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Mr. Patriotic, and the Lady with Too Much Paper

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  • Mr. Patriotic, and the Lady with Too Much Paper

    Two stories of rudeness and annoyingness.

    1. Yesterday, a guy comes in and complains about our flag being torn. Now I get that this guy is being patriotic and whatnot, and there's nothing wrong with that. We have had really high winds these past two days and a manager assured him that as soon as the storm was over, we would take the old flag down.

    He shows up a second time. I know this because he told me about the first time he came in. He wanted a manager and before I could determine what the problem was so I could get the right person to help him, he starts complaining to me. "I talked to a customer service manager and they didn't do anything. If I have to come back again I will come in uniform and I will be yelling." Then he walked off before I could get anyone to help him and I stood there all

    He shows up a third time. "Remember me?" He's standing there in his uniform, looking all grumpy, and it takes me a few minutes but I finally get a manager to come up there. Now this guy is maybe 6 feet tall, and the manager is a female maybe 5'6'' and skinny. He makes this manager go outside with him, at 9:30 PM, with no jacket, in the middle of this wind storm, and starts yelling at her and trying to cause a commotion and get other customers all riled up. She tries to explain to him that it is dark, and the weather is bad, and that you can't get to the flag without a ladder, which is dangerous, and that someone would take care of it as soon as the storm passed.

    But this wasn't good enough for Mr. Patriotic. Finally my boss got so annoyed that she apparently found someone brave or stupid enough to climb a ladder in 50 mph winds to take down the flag. I would have made him go get it himself if he were so concerned about it. It's one thing to be patriotic, it's another to be rude, and yell at women, and risk the possible injury of someone else over a piece of cloth. I mean, really now, couldn't it have waited till morning? Apparently they don't teach manners or respect in the military.

    2. Today seemed like it would be a better day, until I got a gem of a lady returning items. She had 4 items, 1 with a receipt, one with half of a receipt, and 2 with no receipt (her husband had the receipt for those, apparently). I asked her what happened to the other half of the torn receipt, and she says, "Oh, it was too long and I didn't want to carry that much paper with me."

    I explained to her that without the date and the receipt number (either the barcode or the list of numbers that I can type in if the barcode gets torn off), that it's not a valid receipt. Now, if our register eats the bottom of the receipt, as is known to happen, I try and get my manager to override the no receipt junk like checking an ID and putting the stuff on a gift card. But since this lady did this herself, I checked her ID and put it on a gift card. I put maybe $28 or so on the card, for two CDS, and a $4 item that was from the torn in half receipt.

    So I put the torn receipt item and the no receipt item returns on a gift card, and the one with a receipt got returned back to her credit card. She then goes off on me, saying that she didn't get credit for all of her items, and when I told her that she got the value of them on a gift card, she complained even more. "I should have come here before I did my shopping so I could have used this giftcard," "And I can't even use the gift card for cash here." Blah blah blah.

    Then she complains that I am difficult to work with. I have her sign the return slips and she tries to keep them. When I ask for them back, she says, "I need receipts for those returns." I hand her the one that shows what is going back to her card, and the little slip that shows the balance on the gift card. Again, not good enough for her. She then demands her original receipts back, which I had already given her. Still, I searched the counter to make sure I didn't have them, and sure enough, no receipts.

    She then gives me an evil look and says, "You're so difficult. If I ever come here again, I am not coming to you." She stomps off and hollers, "YOU HAVE A DIFFICULT PERSON OVER HERE!" as she rounds the corner. Sorry, ma'am, next time you want to do a return, call the store first, and I'll have the red carpet and ye royal olde trumpeters there to announce your arrival. I will make sure to learn some sort of Harry Potter spells so I can make your half a receipt magically become whole and work with the return register. Then, I will give your your refund in the finest gold coins, while dancers, jugglers, and flire swallowers pay homage to your awesomeness by performing. And finally, as you leave, confetti and balloons will rain from the sky, and we will have the Hallelujah Chorus play through the store's speaker system. How dare I not realize you are not like everyone else? Rules need not apply to you. Sorry, next time I will get it right.

  • #2
    Wow, what a couple of losers. Most of the people I have dealt with who have been in military uniform have been extremely polite, so that guy was definitely the exception (my co-worker even had a guy who was looking for a book to take with him to Afghanistan, and he answered all questions- like, "Do you like fiction or nonfiction?" with, "Sir, Fiction sir!"). And as for the woman...well, we all know SC s are incapable of making anything go smoothly, right? They can't just keep all their shit together like normal people.


    • #3
      Wow, talk about Drama Queen. Sounds like she's probably a Serial Returner.

      And, Mr. Pseudo Patriotic ... some people are so wrapped in the flag that they forget about what it means.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Wait... Isn't a gift card basicly store credit? its money, on a card that you can only spend in that store (or another of the same chain) ... :s
        sorry for my horrendous spelling; English is my first language, and I'm not dyslexic. I'm just shite at spelling


        • #5
          Technically your flag isn't really supposed to be out in a storm where it could get damaged is it? I'm not up on the flag stuff lately.

