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Yes, you have to pay for that year

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  • Yes, you have to pay for that year

    Ok, the membership org I work for is very popular with a certain demographic, and our membership fees are VERY low. $20 for an idividual membership with benefits, discounts, full website acces, etc. $40 to register a group, which INCLUDES the $20 membership for the leader of that group. Dirt cheap, really, which is why none of us make much working there.
    While most of our members gladly and cheerfully pay their dues, our call center of course gets the majority of those who complain. One of my favorite calls usually goes something like this (generic call: it happens at least once a week):

    CC: Call Center Employee
    SC: you know

    CC: Thank you for calling _______, this is Call Center Employee, how can I help you?
    SC: I want to renew my group's membership. I think it's due.
    CC: Ok, let me pull that info up. (if she's lucky, yhe SC has her group number. But at least half the time they don't, and don't remember the name of their group either. fun convo on its own).
    CC: Ok, I do see your group listed in our records, but it's been expired since July of last year.
    SC: Ok, I want to renew it.
    CC: You have a couple of options for renewal: if you want to keep the same group name and ID number, you'll need to pay the back dues, which is a total of $80, and will renew the group till July 09. Or, you can start it up as a brand-new group, but you would need to pick a different name and ID#.
    SC: What?? What do you mean I have to pay for last year! It's already past, why would I pay for it?
    CC: That's our policy, ma'am: you never called in to cancel your membership, so we assume your group was still meeting.
    SC: That's ridiculous, I won't pay that.
    CC: Well, you can start it up as a new chapter,, but you would need to give the chapter a new name.
    SC: Well, I'm not about to do that: we already have our t-shirts printed up with the old name on them.
    CC: *thinking: so you have the money to custom print t-shirts, but you couldn't afford the lousy $40 last year???* Then you'll need to pay the back dues in order to keep the chapter name.
    SC: That's baloney, I'll just wait till July and renew then.
    CC: The same thing will apply in July, ma'am. It's not the month, it's the year. In July you'll have the same options that I just gave you.
    SC: Well, we won't renew then! We don't need you! We can keep meeting on our own!
    CC: Actually, ma'am, it's illegal to present yourselves as part of our organization without being a member. We do have a legal department.
    SC: *click*

    Good grief! What's so hard about "You didn't pay us last year so you're a year behind"???
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:

  • #2
    SC's never have a sense of time. That's why they bring in coupons past their expiry date and expect them to work. And throw a fussy when they don't.

    Last year to her = yesterday?


    • #3
      Actually, ma'am, it's illegal to present yourselves as part of our organization without being a member. We do have a legal department.
      Please, please, please tell us that it's your policy to forward their name immediately to your legal department when they claim they'll keep meeting.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
        SC: I want to renew my group's membership. I think it's due.
        SC: Ok, I want to renew it.
        SC: What?? What do you mean I have to pay for last year! It's already past, why would I pay for it?
        SC: Well, I'm not about to do that: we already have our t-shirts printed up with the old name on them.
        SC: That's baloney, I'll just wait till July and renew then.
        SC: Well, we won't renew then! We don't need you! We can keep meeting on our own!

        "You didn't pay us last year so you're a year behind"???
        I mean, look at the circle she talked herself into. Her group has been using the name for the past year, right? You would think so because they already have the shirts printed with that name on it. Also, they have been meeting for the past year and seem to have no problem continuing meeting on their own. So, this group has been using it for the past year - where's the issue? You owe that year...period.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          I hope you record your conversations being later on, when she goes to complain about having to pay this fee, you have a record of her violating the laws mentioned here.


          • #6
            Quoth greensinestro View Post
            I hope you record your conversations being later on, when she goes to complain about having to pay this fee, you have a record of her violating the laws mentioned here.
            We don't record the calls, but the CSRs do make notes in their accounts. Including if the customer used foul language, tried to pull a scam, or complains about a fee. Reading the notes on accounts is sometimes really fun.

            I think my fav series of notes was on this one group, who kept getting me every time they called.

            Background: it's easy to change the leader of a group--we just need the current leader to call and let us know she's stepping down, and someone else is coming in. EASY. (if they do this after their yearly dues are paid, there's a $20 fee, but that's it: before renewal, there's no charge). This group kept calling in, different members at different times, asking to change the leader. I told them each time that the current leader would have to call us, and they'd whine and ask what would happen if the leader didn't contact us. Made notes each time.

            Finally, one lady calls, and after being told the policy and whining, she asks, "Well, what if our leader is dead?"

            Me: If that was the case, we do have a policy, but I've talked to your chapter 4 times already, and no-one has mentioned that the leader has died. You didn't even mention it until I told you our policy.

            SC:, I'll see if I can get her to call you. *click*

            Group leader phones up 10 minutes later. Sweet lady, actually. Now why did they make that so difficult????

            Sometimes the new leaders get all huffy, until we inform them that the policy is for their protection--do they REALLY want anyone to be able to call in and be set up as leader of that group, with access to the addresses and phone numbers of the members???
            "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

            My pony dolls:


            • #7
              It seems pretty simple to me.... If you used the service for the past year, you owe for that year.


              • #8
                Quoth Blisskat View Post
                It seems pretty simple to me.... If you used the service for the past year, you owe for that year.
                Not if you're the person who managed to get a free ride, then gets caught. Don't you understand how angry you make a person when they're found out and are then expected to own up to what they did?


                • #9
                  That's it. The next time I go to a restuarant I'm not paying my check!!

                  Why should I pay for food I already ate?
                  Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


                  • #10
                    Quoth LifeCarnie View Post
                    That's it. The next time I go to a restuarant I'm not paying my check!!

                    Why should I pay for food I already ate?
                    Ha!!! I may use that line next time to explain it to them.....
                    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

                    My pony dolls:


                    • #11
                      Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
                      Ha!!! I may use that line next time to explain it to them.....
                      no, they'll agree that you shouldn't pay

