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I met satan the other day (long)

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  • I met satan the other day (long)

    I know everyone says SC= sucky customer but for this thread im using SC as a referance to Scary Customers. And also this was just more of a vibe i got from the guy....rare that anyone makes me nervouse.

    Anywayz im working a normal shift in major home fashions, going pretty slow since its a new addition and the word is still getting out when i get a call from a sister store nearby.

    Me: me
    SSA: Sister Store Associate

    ME: Major home fashions ** speaking
    SSA:Hi this is ** from **. I have a customer here wishing to purchase a twin sized mattress and boxspring and take it home today. We are out of stock and i was wondereing if you have some?
    Me: They dont want it delivered eh? well we got got about 5 of them. send em on over.

    Most of our stuf is handled through a depot and via delivery but we do have some models in stock in our stockroom. We actually had tonnes of these mattresses and boxsprings. And after this conversation i go into our stockroom and load up a mattress and boxspring so when the customers arrive it will be ready to go. Yay wont they be happy? *sigh*

    30 min or so later a mid 40 couple shows up and i greet them. The husband is a partially balding man without a smile on his face and obviouse he has a 'no shit' attitude

    Me: Hi! here for the twin?
    SC: Yes. Both of them.
    Me: Both? i was only told about one. But i have enough so no problem.
    SC: Good. After the gitrl at the other store talked to you they told us that a bedframe is sold seperatly, we would like two of those as well.

    (uh oh no one told me a damn thing about them needing bedframes, which is common since its a new area and people sometimes forget this fact. i had assumed they already had some since it wasnt mentioned and....uh...wr dont carry them in stock...)

    Me: Umm yah im sorry sir we dont have any bedframes in stock, i only checked for what was asked in the earlier phone conversation.
    SC: Well im going to need two anywayz. What kind of deal can you give us since we are buying two?
    Me: We dont have any sales going on on this model sir. (by the way they wanted the CHEAPEST MODEL we have in the first place)
    SC: Well when the sales DO happen its usually 25-30% off the regular price. So how about instead of me coming back for a price adjustment later lets get the price RIGHT the first time.

    This is when i kinda get a large guy but im not *tough*. I am when i need to be but this guy had that edge in his voice and that demeanor that gave me some chills. This is around when the vibe gets really strong.

    Me: Sir i cant barter with these prices.
    SC: How about you go ask your manager for me ok?

    *call manager, she says "no that bed doesnt even go on sale ever its our cheapest model"*

    Me: Im sorry Sir this model doesnt go on sale and i cant give you a deal on the price.
    SC: Really....

    At this point he stares at me and has his lips tight together. His body is tense and his face turning a mild shade of red.....the thought crosses my mind that he may even jump me right now. He stands like this for a good minute as im gettin more and more edgy and i finally say.

    Me: Sir if you need me i will be in home electronics.

    Gah! it sounds like a normal annoyed SC but damn....the man scared me :P had to vent that a bit heh. After i left him and his wife left and i HOPE they dont come back. I hate when people come in expecting a deal on stuff just couse they want it and their so special.....bleh
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    What did he think? Making you scared was going to make you give it him any way?

    Hell people are scared of me in general I should try that. (Just kidding)


    • #3
      Quoth Department stores *sigh* View Post
      SC: Well im going to need two anywayz. What kind of deal can you give us since we are buying two?
      Me: We dont have any sales going on on this model sir. (by the way they wanted the CHEAPEST MODEL we have in the first place)
      SC: Well when the sales DO happen its usually 25-30% off the regular price. So how about instead of me coming back for a price adjustment later lets get the price RIGHT the first time.
      O.k. since they magically wanted you to produce two bedframes which you didn't have and give them an additional 25-30% off an already cheap bed. Sounds like the ol' entitlment whore syndrome . . .

      Were they buying the beds for themselves, perhaps?
      This area is left blank for a reason.


      • #4
        I can't STAND when ppl do this!!! I'm still working on an acct where a person has gotten FIVE $20 credits in the past year. FIVE!!! People keep giving into them. I finally just put a note on the acct not to give them anything else. Sheesh...that's $100 we're losing b/c ppl are afraid of these idiots.
        The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


        • #5
          Quoth Department stores *sigh* View Post
          At this point he stares at me and has his lips tight together. His body is tense and his face turning a mild shade of red.....the thought crosses my mind that he may even jump me right now. He stands like this for a good minute as im gettin more and more edgy and i finally say.

          Me: Sir if you need me i will be in home electronics.

          That is a perfect way to diffuse someone who is trying to use the expectant silence treatment on you. Here it was mixed with the expectant stare. It usually is a great technique to get people to say things, as our natural reaction to silence is to say something. He was trying to get you to fill in the silence with something he wanted to hear. Instead, by simply ending the conversation, you showed him that you were not going to "blink".
          Last edited by South Texan; 09-12-2006, 06:59 PM.
          "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
          .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


          • #6
            He wanted discounts on something you didn't have... and wanted two of them? Sure, give him the discount, he just gets twice the nothing in the end