          Did you know that a lot of the causalties in the Civil War were flag carriers? They were unarmed, so when the enemy would shoot down the flag carrier another man would drop his gun and grab the flag before it hit the ground and carry it till he too was killed.


          • #6
            Quoth draftermatt View Post
            Technically your flag isn't really supposed to be out in a storm where it could get damaged is it? I'm not up on the flag stuff lately.
            No, it's not. And, now that it's damaged, it is supposed to be retired.

            Then again, once the 50 mph winds start, there's no way I'd let an employee go out on a ladder to take it down. As a manager, I'd tell the entire staff that next time the guy wanted to come in yelling, he can come in and yell at me ... but, I would NOT endanger the lives of my staff (given 50mph winds and ladder climbing requirements) to take down a flag.

            I'd respectfully take the torn flag down AFTER the storm and burn it quietly.

            Lastly, of course, remind the staff that next time it looks like there's going to be a big wind storm, we should take down the flag BEFORE it hits.

            Quoth draftermatt View Post
            Did you know that a lot of the causalties in the Civil War were flag carriers? They were unarmed, so when the enemy would shoot down the flag carrier another man would drop his gun and grab the flag before it hit the ground and carry it till he too was killed.
            Yes. Never really thought that was the brightest practice. Not only does the group lose a gun, they have a wonderful target bearer. Maybe I'm weird ... my priorities would be win battle FIRST, then fly flag.
            Last edited by marasbaras; 05-03-2008, 12:38 PM.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              Quoth booger View Post
              She tries to explain to him that it is dark, and the weather is bad, and that you can't get to the flag without a ladder, which is dangerous, and that someone would take care of it as soon as the storm passed.

              But this wasn't good enough for Mr. Patriotic.
              "Sir! You appear to be the most qualified to remove the flag properly! Would you mind doing so?"

              Quoth marasbaras View Post
              Yes. Never really thought that was the brightest practice. Not only does the group lose a gun, they have a wonderful target bearer. Maybe I'm weird ... my priorities would be win battle FIRST, then fly flag.
              In the days before electronic communications, flags (and bugles) were very important for communication and coordination. You think our military has issues with coordination and problems with friendly fire? Nothing compared to what went on back when your orders went out at the speed of a fast horse.


              • #8
                Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                In the days before electronic communications, flags (and bugles) were very important for communication and coordination. You think our military has issues with coordination and problems with friendly fire? Nothing compared to what went on back when your orders went out at the speed of a fast horse.
                Ask Stonewall Jackson about that.


                • #9
                  I guess if you're stupid enough to cave in to his rants AND climb the ladder, you deserve a customer like that
                  Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                  • #10
                    As many times as we've said this, I almost can't believe it needs to be said again: We do not attack or call out members in a thread.
                    Not all who wander are lost.


                    • #11
                      Quoth PuckishOne View Post
                      As many times as we've said this, I almost can't believe it needs to be said again: We do not attack or call out members in a thread.
                      Did you delete a post that I didnt see? I saw no one call out or attack someone. All someone said was that they deserved that customer. I did not agree with that but we can all agree to disagree in that case.
                      I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


                      • #12
                        Quoth trench2k View Post
                        I guess if you're stupid enough to cave in to his rants AND climb the ladder, you deserve a customer like that
                        I hope you are directing that at the manager and not the OP, because as I read it the manager made somebody else climb the ladder and not the OP.

                        If the manager is going to cave in to an assbag like that, SHE should be the one climbing the ladder in the rain and wind.
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post

                          If the manager is going to cave in to an assbag like that, SHE should be the one climbing the ladder in the rain and wind.
                          That's what I thought the comment to mean when I read it. It should have been her or nobody, there's no way I'd go out and be in that storm.
                          Pit bull-

                          There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


                          • #14
                            Quoth booger View Post
                            I will make sure to learn some sort of Harry Potter spells so I can make your half a receipt magically become whole and work with the return register.
                            Papyrus reparo.
                            But you need both halves of the receipt for it to work.
                            Occulus reparo, Hermione's trick, only fixed Harry's glasses when they were... like, cracked... not when he was missing a lens, or an earpiece. Of course, Harry never lost parts to his glasses... so, as far as canon has indicated, you need the entirety of the thing before the spell works.
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              i would have asked for his commander or the name of his unit; that's unacceptable behavior and fosters a bad image overall for all military people.

                              this guy needs a talking to by his chain of command on what's acceptable behavior when dealing with others.

                              i'm sorry you and your staff were exposed to this sorry sack of *beep.*

                              interesting note; we were taught that upon retiring a flag, you were to cut the stars from the stripes, then burn both sections.

                              as for customer #2, who's the difficult one? transfer much, methinks...
                              look! it's ghengis khan!
                              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

