But my neighbor said:
Had an insured who ONLY had his house policy through us. One day he calls and states his AUTO has been stolen from his driveway. I inform him that we don't carry his auto policy and he'll have to call them.
SC: But my neighbor had his car stolen from HIS driveway and HE said that it would go under my HOMEOWNERS!
Me: Anything inside the car, CD's, jackets, that kind of thing would go under your homeowners, but not the car itself.
SC: But my neighbor said it would be covered under my homeowners!
Me: Your neighbor was wrong. It's written in your homeowners policy that it's not covered.
SC: Really? Prove it.
Me: Sir, can you get the of your homeowers policy that we sent to you?
SC: No. I'm not looking for it.
It boiled down to me having to call our claims department to get a fax a detailed copy of a blank homeowners policy (we only kept the dec pages in our files), finding the exclusion, highlighting it and mailing it to him. Even after that he STILL tried to put claim it under his homeowners insurance policy.
I'm going to my lawyer!
A guy comes in and his bill was late. He made a partial payment and I informed him the remainder needed to be paid with in a week or the policy was going to cancel. I even wrote his payment and due date on his bill and signed it. He got pissed, said I was wrong and then said he was going to his lawyer over the late payment of $35 dollars or whatever.
Ten mintues later he comes in waiving his PAST DUE bill.
SC= Sucky Client
Me= Someone who isn't anyone else.
Italics= thoughts
SC: My lawyer says I need to have this in writing.
Me: Sir, that is in writing. The slip there states you paid $X and the remainder is due in a week.
SC: No my lawyer wants it in a letter form on Company Letterhead.
Me: Sure. Because a lawyer is going to charge you $400 an hour, and be able to see you, demand all this plus travel time. And you're back in my office in 10 minutes. Riiiiiight.
*Writes letter stating $X amount was paid on date and $X amount was due before Y date or policy would cancel. Prints letter signs it and hands it to client.*
SC:... looks it over, puts it in his pocket and leaves.
Another ten minutes goes by and he's back.
SC: My lawyer doesn't want this...
Me: It's what you asked for.
SC: My lawyer says it can't have "past due" on it. *Slaps down letter with his edits on it*
Me: Well there is nothing I can do unless you pay that amount before that date. And sir, you're not fooling me. You didn't just see a lawyer again in that amount of time! I was born, but it wasn't yesterday.
SC: But my lawyer said I can't have this on there. What are you going to do?
Me: Well I can change the letter so it says, "Late Payment" but cannot take out Past Due with out recieving the money you owe.
SC: Fine. *pays final amount*
Me: Thank you, now your policy is paid in full. Your next bill will be the regular payment due on the regular due date.
SC: But I need a letter for my lawyer stating it's paid in full.
Me: Ok. *Ignores clients edits and retypes letter stating $X amount was paid on date, then insured came back and paid past due $X on date. Next bill will be $X due on Y date.*
SC: ... Not happy with this letter. It has to say this and this and this or I don't have a case. Why didn't you use the edits I made.
Me: Sir, since the amount WAS past due, I put that the payment was, but is no longer. I will not lie and risk my job over $35 that you owed. That is the final copy take it or leave it.
SC: Fine. We'll just see what my lawyer says about this.
End result- Had he paid the full past due amount at the start, we wouldn't have done the letter dance. AND since he paid the full amount that was due, he proved that he was indeed late on his payments. Never saw him again. Case dismissed!
Had an insured who ONLY had his house policy through us. One day he calls and states his AUTO has been stolen from his driveway. I inform him that we don't carry his auto policy and he'll have to call them.
SC: But my neighbor had his car stolen from HIS driveway and HE said that it would go under my HOMEOWNERS!
Me: Anything inside the car, CD's, jackets, that kind of thing would go under your homeowners, but not the car itself.
SC: But my neighbor said it would be covered under my homeowners!
Me: Your neighbor was wrong. It's written in your homeowners policy that it's not covered.
SC: Really? Prove it.
Me: Sir, can you get the of your homeowers policy that we sent to you?
SC: No. I'm not looking for it.
It boiled down to me having to call our claims department to get a fax a detailed copy of a blank homeowners policy (we only kept the dec pages in our files), finding the exclusion, highlighting it and mailing it to him. Even after that he STILL tried to put claim it under his homeowners insurance policy.

I'm going to my lawyer!
A guy comes in and his bill was late. He made a partial payment and I informed him the remainder needed to be paid with in a week or the policy was going to cancel. I even wrote his payment and due date on his bill and signed it. He got pissed, said I was wrong and then said he was going to his lawyer over the late payment of $35 dollars or whatever.

Ten mintues later he comes in waiving his PAST DUE bill.
SC= Sucky Client
Me= Someone who isn't anyone else.
Italics= thoughts
SC: My lawyer says I need to have this in writing.
Me: Sir, that is in writing. The slip there states you paid $X and the remainder is due in a week.
SC: No my lawyer wants it in a letter form on Company Letterhead.
Me: Sure. Because a lawyer is going to charge you $400 an hour, and be able to see you, demand all this plus travel time. And you're back in my office in 10 minutes. Riiiiiight.
*Writes letter stating $X amount was paid on date and $X amount was due before Y date or policy would cancel. Prints letter signs it and hands it to client.*
SC:... looks it over, puts it in his pocket and leaves.
Another ten minutes goes by and he's back.
SC: My lawyer doesn't want this...
Me: It's what you asked for.
SC: My lawyer says it can't have "past due" on it. *Slaps down letter with his edits on it*
Me: Well there is nothing I can do unless you pay that amount before that date. And sir, you're not fooling me. You didn't just see a lawyer again in that amount of time! I was born, but it wasn't yesterday.
SC: But my lawyer said I can't have this on there. What are you going to do?
Me: Well I can change the letter so it says, "Late Payment" but cannot take out Past Due with out recieving the money you owe.
SC: Fine. *pays final amount*
Me: Thank you, now your policy is paid in full. Your next bill will be the regular payment due on the regular due date.
SC: But I need a letter for my lawyer stating it's paid in full.
Me: Ok. *Ignores clients edits and retypes letter stating $X amount was paid on date, then insured came back and paid past due $X on date. Next bill will be $X due on Y date.*
SC: ... Not happy with this letter. It has to say this and this and this or I don't have a case. Why didn't you use the edits I made.
Me: Sir, since the amount WAS past due, I put that the payment was, but is no longer. I will not lie and risk my job over $35 that you owed. That is the final copy take it or leave it.
SC: Fine. We'll just see what my lawyer says about this.

End result- Had he paid the full past due amount at the start, we wouldn't have done the letter dance. AND since he paid the full amount that was due, he proved that he was indeed late on his payments. Never saw him again. Case dismissed!