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This is an assbag. It goes "What a crock of shit!"

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  • This is an assbag. It goes "What a crock of shit!"

    Backstory: In this week's ad we have a dining table and 4 chairs set for $199.99. The table in the set has 4 possible choices of chairs, but to get the $199.99 price all 4 chairs have to be one certain style. The chairs are clearly pictured in the ad, and identified by name in the ad

    I got called to do a carryout for this particular set--only the customer brought up tags for a different style of chair that happened to have the same price as the chairs in the ad. I got everything up there to see the customers, an elderly couple, making a ruckus.

    Wife: I should get those chairs for the same price as the ones in the ad! They cost the same!
    Service Desk Person: They're not coming up on the sale. Only the ones in the ad are.
    Me: (pretending to empathize with the customers, but I know what the answer's going to be) These chairs aren't coming up on the $199.99 price?
    SDP: It's not coming off. Everything scans at the regular price for sales like these, and then the difference comes off at the end if it's a table and 4 chairs like these. It's only going to come off if they purchase those specific chairs.
    Me: I'm sorry, only the chairs pictured in the ad here will qualify for the sale price.
    Wife: I don't want them then! Take them back and get me the right ones! What a crock of shit!

    Gee lady, do you kiss your grandchildren with that mouth? I schlepped the chairs back to the backroom and got the ones that are in the ad. I brought everything back up to the front.

    Husband: This is the worst experience I've ever had at a store in my life! We're never coming here again.
    Me: (thinking "Okay, see you on Senior Citizens Day then!")

    As it turned out, they had to have everything held because they couldn't possibly fit everything in their car, making them two-time losers because they didn't think about how much space everything would take up.

    One good thing from this whole Failapalooza: I didn't personally have to load up their stuff when they came back. I was on lunch, so I didn't have to hear them whine any further.

    Bonus: A Mighty Wind

    While doing pulls today, I pulled some Band-Aids. They go in the pharmacy department, right by where everybody stands in line waiting for their prescriptions. While looking for the specific Band-Aids on the shelf, I ended up behind the guy last in line.

    All of a sudden: PPPPFFFFLLLLLTTTTT

    I moved about as fast as I have in a long time escaping the imminent brown cloud and stuck my nose in my shirt. A co-worker happened to be right there and looked at me strange.

    All I could bring myself to tell her was "I got farted on."
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    You know you are in the wrong line of work when you are a prime pick for someone's ass bombs.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      "Wife: I don't want them then! Take them back and get me the right ones! What a crock of shit!"

      I'm sorry the "Crock of Shit" chairs aren't on the sale either.


      • #4
        Bonus: A Mighty Wind
        Man I havent laughed that hard in a while!!! Thank you for sharing!


        • #5
          The last story was too funny!!! Typical SC to say that not getting the stuff they want for the price they demand makes it all the worst experience they've had in the store.
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            Husband: This is the worst experience I've ever had at a store in my life! We're never coming here again.
            Wow! Lucky bastard. His worst shopping experience ever is ... er. huh... getting a good price on a dining room set? Thank god he didn't have to be subjected to a rain check on them - heart failure would have ensued.

            Your 2008 Milwaukee Brewers: We've Got Gagne-rhea! But your team gets the runs.

            (Although the brew crew sure stuck it to my redbirds last series )


            • #7
              Ughh. down here in sunny Wealwaysscrewupelections-land, grumpy old farts are as prevelant as the sunhine. You most definitely have my sympathies.
              I will never go to school!


              • #8
                All of a sudden: PPPPFFFFLLLLLTTTTT
                Oh, you must have been next to my boss.

                I swear, I'm forever running to the other end of the shop or run around with my shirt over my nose if I have to get something somewhere near him.

                Usually draws some strange looks then when they realize why, some pittying looks, from customers.

