Working in a bookstore, you sometimes once in a great blue moon get requests for titles that are....not of the norm. And the hilarity/misery it entails.
I doubt the DEA is monitoring our buy lists
So a guy comes in one day and asks if we have any books to grow Cannabis. I tell him we don't and that we would need to special order them.
Customer: "Um, you need an address?"
Me: "Address, Phone number...the whole nine yards."
Customer: "Do you need them?"
Me: "Yes, so that we can tell you that your books have come in."
Customer: "Do you really...."
Me: "I don't care if you have a record, the company doesn't care if you have a record, so long as you don't try to assault me, rob me, or say anything sexual, your in good graces with me and the company."
The Seductive Art of Sex Books
One of the AM's encountered a Special Order of 5 Sex Books. I can only recall two of the authors: Midori and (Forgot first name) Manning.
Someone was going to be lucky that day.
I doubt the DEA is monitoring our buy lists
So a guy comes in one day and asks if we have any books to grow Cannabis. I tell him we don't and that we would need to special order them.
Customer: "Um, you need an address?"
Me: "Address, Phone number...the whole nine yards."
Customer: "Do you need them?"
Me: "Yes, so that we can tell you that your books have come in."
Customer: "Do you really...."
Me: "I don't care if you have a record, the company doesn't care if you have a record, so long as you don't try to assault me, rob me, or say anything sexual, your in good graces with me and the company."
The Seductive Art of Sex Books
One of the AM's encountered a Special Order of 5 Sex Books. I can only recall two of the authors: Midori and (Forgot first name) Manning.
Someone was going to be lucky that day.