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I do so love it dearly..

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  • I do so love it dearly..

    When a SC comes up to you and the following conversation ensue. this happens to me every time i work in the Frozen department of my store. It never fails.

    SC: Do you work here.

    Me:*Thinks to self" hell no, i just wear these goofy ass clothes and stock these shelves cause its fun"* What i really say: Yep, what can i do for ya?

    SC: I've looked everywhere and i cant find "X product" where is it?

    Me: Well i do believe that is down blah blah blah, halfway down the aisle on the right.

    SC: No its not, i already checked there.

    Me i turn to my coworker and ask) Hey Stef where is "X product"?

    Stef: I think its down...

    SC:*Interupting* She doesnt know i already asked her!

    Me: Okay, just let me go take a look.

    I wander down the aisle with the SC in hot pursuit to exactly where i mentioned earlier.

    Me:Uhm ma'am Here it is?

    SC(Huffily):Oh! well...(they procede to walk away and go complain to customer service about my being rude.)

    Maybe i am guilty of being rude occasionally... But they're always guilty of being stupid.

    Edit:I had the best question ever today, a man comes back into the clearly labled employees area walks back to the freezer that i'm working in opens the big ass door that say freezer and asks me if i work there. i just stared at him for a second before answering.
    Last edited by Mayheminzen; 05-15-2008, 04:15 PM. Reason: Cause i met another idiot.

  • #2
    People like her make it oh so much harder for people like me to complain about staff being rude. 'Cause when I complain about it, it's true ... when she complains about it, it's because she can't accept that she was wrong, therefore, you were rude.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      I enjoyed one particular part of this post so much I added it to my sig.

      You've officially been quoted!


      • #4
        Quoth rerant View Post
        I enjoyed one particular part of this post so much I added it to my sig.

        You've officially been quoted!
        Why thank you


        • #5
          Damnit, Rerant--you beat me to it.


          • #6
            I get that at least twice a day.

            SC: I can't find this title on the shelves. You don't have it. I looked EVERYWHERE!
            Me: Hmm, computer says we have it in...let me check just to be sure,

            I go to the shelf and find the title immediately.

            SC: Well, I didn't go THIS far!

            Well then, you hardly looked EVERYWHERE, did you?


            • #7
              SC: Hi, where are your padlocks?
              Me: Last aisle of hardware, halfway down.
              SC: The last aisle that way? *points*
              Me: Yes.
              SC: No they aren't; I just looked there.
              Me: Ok, let's go see.

              *Leads moron to four foot wide display of padlocks in the last aisle of hardware*

              SC: Oh, I must have walked right by them.
              Me: Yes.
              Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



              • #8
                THe best one is when they walk right by the product they are asking for, i just remembered to put that in...


                • #9
                  We frequently don't have enough people on site to actually walk people there, or hold their hands. So we get to do the following.

                  C: I'm looking for blargh
                  Me: Blarghs are on aisle 8
                  C: I was just there, it wasn't there
                  Me: Oh well, guess we're out (Usually true, or it's been moved by customers, or they're lazy)
                  C: Can't you take me?
                  Me: Well, you said it's not there, so we're probably out, and I can't leave my register, and neither can anyone else. (True, and glad for it)
                  C: Do you have any in back.
                  Me: If we have any, it's on the floor, and you said it wasn't, so we're probably out. (Our back is a mess, too even FIND anything in their, it'd take 20-30 minutes, which we don't have, so, we don't have your item)
                  C: I'll go check again.
                  Me: (Yes, please do it "Again")
                  C: Found it.
                  Me: Oh, was it on a different aisle? (Hehe...)

                  Ah, what you get away with when you're chronically understaffed.
                  I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
                  In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


                  • #10
                    Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
                    I get that at least twice a day.

                    SC: I can't find this title on the shelves. You don't have it. I looked EVERYWHERE!
                    Me: Hmm, computer says we have it in...let me check just to be sure,

                    I go to the shelf and find the title immediately.

                    SC: Well, I didn't go THIS far!

                    Well then, you hardly looked EVERYWHERE, did you?
                    Damn you for using the alphabet to your advantage, for shame!!!
                    Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Mayheminzen View Post
                      Me:*Thinks to self" hell no, i just wear these goofy ass clothes and stock these shelves cause its fun"*
                      Kathleen Madigan does a pretty funny bit about working with the public. She always talks about her years of waiting tables, and says she used to get the "Do you work here?" line all the time.

                      Her response? "No. I had this Mexican piñata outfit at my house, and I thought, 'You know what? It's Saturday and I am dressing up!' And coincidentally, these eight other women have the SAME outfit on!"

