First post in a while, but in case anybody remembers me, I have now escaped the horrid world of Tjmaxx into the lazy world of mom and pop furniture sales. Yay me. Now on with the story.
Guy and his wife come in, pick out a leather Lazboy. $699. Big whoop. We have 1, the floor model. Fine.
Guy who bears striking resemblence to Joe Pesci, only with horrid hair plugs: Now I know you can give me a discount on this floor model. I'm in cars.
Me: Sorry to say, I can't. Its price refelcts the fact that it's a floor model.
Guy: Well, I'll take it anyway, and I'll be back later this week to get it.
Me: Ok, I do need a deposit or...
Guy: DEPOSIT?! WHAT? You don't need a deposit.
Me: Actually, I do.
Guy: I've bought things here before and never needed to put any money down, this is ridiculous.
Me: I'm terribly sorry you feel that way, but I can't make a sale without money.
At this point, it's worth mentioning that if the guy had been nice, or if it had been a big sale, I probably would have tried to get bossman to do something for him. However, this was not worth my time. Joe Pesci and wife are now running from me down the stairs to the exit.
Guy: This is so ridiculous. I've been in cars for 40 years and have always done business with a handshake!
Me: (as he's heading out the door, which I opened for him and motioned him out) Well, I'd be happy to shake your hand, but you still have to give me money to buy something. Have a good day!
And this just a week after a guy got assy on me because I was only giving him $800 free...
Guy and his wife come in, pick out a leather Lazboy. $699. Big whoop. We have 1, the floor model. Fine.
Guy who bears striking resemblence to Joe Pesci, only with horrid hair plugs: Now I know you can give me a discount on this floor model. I'm in cars.
Me: Sorry to say, I can't. Its price refelcts the fact that it's a floor model.
Guy: Well, I'll take it anyway, and I'll be back later this week to get it.
Me: Ok, I do need a deposit or...
Guy: DEPOSIT?! WHAT? You don't need a deposit.
Me: Actually, I do.
Guy: I've bought things here before and never needed to put any money down, this is ridiculous.
Me: I'm terribly sorry you feel that way, but I can't make a sale without money.
At this point, it's worth mentioning that if the guy had been nice, or if it had been a big sale, I probably would have tried to get bossman to do something for him. However, this was not worth my time. Joe Pesci and wife are now running from me down the stairs to the exit.
Guy: This is so ridiculous. I've been in cars for 40 years and have always done business with a handshake!
Me: (as he's heading out the door, which I opened for him and motioned him out) Well, I'd be happy to shake your hand, but you still have to give me money to buy something. Have a good day!
And this just a week after a guy got assy on me because I was only giving him $800 free...
