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A what now?

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  • A what now?

    SC conversation from tonight

    SC: I wanted to see if you have a Super Mario textbook.
    Me: (A what now?) I'm sorry a textbook? Do you mean a game guide?
    SC: Yeah, one of those.
    Me: Which game did you want a guide for?
    SC: I don't know. Just a guide on Super Mario.
    Me: Well, let me look in my computer. We usually only have guides for the latest games. ::searching::
    SC: Target used to have them, and now they don't. (And this tidbit of info helps me, how?) Don't you have something on ALL the Super Mario games? (??? No.)
    Me: I'm sorry, it looks like we don't have any guides on any of the Super Mario games in stock.
    SC: Well, where is your Game Guide section? I'll look myself.
    Me: (Yeah, good luck!)
    Any fool can criticize, comdemn, and complain—and most do. ~ Dale Carnegie

    Sarah: That's not fair!
    Jareth: You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is...

  • #2
    they should look on ebay, or at the online site for the companies that publish those (prima and some other company), rather than a gamestore, since the older ones are likely to be unavailable there.

    worse comes to worse, prima offers a download (for a price) of some game guides, but they lack all the neat extras (artwork, etc).
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Well, and she didn't really know what she wanted, anyway. She had two boys with her, probably like 8 and 9, so they probably had given her some vague idea of something they thought they'd seen somewhere. I did ask her in there somewhere which game system it was for, and she looked at me like I had 3 heads. So, just one of those moms who has no idea what Mario or Pokemon are, but wants SOMETHING about them for their kid.
      Any fool can criticize, comdemn, and complain—and most do. ~ Dale Carnegie

      Sarah: That's not fair!
      Jareth: You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is...


      • #4
        ahh, placating the youngins; good luck on that for her. once you start filling their orders for crap, it doesn't stop...!
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          That's what walkthroughs on the web are for.....
          I'm sure her sons know that, though.


          • #6
            Quoth Amalthea View Post
            Well, and she didn't really know what she wanted, anyway. She had two boys with her, probably like 8 and 9, so they probably had given her some vague idea of something they thought they'd seen somewhere. I did ask her in there somewhere which game system it was for, and she looked at me like I had 3 heads. So, just one of those moms who has no idea what Mario or Pokemon are, but wants SOMETHING about them for their kid.
            Oh, that reminds me of a long era past when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles craze was upon us en masse. For some reason, they appealed to children, and a chum of mine who ran a gaming store reported the depressing sight on a regular basis of people returning the adult-themed original RPG. He warned them up and down that it was not aimed at children, but the youngsters were there and screaming to have their books, only to have the parents bring it back as soon as they saw the contents.

            One parent tried to do that after their youngster had taken a set of crayons to the book...


