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I don't understand the words that are comin' outta yo mouf!

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  • I don't understand the words that are comin' outta yo mouf!

    No, this is not a story about non-Native speakers.
    This is a story about a batty old woman who was only speaking about half-loud enough for me to hear her over the extremely soft ambient music of the store. (*click, click, click*, *beep!*, *scan!*, that music, plus the *plish, plish* of the nature sounds CD piped in...)
    I ring her stuff up. And she points at a candy bar, and says, "Ring me up for two of those *garble garble, I have no clue what the hell she just called me!"
    Oh, yeah, even better story first.
    We are currently running two coupons in our ad this week. One for everyday stuff, and one for the Maven of House Wives everywhere! Both are 50% off coupons. One only works for said Maven's products. Now, as far as I've been told, we can only accept one coupon per transaction (backed up by our system only allowing one coupon scanned per customer). This old biddy wants to use both coupons in one swoop.
    Says I: "Alright, but I have to split it into two transactions, one for the Maven, and one for the rest."
    OB: "And how do you expect me to pay with only one check?"
    Thinks I: "Not really my problem."
    Says coworker: "You can take both coupons in the same transaction!"
    Says I: "Since when?"
    Coworker: "Since this week, as they're not both store coupons. One's only good for Maven."
    Me: "Yes, I can read. But our system doesn't allow that."
    Says new FES N (the one who gets along with absolutely nobody): "They work this week."
    I: "No one told me that! I've been splitting sales all day because no one f*cking tells me anything!"
    I ring both coupons (Holy crap! It worked) and return to the point of my original story:
    I: *give total, watch Old Biddy write out check*
    OB: "Did you scan three of those candy bars?"
    I: "Three? You said two!" ("You are down by One, BOY!")
    OB: "I said I ate two when I came in. I could have just not told you about them, like all your other customers do, but I'm not like that." *in a tone that she thinks she's Mother Theresa for admitting to breaking the rules*
    I: *blink, and go back to add another candy bar to her purchase, tell her new total, return check for her to change*
    She: *starts pulling out cash*
    I: *go back and remove candy bar from sale, and remind her that I need a driver's license*
    She: "I can only do one thing at a time. I'm getting cash to pay for that other candy bar right now! How much is it?"
    I: "I'm not sure. I'm going to ring it separate once this part goes through. so we don't get confused."
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    I can never understand why people think they have a right to eat something before they buy it, even if they do buy it, can't they just wait until they've bought it.
    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


    • #3
      Stupid computer taking both coupons

      Oh, now she's pulling out cash. After bitching about the check

      One of these days I'm going to actually say to these tiny-voice "Had I three ears, I'd hear thee."
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        *is guilty of talking in a soft voice*

        I can't help it, I naturally talk softly. But I am very aware of it and will apologize to people when they ask me to repeat myself because they couldn't hear.
        We Pick Up the Pieces


        • #5
          Quoth RayvenQ View Post
          I can never understand why people think they have a right to eat something before they buy it, even if they do buy it, can't they just wait until they've bought it.
          When I was an undiagnosed ADD riddled child, mom would occasionally grab a little box of animal crackers for me to munch on while she went grocery shopping. End of trip, she paid for the box. It kept me occupied so I wouldn't be all "But Moooom I wanna go hooooome" (Not that my mom was a slack at discipline. But that was the simplest, tear free solution.)
          "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

          Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
          Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


          • #6
            Quoth d962831 View Post
            *is guilty of talking in a soft voice*

            I can't help it, I naturally talk softly. But I am very aware of it and will apologize to people when they ask me to repeat myself because they couldn't hear.
            I don't think it was just that she was talking soft, I swear there is an entire range of voice that I can't hear at any level. A friend of my parents' can be speaking normally, and I could be standing right next to her, and hear maybe half of what she says.
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              Quoth Juwl View Post
              ("You are down by One, BOY!")

              Alright you baaaaaad boy! But no more freebies!
              By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

              "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


              • #8
                I've had customers who eat the candy before they buy it--usually they explain--low blood sugar or something else that necessitates them eating RIGHT now. And with the older customers, if they are relying on someone else to get them around, sometimes it's not as easy to stop and have a real meal RIGHT NOW and get to finish their errands. Perhaps she felt her blood sugar was dropping or was low, or whatever. lol

                I love the Maven coupon, maybe it will entice people to buy her overpriced crap.
                you are = you're. not "your".


                • #9
                  ALRIGHT, PEANUT SHELLS!

                  I always love when people eat products before they pay for them...especially products BASED ON WEIGHT. Ok, dim bulb, how am I going to charge you for an apple core? Guesstimate the weight of the apple (which we can do...I have done this with self-check scales)? gosh...
                  HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®


                  • #10
                    I thought that if you ate something before paying, you were pretty much stealing. And isn't stealing bad? I mean, I would love to munch on something while grocery shopping(because shopping on an empty stomach is such a bad idea), but I'm too worried about getting in trouble.
                    "I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me."
                    "Free at last from my vegetable prison!"
                    X-Strike Studios: Video game movies done RIGHT!


                    • #11
                      Quoth RayvenQ View Post
                      I can never understand why people think they have a right to eat something before they buy it, even if they do buy it, can't they just wait until they've bought it.
                      Now, the other day...I had heartburn REALLY bad. I mean, REEEEAAAALLLLYYYYY bad. I went into Target with my friend...well, actually, I was dragged in tummy hurt so bad I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

                      He had some shopping to do - so I slinked over to the pharmacy section and grabbed some Rolaids and gobbled some down. I didn't have my wallet or cash on me and my friend said he'd pay for it - but since he was shopping, I couldn't wait. He promptly paid for them upon check out.

                      I would've rather not done that and waited...but I couldn't.
                      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                      • #12
                        One of our local grocery stores has cup holders on the shopping carts. Each of them says "drink a Coke while you shop pay when you checkout"


                        • #13
                          MY store will allow customers get a pastry/muffin/dough nut and a coffee from our bakery, eat it in the store and pay for the whole thing up front. due to some strange tax rule if they pay at the bakery it is taxed but not up front. Since I hate stopping to ring up one stupid muffin and coffee I usually mention that so I don't have to stop working, ring up customer, wash/dry hands, re-glove and get back to work, espically when I am the only person working. Most customers are gland that I save them some money but some think that I am setting them up to get arrested.

                          To make sure that not too many items get stolen each morning we get a report of how many dough nuts, pastry, muffins were sold thru the registers the previous day and how many were left in the case in the morning. Since (shockingly) 99% of our customers are honest (with this at least) we can continue to do this. If too many get stolen than we have to force customers to pay first.


                          • #14
                            Who eats 2 candy bars (let alone a little old lady) before even getting to the register?
                            I will never go to school!

