Part Customers, Part Management, Part Sightings, All Annoyances, All in ONE day. 
I just LOVE your store!
If you really loved it you would by something so we can stay open in order for you to love it and not just browse through.
Why does everyone assume I'm the one doing the flowers?
Is it because I look like a girl? Is that it? It's gotta be, you've called me "Ma'am" twice already and I corrected you twice. You just brush me off and keep saying how pretty the @*#$ing flowers are.
Like I care. I don't like flowers. Unless they're calla lilies or dogwood. Or something I don't have to take care of. And, YES, they are real, stop touching them!
Owner-man, leave my displays alone.
No, seriously. Don't put the patina frogs with the bronze-fleck stuff. It doesn't look good. Frogger was talking to the fish plates, why did you move it? Why the HELL did you put pink flowers in there? It clashes horribly. That should have been purple to go with the spilled-oil reflection on the saki set. Seriously, dude, it looked better MY way. Damn you for messing it up. Damn you to Hades for 15 days and nights with no sleep. GRR!
RetailWorkhorse: Boss-man, Owner-man said I needed more white bags.
Boss-Man: Why did he tell you that?
Boss-Lady: Because he took a bag.
Boss-Man: (Points at me) Don't use those bags.
RetailWorkhorse: Okay.
Boss-man gets more white bags: You know you're gonna hafta use those bags.
RetailWorkhorse: (Wtf?? You just said NOT to!) ...Okay.
I'm PsycO, Not PsycHIC.
RetailWorkhorse: Yay, CDs! A lady was just looking for that one (points to one).
Boss-Man: What'd you tell her?
RetailWorkhorse: That according to the computer it was on order and I didn't know when they would come in.
Boss-Man: Then you lied.
RetailWorkhorse: Huh? No, I didn't. I didn't know we had them.
Boss-man: (Pats stack of CDs he just put there) They're right here.
RetailWorkhorse: (Stares because I just realized...) ...You're a jerk.
Boss-Man: (Eat-shit grin) And I work hard at it.
Okay, DUD, I can understand if it's been a while and we'd been working together for a long time, but I'm still a new employee, I do NOT appreciate your backwards sarcasm!
Guy On The Road
USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS! I almost ran you over because of your inability to FLICK A STUPID SWITCH.
Lady On The Road
Lady, you're driving a tiny little blue sedan. I'm driving a great big Jeep. Which one do you seriously think will win this little fight? Watch BOTH SIDES of the road or else have the City put in a stupid traffic light.
You're Not Funny
You think you're funny when you make fun of the nice gay couple that came in. You're not. It's not nice to do that. I don't care that you feel you can say those "silly" things because you "have nothing against them." It's offensive to me. I'm so not introducing you to the man who wants to marry me.

I just LOVE your store!
If you really loved it you would by something so we can stay open in order for you to love it and not just browse through.
Why does everyone assume I'm the one doing the flowers?
Is it because I look like a girl? Is that it? It's gotta be, you've called me "Ma'am" twice already and I corrected you twice. You just brush me off and keep saying how pretty the @*#$ing flowers are.
Like I care. I don't like flowers. Unless they're calla lilies or dogwood. Or something I don't have to take care of. And, YES, they are real, stop touching them!
Owner-man, leave my displays alone.
No, seriously. Don't put the patina frogs with the bronze-fleck stuff. It doesn't look good. Frogger was talking to the fish plates, why did you move it? Why the HELL did you put pink flowers in there? It clashes horribly. That should have been purple to go with the spilled-oil reflection on the saki set. Seriously, dude, it looked better MY way. Damn you for messing it up. Damn you to Hades for 15 days and nights with no sleep. GRR!
RetailWorkhorse: Boss-man, Owner-man said I needed more white bags.
Boss-Man: Why did he tell you that?
Boss-Lady: Because he took a bag.
Boss-Man: (Points at me) Don't use those bags.
RetailWorkhorse: Okay.
Boss-man gets more white bags: You know you're gonna hafta use those bags.
RetailWorkhorse: (Wtf?? You just said NOT to!) ...Okay.
I'm PsycO, Not PsycHIC.
RetailWorkhorse: Yay, CDs! A lady was just looking for that one (points to one).
Boss-Man: What'd you tell her?
RetailWorkhorse: That according to the computer it was on order and I didn't know when they would come in.
Boss-Man: Then you lied.
RetailWorkhorse: Huh? No, I didn't. I didn't know we had them.
Boss-man: (Pats stack of CDs he just put there) They're right here.
RetailWorkhorse: (Stares because I just realized...) ...You're a jerk.
Boss-Man: (Eat-shit grin) And I work hard at it.
Okay, DUD, I can understand if it's been a while and we'd been working together for a long time, but I'm still a new employee, I do NOT appreciate your backwards sarcasm!
Guy On The Road
USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS! I almost ran you over because of your inability to FLICK A STUPID SWITCH.
Lady On The Road
Lady, you're driving a tiny little blue sedan. I'm driving a great big Jeep. Which one do you seriously think will win this little fight? Watch BOTH SIDES of the road or else have the City put in a stupid traffic light.
You're Not Funny
You think you're funny when you make fun of the nice gay couple that came in. You're not. It's not nice to do that. I don't care that you feel you can say those "silly" things because you "have nothing against them." It's offensive to me. I'm so not introducing you to the man who wants to marry me.