this gem happened over a weekend shift; semi busy early afternoon time, people going in and out, kids everywhere, some with parents, but the ones in the title were not...
we generally do sampling during rushes for the usual reasons, get more sales; most take as freebies and are content with one or two.
not this trio (i think they were brothers or cousins); they came back multiple times, taking two or three per shot, irritating, but they are samples, so i don't say or do anything. they're also moving around the store, being pests with no intention of buying anything, which always makes me suspicious (we're a high theft area)
next thing i know, the middle aged member of the trio is messing with the cups; i again say nothing because i can get into trouble for 'telling them not to touch' things, even though they have no reason to. he moves from cups to some cookies (thankfully, these are prepackaged), then his paws move into the tips, sifting the coins and moving them around.
i immediately get pissed; wtf? how in the hell can you justify touching other people's money? i tell him, in a rather pissed tone, to get his hands out of there. he pulls his hands away, grinning; yah, nice kid.
a few seconds later, his brother/cousin comes up as one of my coworkers shows me a bracelet he found outside; nothing fancy or expensive, just a piece some teen girl probably dropped. we secure it in the drawer, when older brother says to me, 'oh, that's mine, ha ha.'
i look at him, already pissed at this group for being a pain in the ass, i look and him and say, 'right.' as sarcastically as possible.
he realises he's not made any friends and tries to play it off by telling me he's just playing. no, you want to play, there's a park down the street; this is a business, not a playground/enterainment center.
they finally leave, but i get a verbal reprimand for speaking too harshly to a potential tip thief, because it's 'not a welcoming' manner of communication.
a few hours after this, the youngest comes in, grabs a cup and runs out...right. i must try harder to be more 'welcoming' to these potential pillars of society.
corporate policy is our biggest stumbling stone i think, sometimes; we have to welcome potential thieves, scammers and liars, yet our store is having issues.
we generally do sampling during rushes for the usual reasons, get more sales; most take as freebies and are content with one or two.
not this trio (i think they were brothers or cousins); they came back multiple times, taking two or three per shot, irritating, but they are samples, so i don't say or do anything. they're also moving around the store, being pests with no intention of buying anything, which always makes me suspicious (we're a high theft area)
next thing i know, the middle aged member of the trio is messing with the cups; i again say nothing because i can get into trouble for 'telling them not to touch' things, even though they have no reason to. he moves from cups to some cookies (thankfully, these are prepackaged), then his paws move into the tips, sifting the coins and moving them around.
i immediately get pissed; wtf? how in the hell can you justify touching other people's money? i tell him, in a rather pissed tone, to get his hands out of there. he pulls his hands away, grinning; yah, nice kid.
a few seconds later, his brother/cousin comes up as one of my coworkers shows me a bracelet he found outside; nothing fancy or expensive, just a piece some teen girl probably dropped. we secure it in the drawer, when older brother says to me, 'oh, that's mine, ha ha.'
i look at him, already pissed at this group for being a pain in the ass, i look and him and say, 'right.' as sarcastically as possible.
he realises he's not made any friends and tries to play it off by telling me he's just playing. no, you want to play, there's a park down the street; this is a business, not a playground/enterainment center.
they finally leave, but i get a verbal reprimand for speaking too harshly to a potential tip thief, because it's 'not a welcoming' manner of communication.
a few hours after this, the youngest comes in, grabs a cup and runs out...right. i must try harder to be more 'welcoming' to these potential pillars of society.
corporate policy is our biggest stumbling stone i think, sometimes; we have to welcome potential thieves, scammers and liars, yet our store is having issues.
