Had a woman phone in this morning. The account number she had entered into the computer was under a man's name - uh-oh number one. Confidentiality laws prevent us from sharing any account details with anyone other than the account holder or a legal proxy (and we have to have the proxy on file). It was her husband's account. Her dead husband's account. Her husband had been dead for two years - we closed his account ... three weeks ago. Opened a new account in her name (we never transfer an account from one name to another - we close the old account and open a new one), leaving a credit of $37.
Lady was phoning to have us transfer the $37 from his account to hers. Only one problem with that. We require proof of payment (in other words, she has prove that the money is rightfully hers). So begins the merry go round:
Me: Well, ma'am, I have two options here. If your husband died recently, I can send out a cheque in his name, and you should be able to cash it
Me: ... or, you can provide us with a proof of payment and we'll credit the funds to your new account.
SC: (still screaming) WHAT??? You never asked for proof of identity when cashing my cheques! I've been paying this account for FORTY YEARS, and I'll be damned if I'm going to provide a proof of payment for MY money!!!!
Note the lack of logic there. It gets better.
Me: Well, ma'am, we require the proof of payment when transferring a credit from one account holder to another, to protect both customers from fraud and ...
SC: FRAUD??? This is MY ACCOUNT, paid with MY MONEY, and you
Me: (interrupting, since for 15 minutes by this point, it's been nearly impossible to get a word in) Ma'am, it's NOT your account, it's MR. Whatsit's account, and you're requesting a credit that is in HIS name. I can't simply transfer it over on your say-so until you send us a proof of payment. Incidentally, you didn't advise us of his death when it occurred either, so there's no proof of death on the account.
SC: Proof of death! It was in the newspaper! How much more proof do you want?
errr... certificate of death, maybe?
Anyway, lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum, with my boss standing right behind me for the last 15 minutes of it. I told her on several occasions that if she didn't stop screaming at me, that I would end the call, so she might as well just calm down.
Her little diatribe about how this was how we made our money (by bilking little old ladies who just wanted their due) was endlessly amusing, but finally I had to just put my foot down and tell her that either she provided us with proof of payment or she wasn't getting the credit.
SC: Fine. Just send me the cheque in his name then. If I can't get the money (YOU CAN, you rotten old bag! Just follow the procedure)... then YOU GUYS WON'T HAVE IT EITHER!!!!!
think about that for a second.
Cheques are not debited from the account they're drawn upon until the person the cheque is made out to cashes it. In other words, if she can't cash a cheque made out to someone who's been dead for two years, the money will never leave our hands. And yet, she thinks she won. All she had to do was fax her bloody bank statement showing the payment she made, and we'd have gladly transferred the credit. But no, she shouldn't have to prove that she paid, because (say it with me, kids)... it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing (she threw that at me five times). It's a simple procedure, and it's for her own protection, because any idiot could call up, request the credit and then she'd be out $37. (oh yeah, this whole fuss was for less than $40). We require proof basically to prevent fraud. Cause you could just call up with any account number and request a credit, and if there was one on the file... well, you can see what a slippery slope that is.
SO that was my funnest call this morning
Lady was phoning to have us transfer the $37 from his account to hers. Only one problem with that. We require proof of payment (in other words, she has prove that the money is rightfully hers). So begins the merry go round:
Me: Well, ma'am, I have two options here. If your husband died recently, I can send out a cheque in his name, and you should be able to cash it
Me: ... or, you can provide us with a proof of payment and we'll credit the funds to your new account.
SC: (still screaming) WHAT??? You never asked for proof of identity when cashing my cheques! I've been paying this account for FORTY YEARS, and I'll be damned if I'm going to provide a proof of payment for MY money!!!!
Note the lack of logic there. It gets better.
Me: Well, ma'am, we require the proof of payment when transferring a credit from one account holder to another, to protect both customers from fraud and ...
SC: FRAUD??? This is MY ACCOUNT, paid with MY MONEY, and you
Me: (interrupting, since for 15 minutes by this point, it's been nearly impossible to get a word in) Ma'am, it's NOT your account, it's MR. Whatsit's account, and you're requesting a credit that is in HIS name. I can't simply transfer it over on your say-so until you send us a proof of payment. Incidentally, you didn't advise us of his death when it occurred either, so there's no proof of death on the account.
SC: Proof of death! It was in the newspaper! How much more proof do you want?
errr... certificate of death, maybe?
Anyway, lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum, with my boss standing right behind me for the last 15 minutes of it. I told her on several occasions that if she didn't stop screaming at me, that I would end the call, so she might as well just calm down.
Her little diatribe about how this was how we made our money (by bilking little old ladies who just wanted their due) was endlessly amusing, but finally I had to just put my foot down and tell her that either she provided us with proof of payment or she wasn't getting the credit.
SC: Fine. Just send me the cheque in his name then. If I can't get the money (YOU CAN, you rotten old bag! Just follow the procedure)... then YOU GUYS WON'T HAVE IT EITHER!!!!!
think about that for a second.
Cheques are not debited from the account they're drawn upon until the person the cheque is made out to cashes it. In other words, if she can't cash a cheque made out to someone who's been dead for two years, the money will never leave our hands. And yet, she thinks she won. All she had to do was fax her bloody bank statement showing the payment she made, and we'd have gladly transferred the credit. But no, she shouldn't have to prove that she paid, because (say it with me, kids)... it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing (she threw that at me five times). It's a simple procedure, and it's for her own protection, because any idiot could call up, request the credit and then she'd be out $37. (oh yeah, this whole fuss was for less than $40). We require proof basically to prevent fraud. Cause you could just call up with any account number and request a credit, and if there was one on the file... well, you can see what a slippery slope that is.
SO that was my funnest call this morning
