I think it's just about universal that art Museums don't allow visitors to eat in the galleries. We might blink at a baby's baggie of Cheerios but adults are expected to understand this. There are even large signs posted at the entrance to the cafe that read. "No food or drink past this point unless bagged". To anyone with half a brain this refers to food wrapped to be eaten in an office or outdoors. Today, I heard a new interpretation.
They were a professional-looking couple in their late 20s. They were in the African galleries right outside the cafe. She was eating a bag of chips and he was drinking a coffee. I pointed out the sign and said they'd have to finish their snacks in the cafe. The woman looked at me as if I was a bit dim and said, "The chips ARE in a bag".
I wonder if they may have been Lawyers.
They were a professional-looking couple in their late 20s. They were in the African galleries right outside the cafe. She was eating a bag of chips and he was drinking a coffee. I pointed out the sign and said they'd have to finish their snacks in the cafe. The woman looked at me as if I was a bit dim and said, "The chips ARE in a bag".
I wonder if they may have been Lawyers.
