So my work day today was going extremely sucky. I had to deal with the following asshats.
-The woman who asked me if she could use our bathroom. When I said No, she began to plead with me over and over. How many times did I say No before she got the hint? 5.
-The guy who couldn't find the beer he wanted so he decided to go into the Employees Only area without even bothering to ask if we even carried it.
-And the guy who ordered a case of wine from us. I could not sell it to him until I could get a hold of my boss to ask how much to charge him. Is it my fault I couldn't get of him for a couple of hours? No. His nasty, impatient, attitude did not help matters.
I was in a foul mood when a guy came up to the counter and asked "Do you have big jugs?"
He was looking for big jugs alright....of water. His awkward turn of phrase did relive some of the stress I had been carrying around that day.
-The woman who asked me if she could use our bathroom. When I said No, she began to plead with me over and over. How many times did I say No before she got the hint? 5.
-The guy who couldn't find the beer he wanted so he decided to go into the Employees Only area without even bothering to ask if we even carried it.
-And the guy who ordered a case of wine from us. I could not sell it to him until I could get a hold of my boss to ask how much to charge him. Is it my fault I couldn't get of him for a couple of hours? No. His nasty, impatient, attitude did not help matters.
I was in a foul mood when a guy came up to the counter and asked "Do you have big jugs?"


He was looking for big jugs alright....of water. His awkward turn of phrase did relive some of the stress I had been carrying around that day.