Had a older lady come in the other day. She wanted 5 Buy One Get One Camel Lights(10 packs/1 carton). I tell her the total and she says she has a coupon. I tell her she can not use a coupon on BOGO's.
CS : The older lady..
B: My boss/Owner..
BD: Bosses Dad (Use to own the store years ago..)
Me: Sorry you can't use a coupon on these.
CS: Thats bullsh*t! Why not!?
Me: We are not allowed as per our contract with them.
CS: BusllSh*t, I called Camel and they told me any store has to take this coupon even on BOGO!
Me: *Yells for the owner*
CS: I don't care what he says.
I tell my boss whats going on and he informs her we can NOT take a coupon on BOGO.
CS: Thats BULLSH*T! CAMEL SAID YOU HAVE TO! Other stores do it all the time.
Me and B at same time: They shouldn't be.
CS leaves saying she will go elsewhere.
30 minutes later she is back. Says she will take them because noone else in town has them right now.
As she is paying the Bosses dad comes up front.
CS: BD how come you don't take coupons?
BD: *Getting mad* Who said we don't take coupons!?
CS thinks she is going to get her way...
CS: He won't take my co...*I cut her off...*
Me: BD she wants to use a coupon on BOGO's and me and B told her we can't do that.
BD: Oh, yeah no coupons on BOGO's.
CS: Other places take them all the time. This is BULLSH*T! I am going to call Camel again.
BD: Well unless Camel changed their terms and didn't tell us, they shouldn't be doing that.
CS storms off complaining that she is calling Camel on us.....
I love how BD hasn't owned the store for over 10 years, yet they keep going to him and won't believe his son. BD has even told people he doesn't own the store and they need to speak to B yet they keep going to him.
I like when they get pissed at me for something and say they are going to BD because they know him so well. If they knew him so well they would know he isn't the owner. Most of the time when I inform BD about what went down and how they said they know him he doesn't even know them.
They get pissed when I...
Will not give them credit.
Will not take their check.
Will not break a $50 or $100.
Ask them to move their car when they park at the pumps and they are not getting gas.
Will not take all pennies for their purchase.

CS : The older lady..
B: My boss/Owner..
BD: Bosses Dad (Use to own the store years ago..)
Me: Sorry you can't use a coupon on these.
CS: Thats bullsh*t! Why not!?
Me: We are not allowed as per our contract with them.
CS: BusllSh*t, I called Camel and they told me any store has to take this coupon even on BOGO!
Me: *Yells for the owner*
CS: I don't care what he says.
I tell my boss whats going on and he informs her we can NOT take a coupon on BOGO.
CS: Thats BULLSH*T! CAMEL SAID YOU HAVE TO! Other stores do it all the time.
Me and B at same time: They shouldn't be.
CS leaves saying she will go elsewhere.
30 minutes later she is back. Says she will take them because noone else in town has them right now.
As she is paying the Bosses dad comes up front.
CS: BD how come you don't take coupons?
BD: *Getting mad* Who said we don't take coupons!?
CS thinks she is going to get her way...
CS: He won't take my co...*I cut her off...*
Me: BD she wants to use a coupon on BOGO's and me and B told her we can't do that.
BD: Oh, yeah no coupons on BOGO's.
CS: Other places take them all the time. This is BULLSH*T! I am going to call Camel again.
BD: Well unless Camel changed their terms and didn't tell us, they shouldn't be doing that.
CS storms off complaining that she is calling Camel on us.....
I love how BD hasn't owned the store for over 10 years, yet they keep going to him and won't believe his son. BD has even told people he doesn't own the store and they need to speak to B yet they keep going to him.
I like when they get pissed at me for something and say they are going to BD because they know him so well. If they knew him so well they would know he isn't the owner. Most of the time when I inform BD about what went down and how they said they know him he doesn't even know them.
They get pissed when I...
Will not give them credit.
Will not take their check.
Will not break a $50 or $100.
Ask them to move their car when they park at the pumps and they are not getting gas.
Will not take all pennies for their purchase.