new dollar worth effects me*
SC: I'm calling corporate when I get home
Me: Very well, sir. They're the ones who made the change!
*SC storms off*
Getting back at a sucky customer.
If someone is rude to me, I generally as a rule just take it while smiling when I'm at work. But there was this one time that someone was rude enough that coworkers that don't even LIKE me decided to exact the revenge I would never be able to deal out.
This really IS a drivethru story.
Me: Welcome to Tim Hortons, how can I help you?
SC: Yeah, I'd like to order fourlargedoubedoublesonelargecafemochaandahamdands wisssandwichwithNOSAUCE!AlsoIneedhalfadozendonuts-makethemthreehoneycruellersonedoublechocolateandtw oapplefritters. (continues on)
Me: *wildly tries entering as much of this information as I can into the computer*
SC: What's my total?
Ma'am, could you repeat that a bit more slowly. I unfortunately couldn't catch all of that.
SC: *sighs loudly* Can't you people do your JOB?
Bare with me ma'am, I am new. (other thoughts came to mind like "You didn't even take a BREATH between items!")
SC: *sighs even more loudly* FINE! I want FOUR LARGE. DOUBLE. DOUBLES... ONE LARGE. CAFE. MOCHA. *continues to yell and stretch the words out throughout her order**gets to her sandwich and speeds up, as she ADDS extra things onto it that she hadn't asked for before*
Me: *repeats back the order*
SC: NO! WRONG! That's not what I want on my sandwich! *changes it again*
Me: *repeats sandwich back again*
SC: Repeat the order again!
Me: *repeats oder*
Me: Please drive ahead ma'am *I continue adding on to her order*
*gives total once finished adding the extra sandwich*
During all of this two coworkers that I don't usually work with heard it all. The one downright hated me, and the other could care less. But T and B both shove me away from the window. B says, "Let me handle this."
The SC comes to the window, and gives B a large bill that even McDonalds won't accept (but we do, because we're stupid like that). B makes sure it's not counterfeit, while the SC glares at her. B hands out all the food and drinks. SC continues to glare waiting for her change.
So B... god bless her soul. COINS HER! Omg... I was trying so hard not to laugh! This woman had about fifteen dollars worth of change from the bill she handed us, and B didn't give her ONE BILL. All loonies and twonies and quarters and dimes. It was awesome! B kept such a serious face, and the SC suddenly shut up, took it, looked at B, then drove away. I never would have been able to do it. I was probably the worst person for having too many quarters in the cash because I don't like angering people.
Any other story I have isn't really all that sucky. Except one van came by every day, they ordered the same thing every day (two black coffees, one decaf, plus cream, milk, sugar, sweet'n'low on the side, and some donuts)and then parked their car in the lot. They stayed there for half an hour with the door facing away from the store open. Then they'd throw all their garbage on the ground and drive away. We never did anything about it until one day one of our other regulars showed up. He was a cop, so we mentioned it to him. He went out and scared them, and they never did it again. ^_^
It really was one of my best jobs. I worked the drivethru window for the most part, as our Timmies was solely that. We had no place to sit down. There was enough space inside for maybe six people to stand in a jumbled line to order their coffee and donuts and then leave. That's it. I loved working the drivethru window. Especially during the summer. I love old cars. Mmmm... some of the nicest Corvettes and Porches go through that drivethru I tell you.
I have a few SC stories... but not many. Overall, people were happy and polite. Except the people who paid for three coffees in pennies.

