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He cusses, He fusses... But Guess What... PWNED!!!

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  • He cusses, He fusses... But Guess What... PWNED!!!

    Ok... Quickie... But this is so good.

    I've had a lot on my plate this week with court and what not. (I've got a thread on it) so I was a bit remiss about getting to my voicemail. So I made sure I left a message advising that I'll be away for most of the week.

    So I get a message from this guy. Riiight. Like this would be a story with only one voicemail message. Ok, not bad... he left two. Basically indicated that he was not pleased with the way his latest invoice showed that he was still a month behind. Used f-bombs and others reflecting how angry he was, and how if this keeps up he's gunna switch to a Different ISP. (Basically thinking: 'k what was the number for the mbulance?')

    So I call the guy, just to clarify his position. and to get any reference numbers to both confirm his story, and initiate recovery traces. He pulls the cards as per above. I politely tell him that I will get to the bottom of it and call him right back.

    So I look through bank transfers, and case notes, and I found that previous times it had happened was because he forgot to make his payment. Yep... you guessed it... he missed his March payment. so I call the guy:

    Q: Hello, Mr. SC?
    SC: Ya? Did ya find out WTF is going on?
    Q: Yes I did, Sir. Are you still on your bank site?
    SC: Yes.
    Q: Can you please check to see if you made a payment in March? I have one received for May, and April.
    SC: Um... Just a sec...
    SC: ... Uh... No I dont...
    Q: Well that would be why you had a balance owing Sir.
    SC: I guess I better pay that, then, huh?
    Q: Yeah. Thank you for calling ****** , Have a great day!
    Windows Operating System is an oxymoron."

    Oh, You want instant Gratification? Go f*ck yourself then!
    I found the problem. /dev/clue was linked to /dev/null

  • #2
    Yeah, we get that at work also. They miss a payment and then get pissed at us for their fault.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      Quoth Qaeria View Post
      SC: ... Uh... No I dont...
      Q: Well that would be why you had a balance owing Sir.
      SC: I guess I better pay that, then, huh?
      I have just one thing to say. OWNED!
      MMO Addicts group


      • #4
        I'm kinda surprised that he didn't still insist you take the charge off.
        Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


        • #5
          Quoth Apathy View Post
          I'm kinda surprised that he didn't still insist you take the charge off.
          I weep for this comment. Yet if this forum is any gauge to go by, I'm a little surprised as well.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

