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Yeah... they're not gonna recieve that message...

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  • Yeah... they're not gonna recieve that message...

    Not really a CUSTOMER, but I couldn't think of another place to put it.

    Heck, she wasn't even sucky. Just asking me for something that we are never gonna do.

    L = Lady on the phone.
    Me = .... I'm sure you've figured it out by now

    Phone rings:

    Me: "<spiel>"
    L: "Can I speak with a manager?"
    Me: "A manager? One sec."
    *Put lady on hold, hit intercom, page manager... no response. Go back to lady*
    Me: "I'm sorry, they don't seem to be available. Can I take a message and have them call you back?"
    L: "Sure this is <name> from <some children's science center>, my number is <blah> and I wanted to know if you guys would be will to donate any 5 or 6 pound balls to us for an event that we're holding."
    *I pause for a second, and think about saying "we're not interested", but decided against it.* (Reason why I would do this, to come)
    Me: "Ok, I'll pass on the message, thank you."

    Now, the last time someone called about us making a donation, I forwarded the call. Afterwards the GM told me (in a sarcastic tone) "Hey, next time that someone calls about us making a "donation"... tell them to go **** themselves." (he's very "straight-forward" when he talks lol)

    That's why I thought about saying "we're not interested"... but I didn't want to do that and have her go off about how I wasn't "qualified" to make that decision... instead I just tossed the message in the trash after I hung up. (I got about as far as writing down her phone number)

    Sorry, but, that's one message they aren't going to receive. Besides, they never would have called you back anyway.
    <Insert clever signature here>

  • #2
    Yeah, because I have a ton of 5-6 pound balls just sitting in a room not doing anything.
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3
      Quoth Apathy View Post
      Yeah, because I have a ton of 5-6 pound balls just sitting in a room not doing anything.
      That's what she said.

      Sorry- I couldn't resist. *Ducks*
      "She didn't observe the cardinal rule: Don't F**K with people who handle your food"
      -Ryan Reynolds in 'Waiting'


      • #4
        hey slow down some of this.

        I work a lot with a non-profit that works with children. We have no budget, so the more I can scrounge, the better. I don't know who would or would not have old equipment around, or when. I do know that them as don't ask don't get.

        Personally I would prefer you give me a straight "Sorry, our policy is no". This gives me the option to follow up with do you know anyone who might have something to donate or if you can give me any leads to the least expensive route for getting said equipment. I know the internet is a joyful place, but I figure someone in the industry will have a better idea on how things work than I do. A good scrounge won't be offended if you cannot help.

        Besides, if you say you'll call back and don't, I'll just call again.

        OH yeah, and remind you manager- Tax Break. I have not been the person who does teh accounting, but I do know it is an option for some groups.


        • #5
          Quoth Bramblerose View Post
          OH yeah, and remind you manager- Tax Break. I have not been the person who does teh accounting, but I do know it is an option for some groups.
          The tax break is not worth the value of the donation. In many cases, barely half. Convincing a store to donate (just throwing numbers up) $1000 for a $500 tax break doesn't work with any store that has a decent accountant. People will give because they want too, not because it makes sense as a finacial investment. Sorry, just a bug in my ear that has always bothered me.
          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
          Hoc spatio locantur.