Me: *waves*
SC: Not necessarily sucky, but stupid at least
B: coworker who never really liked me very much
T: Coworker who downright hated me
One day I was working the front counter (extremely tiny, and we have to share coffee machines with one window)
SC: I'll have an extra large four by four
Me: Great, anything else?
SC: Yah, do you have a place to sit down?
Me: *looks around and thinks, yeah, let me just pull this chair out of my butt that I keep for customers like you* Uhm, no sir. This is a drivethru Tim Hortons. What you see if what you get.
SC: Oh. Why don't you have chairs?
Me: ...because this Tim Hortons is not a sit-down Tim Hortons.
SC: Why not?
Me: Because the powers that be decided that there was only room enough on this corner lot for a double drivethru, sir.
Another time working the counter
SC: Do you have a washroom?
Me: *looks around* Nope. All that is available for you is on your side of the counter, ma'am.
SC: Well, don't you have one for the employees?
Me: Yeeessss....
SC: I need to use it.
Me: I can't let you do that ma'am.
SC: Why not?!
Me: Safety regulations.
SC: Safety regulations? I need to use the washroom!
Me: Yes, and the washroom is through the kitchen and we can not let a member of the public into the kitchen for safety reasons. You might get burned.
Me: There's a Subway across the road, ma'am. I'm sure they have better accomodations.
SC continued to argue with me, and then finally left in a big huff. Not only is it a danger to HER but it would also be breaking regulations about not letting the public near baking and uncooked food. Unhealthy. >_<
I think this is one of the best SUCKY customers. The town where I worked was is right on the border to the US. So we get a lot of American customers, and a lot of American change. And we accept it. As well, we do have an exchange rate - but at one point the American dollar was maybe two cents off from the Canadian dollar so Tim Hortons CHANGED the exchange rate (unlike over in the US where they kept it the same so we would get screwed). They changed it so that the exchange was equal. Your total is 1.22 and you give me two dollars American, and I'll give you back 78 cents, just like the Canadians.
SC: What's this?
Me: Your change
Me: Yes sir, I'm quite aware of that. However, the exchange rate at Tim Hortons COUNTRYWIDE is now equal to the Canadian dollar.
Me: It's only off by two cents sir, and forecasts show that our dollar might even be par to yours in a few days.
SC: You're ripping me off!
Me *tries not to spew forth a rant on how the new dollar worth effects me*
SC: I'm calling corporate when I get home
Me: Very well, sir. They're the ones who made the change!

*SC storms off*
Getting back at a sucky customer.
If someone is rude to me, I generally as a rule just take it while smiling when I'm at work. But there was this one time that someone was rude enough that coworkers that don't even LIKE me decided to exact the revenge I would never be able to deal out.
This really IS a drivethru story.
Me: Welcome to Tim Hortons, how can I help you?
SC: Yeah, I'd like to order fourlargedoubedoublesonelargecafemochaandahamdands wisssandwichwithNOSAUCE!AlsoIneedhalfadozendonuts-makethemthreehoneycruellersonedoublechocolateandtw oapplefritters. (continues on)
Me: *wildly tries entering as much of this information as I can into the computer*
SC: What's my total?

SC: *sighs loudly* Can't you people do your JOB?

SC: *sighs even more loudly* FINE! I want FOUR LARGE. DOUBLE. DOUBLES... ONE LARGE. CAFE. MOCHA. *continues to yell and stretch the words out throughout her order**gets to her sandwich and speeds up, as she ADDS extra things onto it that she hadn't asked for before*
Me: *repeats back the order*
SC: NO! WRONG! That's not what I want on my sandwich! *changes it again*
Me: *repeats sandwich back again*
SC: Repeat the order again!
Me: *repeats oder*
Me: Please drive ahead ma'am *I continue adding on to her order*

During all of this two coworkers that I don't usually work with heard it all. The one downright hated me, and the other could care less. But T and B both shove me away from the window. B says, "Let me handle this."
The SC comes to the window, and gives B a large bill that even McDonalds won't accept (but we do, because we're stupid like that). B makes sure it's not counterfeit, while the SC glares at her. B hands out all the food and drinks. SC continues to glare waiting for her change.
So B... god bless her soul. COINS HER! Omg... I was trying so hard not to laugh! This woman had about fifteen dollars worth of change from the bill she handed us, and B didn't give her ONE BILL. All loonies and twonies and quarters and dimes. It was awesome! B kept such a serious face, and the SC suddenly shut up, took it, looked at B, then drove away. I never would have been able to do it. I was probably the worst person for having too many quarters in the cash because I don't like angering people.

Any other story I have isn't really all that sucky. Except one van came by every day, they ordered the same thing every day (two black coffees, one decaf, plus cream, milk, sugar, sweet'n'low on the side, and some donuts)and then parked their car in the lot. They stayed there for half an hour with the door facing away from the store open. Then they'd throw all their garbage on the ground and drive away. We never did anything about it until one day one of our other regulars showed up. He was a cop, so we mentioned it to him. He went out and scared them, and they never did it again. ^_^